Only high IQ AKA Vegans are allowed to participate in this thread
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/Vegan Thread/
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kill vegans
not if save a heard of animals and send them to attack you
Animals are friends, not food.
Friendly reminder for the faggots that eat meat, we wouldn't have corona if we didnt eat meat as we would have no need for meat markets.
uh actually it was filthy gooks and their objectively revolting practices that gave us corona, not the practice of eating meat itself.
uh actually its still the practice of eating meat itself bat meat is meat and if humans were vegan this wouldnt have happened tard
if there were advantages to being vegan humanity would've done it 3000 years ago when buddhists proposed the idea. If it just let you grow 10x the people with no drawbacks that's what somebody would've done, then he'd have kicked the fuck out of his neighbors until they had to go vegan too to keep up their warrior population. Why didn't that happen for a 3000 year old idea? There couldn't be a... catch, or something, could there?
This demonstates the average iq of meat eaters
>Muh meat makes me stronk
All vegans should be thrown off a building
fucking dope
Back then people didnt have the know how/money to be vegan. Nowadays everyone has the information at their fingertips
I'd shoot them and eat them because animals are weak betas just like vegans.
> it's what we evolved for!
> it's too complex to do in a primitive environment
pick one faggot
i get vegans standpoint that animals are mistreated on mass scale production facilities.But you should blame overpopulation and consummerism (food wastage aswell) for it.
People want cheap food. Thats nothing new.
But no one will convince me vegan diet is healthy or sustainable worldwide.
Does anyone else feel literally no difference since going vegan? I'm in it for the animals so it doesn't matter, but I'm curious if other vegans are just exaggerating.
Veganism kills far more animals than any other diet because monocrop farms kill the most animals (and cause the most deforestation). The best way to reduce animal suffering is to only eat large ruminents raised ethically and farmed locally. Imported plant crap from around the world is so fucking bad for the environment and human health. All modern diseases can be traced to the introduction of sugar and vegetable oils to the diet.
Literally vegan arguments are complete bullshit , they are brainwashed and generally low IQ. There's a reason so many vegans are teenage girls. A man should be embarrassed to have fallen for that fad.
Wish mods would just ban these vegan threads they don't belong on fit, they should fuck off back to tumblr or whatever sjw sites they came from.
Veganism is cheaper than a meat-based diet if you don't buy the expensive hipster "super fruits". People just don't know shit about nutrition.
>But no one will convince me vegan diet is healthy or sustainable worldwide.
It's okay to admit that you're ignorant to facts.
>Meat diet 100 billions animals directly killed a year + animals killed in harvesting for vegitables and other foods.
>Vegan diet limits the amount of animal suffering to a minimum through only vegitable farming
Veganism isnt 100% not killing animals its about reducing our impact on them.
So no its not complete bullshit, your statement is
Honestly though humans evolved to eat anything they can get their hands on. Fruit, vegetables, legumes, berries, mushrooms, fish, birds, other mammals, reptilians, insects, heck even whales, also eggs, milk and dairy, and so much more.
Humans evolved to be opportunistic predators, they'll survive on anything and in any environment.
That being said, unless you live in Africa or India, I doubt you have to worry about survival. You could just as easily be a vegetarian and be completely healthy. It's all right there in your local grocery store
Do you think everyone was eating meat all the time? Serious question, need to know whether or not you are retarded and worth continuing to engage.
Only white people evolved for dairy. In fact for that matter only white people developed modern supply chains or science, so arguably even the "dude it's 2020" brand of veganism should theoretically be only for whites
You can ship a banana around the world 6 times and it causes less environmental damage than locally sourced ruminently raises meat. Which btw is never gonna be enough to feed demand, so factory farming.
Wrt your statement about veganism killing far more animals than any other diet, did you think before you typed? That was a bit of a brainfart on your part lol, silly billy
>In fact for that matter only white people developed modern supply chains or science
Ah yes, the majority of Asia doesn't exist
I'm white so I always assume I'm talking to other white people online.
I dont think people realize that something like 80% of all crop lands are dedicated to feeding the livestock we eat, 50 billion chickens to feed the world for a year or just eating beans and shit idk tough choice
haha chicken slaughter machine go brrrr
Eat mussels. They have all the b12 vegans need to prevent their brains from rotting. Tons of other nutrients too. And they lack freaking brains so they aren't even aware of what you're doing and can't feel pain. They're plentiful and will never run out.
Mussels are idea for what vegans claim to want to eat.
Mussels are icky
Can you give me an example of what you eat day to day?
Onions milk has been proven to increase testosterone so check mate meat cucks
1. vegan processed junk food and mock meats is icky. Junk food is junk food is junk food doesn't matter if it's "Vegan" or not.
2. It is better than the slow brain rot that happens to vegans due to long term malnutrition.
Everyone stop posting your copypasted responses and post more cute animls
All of the vegan websites are fearmongering about the coronavirus.
This video alone destroys veganism
Who mentioned junk food?
Lol. It's always 'this video'. How life must be in schizo land.
>Animals are friends, not food.
I like animals too, but could you please not regurgitate brainless bumper-sticker slogans please?
Jesus was vegan
Is that actually a bumper sticker? I haven't heard that one before.
And the vast thousand of miles of clear cut farmland for agriculture growth doesn’t effect animals? Let’s just face it there’s nothing wrong with eating meat, what’s wrong is industrial society
Meat has much higher nutrient availability.
Veganism is so fucking 2018. Time for a new fad, perhaps it can be sea-food this time.
>go vegan for the environment!
>go vegan for your health!
>go vegan for the animals!
vegans BTFO
>thinking you need to roid for this
why are you here if you don't even lift?
>Veganism is so fucking 2018. Time for a new fad, perhaps it can be sea-food this time.
You need to turn it into an all encompasing religion/cult though. That's the appeal of veganism. It's an all encompansing world view and moral system and places them at the center of a big eternal struggle to save the world and they are the self-less saviors.
>Who mentioned junk food?
Vegans. They eat huge amounts of processed junk and mystery foods all the time. That's 10x ickier than any seafoods.
Oh and vegan junk food is awful for your health.
You can't draw any real conclusions about life expectancy from meat consumption alone. This "Preethi Kasireddy" is probably Indian and thinks India is a developed 1st world country. It's not. India is so poor, the women there literally get up before sunrise so they can shit on the street in the cover of darkness without getting raped.
So in other words how vegan or vegetarian a nation is has nothing to do with life expectancy? That's fine. Because I agree fully that India's problems are because it's poor with all the problems associated with that. As they develop their life expectancy will increase.
so how do you apply this 'dietary = healthy' logic to blue zones but not to nations which don't fit into the vegan ideology?
That dude is old as fuck definitely on roids and I’m not even vegan
I would only go vegan for the health benefits but I would eat eggs(five a day?) so as not to go deficient and so I don't have to fork over top dollar for some shit with low bio availability
cows wouldn't exist in a vegan world. You would literally end their existence if your dream came true.
Ok user show us your body at 52
I don't eat meat beaqcuse it's delicious or because it's healthy and vital, I eat it because weak things deserve to die.