How you holding up fight bros? I'm dreading the ring rust i'm going to have when all this shit is over
I haven't sparred in so long
How you holding up fight bros? I'm dreading the ring rust i'm going to have when all this shit is over
I haven't sparred in so long
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which martial art is best to compete in if you have methfiend cardio?
Boo fucking hoo so you can't roll around on the ground while punching another dude in the nuts for a few weeks.
Not a single one doesn't need great cardio
I had my first fight scheduled for April 25, got moved to June 6, but the gyms are closed till MAY most likely. Been running nearly everyday, burpees, pushups, squats, kettlebell swings, and various calisthenics on top of 5 minute rounds of shadowboxing. /mag/ fags, use this time to focus in and become BEASTS. We're gonna make it.
The gun
and even then only stationary shooting types will do
Still running dog bros, can do it from home so no change
I'd say judo doesn't really need stellar cardio
Maybe if you're going against a scrub and can throw them in under 30 seconds. Otherwise no
Was going sign up for an MMA gym just before all this blasted Corona Virus kicked off. Had never really been that interested previously, as I always groundgame to be... "uncivilised", but I decided to swallow such notions in search of a good fighting gym.
As an aside though, during the lockdown that Britbongs are currently subject to, I have rediscovered my love for Capoeira.
Get your fight fix by watching significant or interesting fights from the past.
Chagaev vs Valuev 2007
The Tatar "White Tyson" takes the WBA heavyweight title from the Russian giant
Naidangiin Tüvshinbayar vs Keiji Suzuki 2008
Naidangiin beats the world favorite judoka with a spectacular ippon on his way to winning Mongolia's first ever gold medal.
Butterbean vs Genki Sudo
In a very entertaining K-1 match, two radically different athletes in size and style. Every pro fighter does their best to leverage their own advantage while capitalizing on their opponent's weakness, but rarely is the contrast so stark.
>few weeks
Probably gonna be a few months
I remember the Butterbean bout well. One of the first MMA matches I had ever seen as a nipper.
To honor "The Wolf" Chiyonofuji . I workout my shoulders and back so that my throws will be strong
Coach fag here.
This Carona bullshit has people scared.
For good reason.
Do not fuck around with parties.
Do not fuck around with hookups.
Until there is both a vaccine and you have had yours.
Had a fighter lose his mother.
Now I have lost the fighter.
He is broken.
me m8s jitz mats are being delivered tomorrow.... were all finna ummmmm.... make it, yea
Very B&R opinion, time to get sharper than ever.
mirin that shoulder girdle FUUUUAAAARRK he must be able to ragdoll people
I remember you lad, there is a qt that wants some quarantine dicking, risk it or no?
Any opinion on it?
Same bro, was supposed to fight April tenth, now it has a tentative date of may 10 but will probably be later. Have been shadow boxing, hitting the bag, running, and doing calisthenics to stay ready
Besides BJJ/grappling, what martial art has the lowest risk of head trauma and concussions?
Also, I got my mats in today, so I'm going to do some solo drills tomorrow. Probably going to work on basic moves and figuring out how to invert safely. Btw, can you drill imanari rolls solo?
How to strengthen my wrists? Im a total newbie and started muay thai like a month ago. Hitting the bag without gloves or wraps my wrists feel very fragile. Any ideas?
Yeah you can probably workshop something at least for the entry. You just need a pole or something in the ground to mimic the dude's leg, because latching and pulling is a big part of imanari rolls.
Thanks man, I really want to learn how to do them. They're pretty aethetic as far as BJJ moves go
thats WHY you have wraps and gloves for the bag retardo
Yeah I know, I have both, im just thinking as when I might need to break some dudes cheekbone on the street I wont have wraps on.
Looking at it now, it was quite a dull round. But equally, it does fill me with a sense of nostalgia.
just keep going with the gloves and wraps and your wrists should get stronger on their own
Alright thanks
I don't think it matters now because my school is probably gonna close for the rest of the semester,but I'm not to sure if I made the right decision in quitting wrestling. I finished the season,so I guess I can say that,I also got 2nd place at one tournament but there's was alot of new kids there so I had the upper hand. Reason why I quit was cause of my anxiety,I still have it,like i check to see if my car is locked multiple times,I check to see if the door is locked multiple times at night,and i check to see if my pets ran out multiple times. There's other things to it but my wrestling practices gave me huge anxiety,I don't know if that was normal or not but yeah,my body would get real tight and stiff when I was mopping the mats and I started to miss home and my mom(I know I sound like a pussy there),i wouldn't think those things during practice just before,I also couldn't concentrate on my schoolwork without having to think about my practices,I didn't know if it was going to be a hard day or a easy day,I over thought it I know but man it really ruined my day. The only motivation I had was getting my ass beat at my tournaments,there was this one where I lost 5 fucking matches and I went to the restroom and cried like a bitch,I'd rather have been eliminated then lose 5 matches in a row man. I felt bad for ome of my teammates though, he beat me and was trying to bond with me but I just got really quiet and went to the bathroom,I hope he didn't think I was being a dick. But yeah as soon as season was about to end I skipped for like a week and my coach got pretty effin upset cuz I didn't have the balls to tell him I wanted to quit,he was really disappointed in me and so were my teammates,for a guy that really sucked it surprised me how much they cared about me.
>TLDR:I sucked at wrestling and I'm kinda upset that I quit
It does more then bjj imo
I think it does,you don't have to overdue it but running 1-2 miles a day can really give you the upper hand in matches
What's your favorite move in Capoeira? Do you think it'd work on,let's say a boxer?
This link right here will never fail to get me pumped,Pride was peak mma
I've been watching a lot of sambo instructional shit and it seems like a surprisingly complete martial art, at least in the sense that you will outright mangle the untrained and be able to hold your own against both strikers and grapplers.
What do you guys think of Sambo?
i like sambo but in the striking departement they fucking suck and have zero transitions from striking to wrestling, in the wrestling and grappling department is pretty good, in comparaion to bjj is a lot more straightforward, guard retention and recovery is not as good as in bjj, it has a lot more submission than bjj, but bjj has more transitions from technique to technique. mixing wrestling with judo is better than sambo, add boxing and muaythai and you are pretty much covered, add bjj for guard retention, recovery and back takes and your are completely covered. if you have the opportunity to study sambo go for it but make sure is from a legit instructor
This should be the time you blast the fuck out of your abs, neck, and jaw so you come back nearly punch proof. Also taking breaks for a few months here and there from sparring is essential if you don't want accumulated sub concussive damage to pile up.
I was thinking of joining a muay thai gym as soon as this whole pandemic dies down. Anyone got any good instructional videos/books to learn the fundamentals?
>This should be the time you blast the fuck out of your abs, neck, and jaw so you come back nearly punch proof.
also your legs, your legs are half responsible for how well you can take a punch, you know that expression of "did the damage get to the legs" if you have strong legs you can take more damage, ofcourse you also need bery strong abs and neck but you need the three of them, so run a lot and squat a lot
it really depends of the skill of the capoeria artist and the boxer. I would not suggest capo as a base but some of there flash kicks could be useful.
Sounds good but I would disagree on sambo having "more" submissions than bjj, bjj pretty much covers all submissions. What exists in sambo that hasn't been done in bjj competition?
bjj guys are always so unfit it's weird, whereas judokas are crazy strong man, they always amaze me
I think its cause judo guys need to be sturdy and keep balance,if they fall it's pretty much over,for bjj guys it's okay for them to go to the ground
How do you succesfully bulk up a few kg's for boxing without getting too muscular and just wasting oxygen?
Sticky I guess
You are all weak faggots with weak points that I can fucking sense through my monitor,I know how to counter everything you bitches throw at me,I know how to use your strengths against you,you literally cannot touch me,I'm a black belt in Judo,Jiu Jitsu(Japanese and Brazilian),and black belt in TKD and have been doing kickboxing and muay thai since I was very little boi. The only way to stop me is by using a gun or praying to god I don't rape your asshole. You are all weak little men who would absolutely get assblasted by this superior being you fake athletes.
yeah but have you ever hear of the phantom fist?, i am a master on said style and to put it in terms your little mind can understand, it means that i can kill you before you can blink, there are so many thing in my style that you cannot even begin to imagine, i can move in such a way that your eyes don't understands what is happening so it sees nothing at all, i become invicible before your very eyes, i can throw punches so fast that it looks like i am not moving and you been hit by my ki, even if you had a gun pointed towards me, as long as i am within 5 meters i can disarm you and put you down like a dog with my own fists and even if you manage to shot me, i can still pull a technique to drag you to hell with me.
there is always someone stronger kid, you have barely scratched the surface of martial arts and you think you are a master, cute.
BJJfag here, I can explain.
The low-level guys that are out of shape exist because BJJ attracts the most sois, old men, and nerds of any modern martial art. They are people that usually would not be fighting but they got memed into doing it. They have this stick up their ass about "technique overcoming strength" and take that as an excuse not to train hard and lift outside the academy.
The high-level skinnyfat guys can afford to be that way because gi's exist. The combination of gi and ground slows the fight down and makes it inherently a more "lazy" martial art than most others. These high-level skinnyfats can be fucking beasts on the mat though, I guarantee even Faria could tap all ITT and he is literal goblin mode.
how long do you have to prepair? 6 weeks? 6 months? take your time bro. you arent fighting 2moro
I'm a 2 stripe white belt. I could take any of you down and tap you within 3 minutes
>2 stripe white belt
More like 2 bit white trash LMAO GOTTEM
Dis nigga YOKED. Why don't more sumo boys get this jacked? It obviously helped this guy.
I'm watching this shit and it's awesome how the bigger, flabbier sumos can barely move this beast.
>Tfw only had a white belt in Judo
>Thrown out for throwing punches
>Tfw had a yellow belt in Karate
>Thrown out for doing tosses I learned in Judo
>Do Wrestling
>No belts
>No belts
>Do boxing
>No rank system unless you compete
Imagine if our 7' roided linebackers did sumo fuuark
You sound kinda spastic lad ngl
George Foreman said lifting weights AFTER he did his boxing stuff helped him jab a little longer and probably helped his muscular development. Stop demonizing weights, Evander Holyfield, Anthony Joshua, Vasyl, Foreman, lifted weights. If youre still thinking lifting is bad but wanna gain quality muscle, axe a tree up or sledgehammer/flip tires.
I was.
Karate and Judo I was way too young and non socialized for proper training.
Had bad parents who isolated me. Lied to me about people. Then were shocked I was bullied.
Put me in martial arts to "fix" my shyness but it just exposed me to more favoritism and my own tism.
Found my own way over a long course of deprogramming my bad habits. Learned respect and how to deal with conflict.
Coached a few good fighters after I finally grew up.
Just realized I wish it came with a ring or a medal. Instead of some Ws and Ls haha
I feel the opposite, like the only thing that matters is results and trinkets like belts are just a cope. Lots of "purple belts" out there with zero W's.
When you consume too much roids but also too much soi.
Lovely phrase I heard from a long haired hick gentleman after he was TKOed by a butterfly kick.
"I got my black belt at wal mart."
And he was proud of that. Fine with that. Obstinate that if he were allowed to continue post-concussion that he would have won.
Tests are difficult to determine for young MMA and boxing fighters.
After my first bout. I knew no test other than outright war could reveal somebody's reaction under that kind of pressure.
If we could. I would love to see a legitimate form of "Combat Readiness" test in gyms.
Spar babies get eaten alive in the ring.