Turks are turning incels into Chads for just a couple of thousand dollars, they even flight you to Turkey...

Turks are turning incels into Chads for just a couple of thousand dollars, they even flight you to Turkey, pick you up from the airport and drive you to your hotel. Permanent results, no tranny pills or daily routines. What are you waiting for?

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Im under the impression all of them do FUE which is going to leave the back of your head looking ridiculous

FUE is barely noticeable

even after getting hair implants, you'll still be turkroach

I would rather be bald for life than permit a filthy Turk to touch me.

If you're not chad without hair you aren't chad period

Fine, try to get a hair transplant in Canada, poorfag.

shilling on Yas Forums
fuck of you dirty roach

Maasallah kardesim, biz bu götüsiklileri sikecegiz

> no pills

that is the only thing why i dont do it, i really dont have totake finasteride etc? Nothing at all? I prefer be bald than have to take any pill, im ok with it, but if you tell me i can not take it i can consider do it but result mostly are shit in 2020 yet isnt? I use a wig for 3 years

They take hair from your neck and apply it in norwood-sensitive spots

yeah but results are not very good in most cases from what i saw in forums

Do not do this lads. The Turks do very dodgy transplants which fuck your shit up and give you bad texture, no permanent results, bad scarring, dangerously administered anaesthetics, and you’ll probably still need to take Fin at the end.

yeah i think the same fuck that shit, i might go full bald soon im using a wig for 3 years and looks 10/10 but its very dependant so i dont know what to do

I can't speak for them but I've had one and it revived me dating game.
Shoo shoo kuffar, you are literally the devil. I will fuck your devil ass with an rpg

You need to take pills for saving the remaining hair.

Good doctors give amazing results, But results from NW5.5+ are usually "bad" because there isn't enough donor area to cover the whole scalp.

most roach clinics just take all the hair of your donor area like up to 4000-6000 grafts
thats what you can take before going bald in the back for taking the hair
then they put it in the front of your head which leaves mostly great results
but then 5 years later you probably going to have other bald spots like in the back of your head
too bad you dont have any hair left in your donor area because some low level roach assistant took all your donor hair
now you will have an awesome hairline but the rest is still balding
my recommendation is to pay a few thousand more but at least you have some donor hair left

I wish that would happen here but that would encourage toxic masculinity

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im considering going the best doctor in the world in spain, couto, 10k i think is the price but 2-4 years wait list i think, fuck turkey

JUST TRY THE PILLS BEFORE YOUR HAIR TURNS TO COMPLETE SHIT. Fin works, less than 1/50 get long term sides, PFS is extremely rare, and only happens to fat sacks of shit that were hormonal wrecks before they started. Its cheap if you take .25mg, and it's just as effective. Don't let baldcels scare you into losing your hair. It is 100 fold more difficult to regain lost hair than it is to just maintain. If you're worried, look at your hair objectively, and if you're a NW2 or greater start TODAY.

Caring about your appearance and spending a lot on it is stereotypically a womanly thing to do, so is the opposite of toxic masculinity.

Any of you guys ever took Lysanxia/Prazepam ? i'm afraid it will fuck up my brain but i need to relax do an important work. I'm in lockdown so i've got only those, no weed or booze

I started taking it a month ago. No side effects. I am just as depraved as before but no longer worried about my hair. Pretty satisfied, hope I grow a little back even tho I stopped it before it was noticeable to others.

Lmao @ you. Turkey has the best FUE professionals.

Try to do that in your chad US, Canada or Europe to get a trashy job done for 4x time the price.

Source: went there, did that.

Me again, no finasteride and no shit chemicals, hair grown like Tarzan because job perfectly done.

t. roach shill
stop trying to sell your shit here

Nah, dude is for real
Turks have sick amount of xp
Whole Europe goes there. And Hungary.
Germs and similar suck in comparison
Just make sure its the doctor doing it not some lazy techician

Seethe balding user.

For those who think Spain has the best FUE doctor you don't know your shit. As turkey has been in the business forever. Im spanish and ive seen atrocities done here always basing their Jobs in "muh safety" and "muh certified clinic". Please don't do it, they will ruin your life.

Thank me later

>im using a wig for 3 years

Come on now, son. Really?

>a few thousand more

We are talking a lot more here, not counting expenses

Name of clinic/doctor?

yes its very reallistic and make me from a 5 to a 8, my dating life improved a lot from 0 to a girl every week or 2


just because you lost most of your customers due to the coronavirus
doesn't mean you have to larp as a spainard

I'm statham mode up top. Practically no hair.

I would get this done in a heartbeat, I have the extra cash. However from what I've seen people like my hair end up looking really thin around the sides.

Do not come here for this shit. I'm sick and tired of seeing hair tourists walking around Eminönü with their disgusting bloodied up scalps. Nobody wants to see that shit. Go do it in Spain or something.

What did your friends say when you suddenly appeared with a full head of hair?

You should be grateful roach boy, those European tourists are paying for your healthcare, and they certainly dont give a fuck about your opinion.

Any recommendations for best clinic? I'm looking to get this done in a year's time or so. I was told there are only a few good clinics. I don't want a shit job and I'm willing to the upper range of Turkish prices or somewhere else to get it done well. Can't really afford western prices.

Is the hair of Istanbul any good or does anyone know anyone who went there I see their IG before and after they really ain't bad and look good

I dont really have friends back them for a while so thats was not a problem for me, i just go out to drinks with a new group of friends i made after that only the weekends but i use them only to go out and met girls, what i mostly do is badoo date bitches or go out drink with them sometimes, also i have gf for 12 years in another town and she likes my wig

Just shaved your head and fucking lift, I get more attention from women when I have a tight buzz cut, every says I look scary and tough too, pretty based desu

>5 to 8

lol why retards have no sense of scale?

A.8/10 is top 1%
B.No one in history went up more than 2 points from hair alone, even including twinks.

>caring this hard about numbers and not just understand the message


israeli here,

once this corona shit blows over i'm going there and fixing my nw2

only works for those with the right skull shape and facial bones e.g. genetics

why the fuck are you guys so obsessed with looking tough?

In some months I will play Nintendo Switch and worship women.

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Come to Istanbul and say "roach" to my face. I will fuck you til you love me you son of a whore.

Does hair transplant work on females?


Turks are lovely people faggot

It is possible but like you said you need really good donor area for NW5 or even NW6

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>health and fitness
take this shit to some incel forums you losers, imagine caring about losing hair

Lookism essentially doesnt belong on fit.

>turned incel into a chad just cus he got hair

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Unironic truth here. If you don't like good bald, it's because you're a facelet. Simple as.

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I have a hairline that would make Yas Forums say that I'll never even touch a woman, and that has not been the case.
I'm talking way receded, widows peak, thin, all of it. It doesn't matter. I have been much more successful after I stopped worrying about it and just kept it buzzed. Very few people care.

Post wig

Dont worry you already look like a dyel faggot
Not that the hair changes anything for you

Mad kebab seller gtfo

If by lovely you mean roaches and the scum of earth, yes they are