Is cellulite unavoidable on majority of women? How do I deal with this? I don't want a woman with cellulite.
Is cellulite unavoidable on majority of women? How do I deal with this? I don't want a woman with cellulite
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U are a pussy
Ever seen a fit women with cellulite?
my fiancée lost a bunch of weight for our wedding after getting into running
she used to have a nice butt and boobs despite her slight belly. Now she’s thin and her ass and Tits are deflated
There are worse things than cellulite m8
It's natural and even women in shape have it. Stop being a faggot
God I want to come on her tits while I smash her face with a brick.
Idk, but just embrace it. Who cares as long as she's not fat.
It has to do with how their connective tissue attaches to the skin and fat. They're structurally more prone to it than men.
>Is cellulite unavoidable on majority of women?
Sorry user, it's how it is. Many of the instathoths photoshop theirs out so it's more common than you think.
have you guys ever thought about actually killing someone whilst sexually climaxing?
haha shit would be so cash haha
I find cellulite in a woman kind of sexy for some reason... reminds me of a passage in Marcus Aurelius meditations:
"We should remember that even Nature’s inadvertence has its own charm, its own attractiveness. The way loaves of bread split open on top in the oven; the ridges are just by-products of the baking, and yet pleasing, somehow: they rouse our appetite without our knowing why.
Or how ripe figs begin to burst.
And olives on the point of falling: the shadow of decay gives them a peculiar beauty.
Stalks of wheat bending under their own weight. The furrowed brow of the lion. Flecks of foam on the boar’s mouth.
And other things. If you look at them in isolation there’s nothing beautiful about them, and yet by supplementing nature they enrich it and draw us in. And anyone with a feeling for nature—a deeper sensitivity—will find it all gives pleasure. Even what seems inadvertent. He’ll find the jaws of live animals as beautiful as painted ones or sculptures. He’ll look calmly at the distinct beauty of old age in men, women, and at the loveliness of children. And other things like that will call out to him constantly—things unnoticed by others. Things seen only by those at home with Nature and its works."
it legit looks gross and feels gross to touch.
yea. some fit irish trainer actually. that's why im freaking out a bit. it just seems unavoidable which sucks.
why did you share this?
Stretch marks are worse than deflated tits and ass
Women peak physically at 15-19 years of age depending on specimen. I'll let you make the conclusions.
t. Big Gay
Because you said you didn’t want a woman with cellulite.
I, like many others in this thread, am explaining to you why your worries are petty
No shit, she didn’t have fucking stretch marks— I’m not some fucking animal. Jesus
Based and sociopathic haha poster.
Idk, I don't mind stretchmarks as long as she's not fat.
Even on deflated tits? It looks pretty gross tbqh
so cellulite and stretch marks are unavoidable on 99.9% of women huh
basically women have two choices when they hit 40 - chicken skeletal mode or fat mess
If it helps you. When I get a good tan the celulite is much less visible, it's still there though.
There's nothing wrong with a little bit as long as your ass doesn't look like the surface of the fucking moon
>Is cellulite unavoidable on majority of women?
>How do I deal with this?
Stop watching animu.
Yes, all the time.
>deflated tits
What the fuck are deflated tits? Stetch marks on hips, ass and tits are fine, saggy tits aren't
what a nice sensible butt, no homo
no they're not faggot. You're just probably gay
stop being a fag op even fit girls have some, its natural
>Now she’s thin and her ass and Tits are deflated
Didn't you see that coming?
It's an inherently feminine trait, almost all (cis) women have it.
I have this shit on my back. Why? Never been over 160lbs, never had dramatic growth spurts, always been relatively fit my whole life.
Not a women btw
>cellulite on young women
muh fucking dik
hows it going, pierce?
>some fit irish trainer
pretty good, how about you?
>she fell for the cardio meme
You sure its not just stretch marks? I've been a skeleton for most of my life, and got them pretty bad.
Cute white girl butt is the best ass type. Instathot ass that sticks out a mile past skinny thighs and hammies and fat ghetto booty are both disgusting.
That's a beautiful excerpt. I really thank you for sharing this. I'm downloading that book.
Does this whore not realize that she's in public?
>women reverse re-comp
blessed skinny fat girls in high waisted jeans
Start banging dudes then
calm down muhammad your sharia means nothing in the free world
God I love this webm
Found the jew
Literally all of my ex's fat went into her tits and ass. The more i fed her the more they grew. I even thought her stretch marks were hot. I miss her sometimes. My perfect creation. Too bad she was a bitch.
>He'll look calmly... at the loveliness of children.
Based and redpilled
This means you're gay and want to fuck other men. Don't deny it, embrace it.
It's okay, incel kun, relax.
You know what you must do
You’ll like it after you go through puberty
this user nailed it, unfortunately. I've worked in gyms now for 13 years, and this is correct.
Should have dated a fit chick in the first place.
Fat. Not even once.
I can’t wait for some moron to come in and call Marcus Aurelius a faggot.
she clearly has some belly fat as well, I imagine she rarely exercises when its not for a role
ahhh you forgot the I have "high test" aswell
Yeah but he totally was......
made for BBC
There's a small minority of women, around 5-10%, that are genetically resistant to cellulitis and only develop some in their early 50s. I've seen those many times in the beach. Usually their bodytype is thin all over but not always
Literally false analogy and cope