Is eating a diet of mostly raw meat truly the optimal diet for humans?

Is eating a diet of mostly raw meat truly the optimal diet for humans?

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Are you brain dead?

Only if youre retarded

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cooking meat makes it less digestible, destroys nutrients, destroys (good) bacteria, possibly alters proteins, creates carcinogens plus other toxic compounds, the list could go on
cooked meat is still better to eat anything that comes from plants though....

nope eating a varied diet with vitamin rich vegetables, protein rich meat, cultured dairy, nuts and fruits is.

here we go lads

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fermented products
low gi veg fruit
raw honey
raw dairy
not that hard desu lad

I lost half my brain and I still can't imagine being this retarded

t. dies of some obscure bacteria eating his brain while 10 different tapeworms fuck his rectum

Why go through all that trouble? Just shove a fork in the nearest outlet, retard.


>They hated him because he told the truth.

We've had the food pyramid for like 80 years, but y'all still falling for fads and bullshit.

the food pyramid itself is bullshit and was basically invented by corporations

>the food pyramid
Yes, that worked out so well for American's.

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bait but anyway
cooking meat got us where we are now, it allowed us to evolve faster
so go eat your raw meat, if you want to go back to being ape
while the rest of us will move forward

the food pyramid is kinda garbage, user. Not that you should eat raw meat, obviously, but processed carbs are not that good for you.

>possibly alters proteins
And??? Your body breaks down the proteins for their amino acids which you use to build your own proteins. You don't use the proteins as-is. Cooking unfolds the proteins and makes them EASIER for your body to break down.

>creates carcinogens

>destroys (good) bacteria
The trade-off is not dying from bad bacteria and parasites. I'll fucking take that.

>he thinks eating burnt carcinogenic meat made humanity evolve
Literal brain dead ape.

good bait

I just can't wrap my brain around why someone would eat grains and bread. Veggies, fruit, dairy, meat even lentils I can understand, but grains? They are just empty calories who take up space when it's hard enough to get all the nutrients you need in a day.

if raw meat is so good why are there no other spices as intelligent as humans?


>They are just empty calories
no such thing
>who take up space when it's hard enough to get all the nutrients you need in a day.
it's not hard at all.

answer the question


The guy in your OP isn't even the optimal human being.

If cooked meat is so good why are humans in worse health conditions than in the past?

>life expectancy higher than ever
ok retard

>he actually believes this
People who got past the age of 5 lived either just as long or longer than they do to day.

>Veggies, fruit, dairy, meat even lentils I can understand, but grains? They are just empty calories

How can you actually be this clueless? Do you know why the agricultural revolution was so revolutionary? Do you understand why "bread-and-butter" also carries the meaning "basic needs of life"? Grains and bread have been staples to fulfill caloric needs for thousands of years.

>Grains and bread have been staples to fulfill caloric needs of slaves for thousands of years.
Agriculture was only used in civilizations to feed the dumb populace.

It was, a few million years ago.
Now, our enzymes have adapted to cooked foods.

Compare a peasant eating his daily bread.
And a knight, having a piece of meat now and then.
They both do physical work, but who is stronger?

>cooking was invented a few million years ago

It's more like cooked food has altered our digestive systems.

Ofc, that was my, we are not optimised for raw meat anymore.

where does this say cooking was invented a few million years ago? you know even modern tribes still eat raw meat? why didn't the eskimos invent cooking?

Doubt it.
Humans ate raw meat way longer than cooked, cooked has screwed up our natural gut biome.



"Facultative food processing, including cooking, likely originated, therefore, before the appearance of H. erectus, perhaps even in H. habilis or H. rudolfensis."
They don't cook it often, but let it age, which again makes enzymes active in meat. They are still adapted to eating it raw, we are not.
>Humans ate raw meat way longer than cooked
That's true, but your DNA doesn't work like that, epigenetics are very powerful.
When you start adapting, it takes a few generations to start making right enzymes.
It can work in reverse, people can adapt to raw meat, but it's a process.

your source is talking about cooking plants not meat you literal brainlet

You sure, where?

of course, I highly recommend raw pork and chicken

Raw pork is commonly consumed in Germany and raw poultry is also safe if raised and processed cleanly.

where does it specifically talk about cooking meat millions of years ago? natural plants are generally indigestible for the most part so obviously cooking them makes a huge difference, that is what allowed our ancestors to spend much less time foraging for food and "evolve", whereas all cooking meat does is make it "safer" to eat (not true, by the way)

You misread "phylo" for "phyto", now you are backpedaling.
Meat is explicitly mentioned 2 times in the article and 2 times in the reference studies.
Ego is a helluva drug.

>falling for the germ theory of disease

Cooking meat allowed the weak to survive.

Tools, and inventing them to make acquiring meat easier is what got us to where we are today. Can only bonk something that isn't too terrible until you need a sharper, more durable tool to kill the big quality shit.

that guy looks like a fucking ghoul

he's gonna get food poisoning or parasites eventually

This kind of thinking is what caused all the bullshit going on right now

Stupid fucking chinese cunt

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How can one user be so fucking retarded?

yes hehe

>nobody ITT can refute this


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>The evolutionary decrease in feeding time is unlikely to have been caused solely by shifts to a carnivorous diet, because no tropical or subtropical people are known to subsist on a diet of more than 50% meat (26).
nothing about cooked meat
>For example, our result that humans are evolutionary outliers for the small amount of time spent feeding could be explained by the inclusion of large amounts of meat in the human diet (42)
nothing about cooked meat

>he actually thinks covid-19 came from eating a bat
they didn't even eat them raw bro LMAO


Common sense.
