Aged 29

>aged 29
>no female attention ever; done nothing with girls ever, except prostitutes
>no friends or social experiences since school
>become the ugly loner loser nobody talks to within the first day of all my jobs
>inb4 lifting; lifting weights changed nothing

Is anyone else like me? Have you given up all hope?

I'm so jealous of young people for being young. Everyone but me gore on ten holidays a year and many nights out. I'm just a disposable battery for society.

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Yikes that's unfortunate

Have literal micro penis. I don't bother trying despite how many males and females have complimented my looks.

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Post face

Bro im 28 and just had to start over after getting out of Prison. your gonna make it, theres hope for us all man just lift, get outside everyday, interact w people from work. i found that lifting wasnt about the gains but about the commitment to furthering ones self. try to apply the discipline you learn from lifting to daily routine. if your autistic try to find some other autists to hangout w. its fucking 2020 if transfags and queers are getting love and attention from people then so can you bro

What does your body look like, user?

post penis

Meh, im a 24 year old neet, who decided to live a life of celibacy back when I was young since pussy isn't worth it. I get mired by some women but to this day I don't understand why since im not attractive and I don't like talking to people. But life is pretty good for me right now

>I'm just a disposable battery for society
So, why keep letting them steal your energy? You could do something else.

dude, CHRIS CHAN recently managed to get consensual sex with a biological female. Get into autist social circles.

>become the ugly loner loser nobody talks to within the first day of all my jobs
shit, it hits close to home (although i like to use invisible dude instead of ugly loner loser)
i always say this time will be different, it never is

user man, you can't get girls if you dont go out. You say 'no social experiences', just go into any bar and go drinking. Someone will come up to you eventually when you're drinking, even if you're on your phone.
Hell my friend is half bald and refuses to shave but a fat chick approached him, but not me.

dude i'm 27 and my social life is better than ever (or was, before the pandemic broke out). probably what you're seeing is a sort of confirmation bias, where because you think of yourself in this way, you give off that vibe to others who will also see you this way. granted, somewhere along the way in your development people mistreated you (it happened to me, too), but for your own sake you need to get past that.
i'm not sure how to articulate this; as brief as possible, cultivate a love of people. love yourself/others. decent people gravitate toward kind heartedness

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Was she boyfriend free?

Shit people ask me to hang out and I usually just say no thanks. Sometimes they say hey we should hang out or we should be friends outside of work and I'm like ok sure.

But I don't give them my number and I don't make any plans lol...

Who the fuck wants to hang out with 20 something roasties that just want to drink and have sex, zzzz.

I've never seen a dick irl

LOL. Your attitude is shite. Not even half way through your life. Don't lift for girls. Lift for yourself. Movement is life ya floppy buiscut. Worry about your dick later. And see if we are just batteries. Then be the mad duracell bunny you curly bowl of soup.

>Have literal micro penis. I don't bother trying despite how many males and females have complimented my looks.

Hook up with a former whore. Sex was a job for them, most men instantly reject relationships with them (who wants to date a whore!?)
Your cock size will not be an issue and they LOVE being treated like a regular woman.

I'm almost the same
>have never had female attention growing up, done nothing but hug a girl ever, not even prostitutes
>no friends or really any social experiences outside of my Halo professional career
>become the ugly loner nobody talks to within the first day of all of my schooling

Only difference is I hit rock bottom and looked to God afterwards. I did nothing myself but receive more and more revelations from God about Jesus Christ and how much he loved me and it changed my life
>still haven't done anything with girls but what I said before
>female attention is starting to creep in for reasons below
>quit school
>asked god to bless me with wealth one day a year ago
>I now have 1000+ acres of land, a big ass mansion that I moved my parents into so I wouldn't be alone in it, and money that I can use to bless those around me

Because of this shelter in place thing I realize I am fine with being alone and have gotten use to it. Once this is over and I can order workout equipment I'll be making my own home gym.

>im so jealous of young people for being young
shouldnt you be jealous of them having friends? Making friends is as easy as saying hello. Maybe should take a long hard look at yourself and wonder why you dont have any friends

Pic of the mad shagger here

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>turned 25
>still a virgin

>lifting weights changed nothing
post your body. Lifting weights isn't a magic spell, you have to do it to the point of having a good body.

based trip-fag

>if transfags and queers are getting love and attention from people then so can you bro
Honestly a great way to look at it lmao

>tfw no qt3.14 boyfriend free girl

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They aren't though, the only people that can stand being around trannies are virtue signaling sociopaths. None of their interactions are genuine, its why they all fucking an-hero lol.

uplifting as fuck

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my man you have no idea how dark life was when i was fighting my case. now that im out i realize that all things can be overcome. just stay true to moving forward in life, only compare yourself to how you were the previous day and realize that we are in control of our own happiness and situation, nobody else. we can all make it fellas. we just gotta strive. life is hard and is pain but the choice to get out of bed everyday and fight that is the definition of being a man.

This guys gets it OP. Never to late to start. The dawns coming for all of us.

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Post body

imagine taking advice from a convict on a Taiwanese gardening website

i think that OP is legitimately looking for advice and help which would make more sense to be posted here rather than Yas Forums where he would just wallow in self-pity and expect everyone else to go along with it.

What do we have to imagine? He gave good advice, not the despairful defeatism most of you spout. Fuck off.

Ugly people fuck.
Fat people fuck.
Poor people fuck.
Retarded people fuck.
So my question is are you autistic? Because autistics that are socially awkward to the point of intolerability are the only ones I can think of who just CANNOT fuck.

this is a gardening website? i thought this was a Mongolian children's cartoon message board

children's cartoon message board? i thought this was a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

i thought it was a Bangladeshi Kite testing forum

He need help

Well, don’t know what to say. I am literally dyel faggot, who doesn’t look good physique wise (beer gut and tits) but I never had problem with making friends or having a gf because, probably because my personality is not rubbish and I can be funny. Try to find some other hobby than lifting, something what you can do with other people. It’s never late to start with anything.

99 problems but a bitch ain't one

boohoo tfwnogf faggots

Ya blew it. You're way too old. I knew I was going to be a loser forever when I turned 27 and was all of the things you're saying. Just buy a ps4 and enjoy the ride.

>Ugly people fuck.
>Fat people fuck.
>Poor people fuck.
>Retarded people fuck

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God I fucking hate post-2015 Yas Forums

Why don't you go for a walk, buddy? This here is Yas Forums, if you want a body building faggot ass board you can fuck off right back to redd*t.

Found a manual labor job where this amazingly didn't happen and I was included and people actually went to me for advice. Had to leave though because it was complete garbage pay.

You can be a power bottom user, would you like that?

Do you do good handshakes, remember peoples names and proper eye contact?

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He might be an incel,but when i find you ,you will be dead !

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You need to go out and do this shit. You can't expect people to magically appear if you sit and do fuck all.

Are you london bro?

Never skip personality day

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I'm 26 and i was a neet for almost 5 years.
>no friends
>barely any interraction with women
>shit education

I spend the last year applying for jobs in my local area, shit was tough, but i may finally have found a place willing to try me out. Going in for an interview after the corona scare dies down a bit. I also started working out a lot and caring more about my diet, and i've made it a goal to hopefully complete my first triathlon this year. I started hitting up women again, and because my body looks better, i feel a lot better about myself too. I'm more confident and social, despite always being an autistic introvert.

Point is. It's never too late OP. Small changes in your everday life can lead to some major changes down the road, that's how life works man. Small steps everyday bro.

>I'm so jealous of young people for being young
29 isn't old ffs, don't listen to zoomers, they still live with their parents. Some of us develope slower than others, i'm one of them.

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yall new mfs dont know the difference btween tripfag and namefag smfh

I was the same and turned it around in my early 20s. Then after a few years of bad things happening I'm worse than I was. Really trying to change it around again, but this time my major problem is restoring a sense of positivity for the future again when I'm sure there is nothing good that awaits me, if there ever was.

Jesus Christ is doing the same for me. He loves me that's how I know He loves you too and everyone in the whole world.

Sounds like you need to visit dr defrancq

What did you do criminal faggot?

Life can change drastically in a crazy short time, for the better or worse. It's up to you to make it happen. You can't keep going on the same way and expect things to change, that's like waiting for a miracle to happen. Clearly whatever you have been doing didn't work for you, do why are you so scared to try something else?