>bare minimal self improvement Yes that is the theme of this board, essentially.
Ethan Torres
Yes. I find it unhealthy to think of the bottom 90% as actual men though. Just unattractive traps.
Xavier Roberts
Soul crushing shit is when you actually do put all the effort you can in, put your heart and soul into it, use every bit of energy, and you still get mogged by most other guys who seem like they aren’t even trying
>1 cm of height cost 1500 more of income in a woman eyes.
Delusional if you think a 170cm just has to earn $22,500 more over a 185cm guy to be considered equally attractive
95% of women will pick the 185cm guy even if he only has averaged income over the 170cm guy has a 7 figure income
Ryder Ramirez
I can't post the scientific paper.
But I've read that 1 cm of height is 1500 more income.
Money is atractive for women, all women are gold diggers. Some women will prefer a shorter guy with money over a tall broken guy.
Carter Turner
Here's a problem with your theory:
If you're not a loser, you're usually nowhere near losers, male or female and still have to compete with your kind. I'm in med school and don't have much time to spend in other social circles. Do you think that any girl from my school gives a fuck that I'm more intelligent and have better prospects than the vast majority of male population? Of course not, to them it's a bare minimum. Sure, I could go after some dumb slags on Tinder who make me look like Einstein, but guess what, they have a different set of values and criteria of what makes someone a loser and on top of that instinctively feel uneasy around men who dominate them this hard socially. In other words, women will find a million reasons not to sleep with you for every one to do so and these days the only way to overcome this is to be so damn pretty to shut their brains off. And unfortunately, that's largely up to your genetics.
Go blackpill yourself on height and dating, or not, you’ll probably rope based on how ignorant you’re, how have you avoided observable reality all your life?
Nathan Phillips
Nah, less than 1% of males have good income, fit body, proper grooming, social skills, intelligence, hobbies, life goals, charisma.
Sure, women like height, face and shit.
But would you prefer some crappy phone that has a nice expensive wrapping over a more crappy wrapping that has a nice phone?
Money make you more atractive.
There was even a shitty mythbuster show about it. And is even more atractive the uglier the guy is.
Money make uglier guys more sex appealing to women than a hot guy with money.
And yes, there's plenty of rich dudes marrying trophy young hot wifes.
Camden Flores
Absolutely based Every time I see a black with a white lady she's a real ugly thing
Gavin Brooks
>And yes, there's plenty of rich dudes marrying trophy young hot wifes.
How old are you? The trophy wife stopped being a thing for normies back in the 2000s.
Joseph Rodriguez
>body and grooming can increase your face by 3 points
They dont want you to know they're trying. Usually they are
Jaxon Wood
Money can you make you more attractive to women but not more physically attractive. She’ll still be fucking chad on the side because some ugly fuck though he could over compensate with money.
Gabriel Campbell
You can only increase what hasn't been maxed. I'm a 4/10 maxed out.
Jeremiah Richardson
>Has anyone realized you don't need to be chad, but just be better than 98% males? That’s called being a chad.
Nicholas Clark
>body and grooming can increase your face with 3 points.
LOL why people always exaggerate improvement on rating scale. Unless you were overweight you won't gain more than 0.5 points facially, People need to understand that 1 Point on regular scale is like the difference between 1 in 3 men to 1 in 20-30.
Blake Price
Cut down to a low body fat to make your facial features more defined. Plastic surgery or fillers to fix facial flaws. Leg lengthening surgery if you are a manlet.
Jayden Baker
>projecting your inadequacy onto all women Just because you’re afraid of being cheated on doesn’t mean all women cheat
Kevin Price
this. in most things in life, the average is shit and can be overcome easily with just a bit of effort.
Angel Miller
Honestly it's lanklets who cope more. It barely matters after 5'10 and diminishing returns after 6ft, after 6'4 you enter undesirable range.
This only really applies if you already have a good-looking face. There are plenty of ugly skinny guys.
Ayden Martin
Shut the fuck up loser, putting in effort and living in an illusion thinking you're putting in effort aren't the same thing. 0 self awareness
Henry Murphy
I always tell people that after 6’3 it stops being attractive and you just become a freak of nature
Owen Thomas
Women are atracted to:
>Height >Face >Status >Male having life goals (related to status) >Charisma >Sense of humour >Penis lenght >Grooming (fashion, shoes, related to status) >Money (related to status) >Social status >Intelligence >Having some hobbies like knowing an instrument or drawing (related to IQ or status) >IQ >Muscle (fit) >Frame >Being able to protect them (security)
Basically women have some of these shit as more important. Doesn't mean that height, face, penis isn't important. Just that for some women IQ could be their major sexual fetishe, so IQ can have a big multiplier versus the face.
Others will prefer charisma, others a tall guy.
Every women has a diferent configuration of these interest. Some women only want attention and a funny guy.
This is why there's no agreement over what women likes. Some women can prefer a fat guy because it makes them feel safe.
But All women will prefer a male that tries to score high on all those points.
James Kelly
You dumb. Girls make the simp with money beg for sex. They'll still cheat on you with chad. >t. Money haver
Jordan Barnes
My 6'5 friends get hit on purely because they're so tall, the women will literally bring it up in the first minute
David Long
Carson Hernandez
Divorce has been simplified and women have all the power
Fucking lol at you if you think trophywife leads anywhere but to your own destruction in how the courts are setup in favour of women now
The fact you have a goal of using money to get a trophy wife screams at how fucking clueless you are and ignorant about how dangerous that is now, and yes it’s changed dramatically in the last few decades
I’m amazed guys like you still exist today? You from some 2nd or 3rd world country? Nobody in the west can be as unaware as you’re being right now without a solid effort to remain unaware
Daniel Jenkins
Wow this thread is full of insecure faggots. These fucking people expect to look like frank zane or arnold with moderate effort and natural. Are you retards really not better off than you were when you started? Even the worst genetics can still get a six pack with cico, protien and progressive overload. Do you faggots really need to get an ifbb pro card before you have any self worth? Unbelievable. Do YOUR BEST and TAKE PRIDE in YOUR PROGRESS. Defeatist mindset is low test. Coachgreghere TRAIN HARDER! Howhard?harderthanlasttime Give in when you're dead
Angel Murphy
because thropy wives marry beta providers.
but that doesn't mean that getting fit and making money and having social skills, make you more sexually atractive to women.
Camden Green
They must have good frames then, most really tall people look disproportionate as fuck. I was friends with the tallest kid in highschool. He was like 6’7 and he didn’t really get much attention from girls.
Mason Perez
Height doesn’t do shit with women if your face looks like shit. But you still have respect from other men for your height. Manlets get neither.
Alexander Morgan
>I am still in my teens, the post
John Martinez
Nah, lookism faggots think face is 100%, but there's always some ugly motherfucker who gets more laid because he has status.
Joshua Mitchell
This sounds like cope from a lanklet. I don’t respect you just for being tall and neither does any other man.
Bentley Russell
Why do I need to be better than 98% of males? Better at what? What are you so worried about here? Just accept yourself and be content. Make small improvements each day to maintain contentment. Don't compare yourself to other people, compare yourself to who you were yesterday. That's it.
Austin Price
Find a craft and a purpose. Be passionate about it. Focus all of your awareness on that thing, disregard women because of it. Women are attracted to men who have no interest in them because they are pursuing more important goals. Women hate needy men who do things in order to impress them or win them over. Find a higher goal than attracting women and you will attract more women. Obviously there are the few surface things you can look after like hygiene, health, appearance but those are tertiary to having a core masculine purpose. Also if you are comfortable with yourself and don't second guess yourself you will become naturally funny and ooze confidence. To the guy who said get skinny and tall; that might work for some girls who have a fetish for that type of thing but if your whole character hinges on your height and body fat then you are a one dimensional droid and no one will stand you for longer than a few hours.
Cameron Long
You don't strike me as 130IQ desu, Are you sure you didn't just take meme online test/Did your test in very early childhood which doesn't count at all?
Colton Wilson
Do you guys think if i started telling girls I was asexual it would disarm them enough to be interested in/attracted to me?
I got tested back when I was like 11 in high school and got 117.
I got 128-130 on those online meme IQ test. But In any case, I'm smarter than most of the low IQ mongrels my shithole is filled with.
Blake Myers
you need LMS (looks, money, status) to have girls interested in you.
Kevin Sanders
I’m 5’7
Just brutally blackpilled on life
Height = respect from men Height + face = respect from women and men Neither = Manlet life Over reroll
Jose Hall
>130 IQ >thinks trophy wife is a solid strategy in 2020
Yeah nah cunt, your IQ can’t be higher than 90 to think trophy wife is a good idea in 2020 when she can just divorce rape you instantly and take 75% of your shit.
Elijah Davis
Now that I'm getting numbers I'm coming to find it's not the attracting part that's hard, it maintaining their interest over the first few dates. Flaky, they're all so flakey. I have a girl that's into me but I basically have to sit on it and spend days not texting her in a constant sense of uncertainty. Too much communication or too little? Should I tell her what I did today? Should I invite her to this thing even though we went did something yesterday? I think the plate spinning guys are right, I need to juggle a few women until one actually works out.
>Women are attracted to men who have no interest in them
This makes no sense, if a homeless man acts disinterested would you suddenly chase after him and start giving him your money? Why would they care if some incel-looking dude ignores them when chad is only a swipe or bar visit away? I really don't get people with this mentality.
Gabriel Gray
Don’t confuse what I said. You will get disrespected for being short. But you won’t automatically get respect from other men for being tall. Kinda like how dudes won’t ever compliment another dude’s legs, but he’ll totally talk shit about his chicken legs.
John Hernandez
nah, the trophy wife shit is when you're 50-60 (since it requires being rich) and you can get a 30 year old post wall supermodel.
It still a good strategy, but is when you're older.
Do u nigger think any 30 year old male can easily be rich?
Leo Campbell
>Has anyone realized you don't need to be chad, but just be better than 98% males?
Yes. and its easy as hell.
I think in the lifting community, we often only care about comparing ourselves to other lifters, so we are generally on the bottom tier unless we've been lifting several years.
The truth is, you're competing against the whole male population; and when you do that comparison, its easy to see just how much better you are.
>in the US, 71% of americans are overweight or obese
If you are in the normal BMI range, congrats, you just cut out 70% of competition (more or less. Obviously a lot more wiggle room in the overweight category). 40% is obese, so even by that measure, you just cut out 40%.
>strength standards We often compare ourselves to elite lifters.
But just how much stronger are you compared to all males?
We often see lifting charts that have "untrained", "novice", "intermediate" goals and ranges on them. We use them for progress. However, its important to note that around 80% of americans fall into the untrained category. 80%! Just by achieving novice lifting, you have surpassed 80% of humanity (in 'merica). Entering into the intermediate category pushes you far and above the average american.
Be proud, champs.
Brandon Butler
That's why charisma, personality and life goals and hobbies matter.
Retards think a girl will stick to a hot looking guy that has no hobbies, no charisma and shit.
Dominic Nelson
Women don't care about IQ. Reverse Flynn effect couldn't happen if they did.
Thomas Howard
Google sapiosensual girls.
It's literally 20% of the female population.
Asher Collins
It’s called giga cope from unaware idiots who think 2003 PUA advice applies to the world today where women have endless attention, messages, suitors from all over the place.
Jaxon Jones
You're coping if you think cutting to low bf will make you attractive, Most men are average by definition and your features still won't be anything amazing, 6/10 at good scenario