/ff/ Female fitness thread

/ff/ Female fitness thread

A place for us ladies to talk about and get advice on female fitness specifics topics. Saggy boobs, loose skin, kangaroo pouches, after birth work outs, menstruation fucking with your weigh ins, and many more.

Don't feed the trolls and ignore >post tits

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No such thing

I have never seen a penus in real life

good attempt at b8ing females to talk about their bodies, but none of them exist on this board bro. all you'll get is larping trannies

The first peen I saw irl was a geriatric alzheimers patient I had to help bathe

Ive spotted them roaming in the wild if I get 1 more we can start a thread

I HATE chinks so MUCH

Get out, you fucking cunts

No :)

and i agree

It’s taking me WAY longer to lose weight than my bf. I know test and more muscle mass helps a ton with this, but it’s still annoying. Both of us are doing snake diet for 3 days out of the week. Only difference is he eats a lot more ice cream on our refeed days. It’s discouraging but I’m still losing weight. Lost like 15 pounds over 6 weeks.

Yeah, chicken tastes horrible.

Yooo I went to a weird anatomy and physiology camp at Appalachian state university (I think) in high school. We dissected parts of fixed human cadavers. It was so so cool. Also the first penis I saw. Lol.

No it doesn't you mong, you just can't cook

I know, I prefer baking to cooking

true. Chicken breast is really bland tho compared to dark meat or beef or basically any other meat. Trickier to cook.

Is females good for you?

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That must really fucking suck, but try not to diminish your own achievements just because your bf is losing more. You're still putting in the time, effort and hard work and you're just as deserving of praise

That's a way cooler first penis story than mine

I poach chicken breast then use the water to make chicken and vege soup. I normally can't stand breast but poaching it leaves it soft and moist, with the soup helping flavor it. You can also chick a shiiiiiit load of veges in soup without tasting them

Tru. I just bought an instant pot and it’s cash. I made soup the other day and it’s just like you said, so many veggies. Also been making a shrimp boil recipe pretty often that’s less good macro-wise (has potatoes and corn and sausage) but super tasty with added carrots and celery and chicken. I generally feed him the more starchy parts because he insists I include them and I’m tryna cut. Be honest: should I low dose anavar?

What’s the difference between poaching and boiling? With an egg it has to do with the shell but idk with chicken. Pls help.

If you wanna risk growing a beard lmao. You could introduce fasting days, 1 or 2 a week really helps me bump up my numbers. Remember that around your menstruation your weight will fluctuate due to water retention and inflammation. It can really fuck up my weigh ins for a couple weeks, it's kind of like lag

Why don't you just make/ post on the female-only Yas Forums alternative sites? ( aside from the fact theyre dead 99% the time)

Boiling v not boiling. If there are bubbles breaking the surface of the water it's boiling or simmering, to poach you want to bring the water to the hottest temp without boiling. This is gentler than boiling and doesn't dry the chicken out. Cooking time depends on size of your chicken breast but around 20 for medium or 30ish for a chonker

Why ask a question you answered in the same post?

Yeah the “snake diet” is fasting. So I’m at 3 days. Thinking of bumping it up. And yes!!! I didn’t realize how much menstration fucked with everything, thanks for pointing it out. It’s like impossible for me to actually track my weight if I don’t have long-term timepoints. I was super bloated when I first started cutting, so that’s probably a lot of my weight ‘“lost”. Thankfully I haven’t had a lot of gains lost! I’ve been lifting on days I’m eating, but not for the past week because of corona. That’s why I may start fasting more, can’t lift anyway.


Make sure to be careful fasting around menstruation too, try to make sure your getting a good lot of iron in you before and during :)

Post goal body.

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Good point. I’ll get some supplements for iron too. Only been kinda using salt, magnesium, and potassium.

Why must my ideals be so far from reality

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TRUUUUU that's a good goal. I was trying to keep it to real people to limit myself lol. What is that from?

Use more vinegar and spices in your marinade, stab holes in the chicken so that it absorbs the flavor and gets softened by the acidity.

Why don't any of you talk to me. I said some girl looked cute as fuck with round glasses on tinder and she unmatched. The fuck is wrong with you retards?

Yas Forums leave

Pst vgns wth tmstmp y whrs

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0 braincells. Women make no sense, I fucking hate my biology for making me have to be attracted to y'all. I am literally wasting my time trying to be appealing to women and I can't stop because I'm human.

>generic "durrr you're hot comment" instead of saying something interesting

hmm dunno

Define interesting
Once told a girl "imagine George with 2 hard g's" and she liked it, still got unmatched a little while longer
Also derailing thread, nice

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Would lez with.

Post tits or fuck off

Based coffee post

go back

ewwwww gay people

Why do my breasts get bigger when I get my period and how can I keep them that way?



Get pregnant

girls pls join, we've got 5 right now and if you want 100% girl server I can direct you there
also fuck periods fucking with weigh ins, im afraid that ill end up in the next weight class by like .1 kg because of period, or i wont even be able to show up to the competition thanks to really bad cramps

>female "humour"

>Fridge mode requires big titties
The male metabolism is faster right? Maybe it's got something to do with that
And 15lbs for you is more significant for you than 15lbs for him, if you're thinking relatively
And is a snake diet eating occasional massive meals and nothing else? Is it good for cutting?
Yea you fucked up not being gay. Men are where it's at

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How are women so retarded?

Because you are a male weeb loser in your early 20s

I've been eating 1500 calories per day all week. I have to cut down to 1000 calories but i keep failing. Helppp?

What is wendy's leg and waist circumference (or at least a rough visual estimate) , particularly during the Russian roulette and red flavour era

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More examples

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I'm trans, btw. I don't know if it matters

How does it feel, white bitches? How does it feel, seeing the tall, wealthy, HOT men travel to exotic asian countries to meet young asian women? How does it FEEL being so undesirable, so worthless, so UNFUCKABLE that men are willing to line up tens of thousands of dollars simply for the chance to be around us?

I just got proposed to by a multimillionaire. You will never even SNIFF his money.

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At least I'll have white blond children

White women have it easy, at least your not an ugly paki woman like me

Sounds like an anti flex to me

Chad here, how does it feel knowing that internet access has enlightened us to the evils and dangers of women and that we've learned volceldom is the true path, leaving you having to choose between non-whites and genetically inferior simps?