non-Yas Forumsfag here, what's the point of working out in the current age?
one piece of modern machinery or a gun mogs you beyond repair. one good shot to your chest would make the hours of workout disappear in an instant.
Non-Yas Forumsfag here, what's the point of working out in the current age?
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Big strong man carry bigger stronger weapons. I'll be firing naval cannons slung around my shoulders while you hold your peashooter that'll shatter your bitch wrists.
to have sex now go back to
What's the point of doing anything? Eventually you'll die and it will all have been meaningless, could be today or in a hundred years even that makes no difference so why don't you kill yourself right now? So why don't you figure that one out first before making you faggot ass excuses.
not what i was saying, let me rephrase. I'm talking specifically about people that "lift to be strong". What's the point of being strong nowadays? It's rarely useful for work and in a fight, you get instantly mogged by anyone with a gun.
I do it to feel strong, be able to do what I want, and have more mental and physical strength. I enjoy it as well. Everyone has a reason. Most are here first for wanting to look better for the girls, but stay for the gains.
>every fight you get in someone will pull out a gun and shoot you
how’s never going outside?
I guess an appropriate response to the covid-19 crisis.
>it feels good, i enjoy it
valid reason
>be able to do what i want
my point is that if i wanted to be "strong", i'd skip the thousands of hours of gym and would just get a gun. bam, people can no longer mog you and you can do more physical damage in 1 second than a powerlifter can do in 1 minute.
If you want normal physique and physiology, and you don't have a physically demanding job, you're left with working out.
Modern world allows people to be weak which is not normal for the human body and mind. It's detrimental to almost everything, for physical health, mental capacity and longevity etc.
It often seems Yas Forums does not appreciate the advantage they have to the average person.
They'll throw you in jail for that. Some guy punching you is not a good enough reason to shoot someone.
Of course, even the military has physical fitness requirements.
You see that tree?
I can climb it.
You see that lake?
I can run around it.
You see that 50m of stairs?
I go up without wheezing.
You have two crates of beer?
Let me carry them in one go.
Those are all small feelings of strength. How does a gun or any modern tool help you with that?
It's useful all the time. I helped a friend move house last week and they would have never moved their new bath without me.
There are no benefits to lifting. Stay weak
It's really as simple as this
>they'll throw you in jail
i'd like to see them try. i don't care about going to jail or dying.
you're setting up rare, specific situations where your strength is actually useful
i've never needed to climb a tree or run around a fucking lake.
you might be more "efficient" at going up stairs or carrying beer at the cost of hours of your time, congrats.
Go on to do great things... like fucking dying.
i don't want to overfill my body with roids, hang out with roasties and die in a fucking sauna
>your setting up rare situations
>thinks people being guns to fights often
there no use to lift outside looking good and feeling good. You can live a full life without touching a weight these days. If you want to die at 50 from a heart attack because all you did your whole life is sit in front of a computer and eat like absolute trash, you have the freedom to do so. Now run along back to Yas Forums and stop incelbaiting other boards
Everyone dies. Zyzz died after achieving his goals.
>inb4 no legacy
Go to any fitness influencer page on Instagram right now. Moger, Jeff seid, David laid, Jon skywalker, literally whoever. There’s some zyzz in them, all these years later. If you want proof I’ll happily provide it.
Strong people are more useful
Not saying its the reason I lift. I lift so I can be sexy and intimidating
i'm not discouraging being healthy or physically fit, i'm specifically talking about anons who "lift to be strong", ones that talk all about going terminator mode, how they're "predators". a piece of metal mogs you.
>ones that talk all about going terminator mode, how they're "predators"
no one talks like that unless they’re autistic. again it’s about preference, some people enjoy being strong because it feels good. lifting 500+ lbs off your chest is pretty euphoric in a sense. there’s no use for it but it’s fun and it’s a hobby.
all soldiers are fat, right? because they have guns
I allways bring a hydraulic press with me, wherever I go.
I understand your doubts as to the reasoning behind people lifting to be strong, while you agree that there is merit in lifting to be healthy and feeling/looking good.
The reasons I would give would be probably that knowing that you are strong gives you the substance to back up your confidence and allowing you to achieve other things just as you have achieved strength. As for fights go, yes a gun is pretty much better in most scenarios but would you rather be strong with a gun or weak with a gun? And what if you don't have a gun? Or what if you're too close ranged to use a gun. People lift for a multitude of reasons, saying that strength is pointless as a gun could beat you is like saying what's the point of playing video games when a computer program can perform better than you or why bother learning any knowledge at all when you can google it in under a minute. Lifting for strength is lifting towards a goal, a certain weight, and it can have various benefits along the way
>most are here forthe girls
>rare examples
those arent rare, you are just a pathetic retard and people like you are the reason everything sucks so hard.
>you're setting up rare, specific situations where your strength is actually useful
>i've never needed to climb a tree or run around a fucking lake.
You might have to someday. It’s good to be prepared for when the armless zombie apocalypse happens.
Teach me your ways good fisher
because i don't want to look like some pudgy werid fuckin open carrying autismo in a bowling shirt
i don't train to fight
I work out because I feel great afterwards, I couldn't give less of a shit about aesthetics. I'm just an addict to that dopamine rush.
To cope with existence, personally I feel(felt) great after hitting the gym, and I want to look powerful and be powerful
>those arent rare
do you live as a monkey in the fucking jungle where you regularly swing off trees and run around lakes?
even tribesmen don't need to do that, nor do they need huge bulging backs and biceps the size of a truck to hunt prey.
>It’s good to be prepared for when the armless zombie apocalypse happens
that's why i have a gun.
actually good advice, i see your points anons, thanks
>that's why i have a gun
Guns need ammo. You need strength and endurance to carry enough ammo to survive, meaning you still need physical strength for guns.
>what's the point of working out in the current age?
Well, there's always avoiding a fucking heart attack or stroke, you softbuild halfwit.
just like this guy?
>i'm specifically talking about anons who "lift to be strong",
Some of them play rugby. Some of them compete at powerlifting. Some of them like it as a hobby akin to pottery glazing.
>ones that talk all about going terminator mode, how they're "predators".
And some of them are fucking autistic as all hell.
>you might be more "efficient" at going up stairs or carrying beer at the cost of hours of your time, congrats.
What are you doing with your time? To be this smug against lifting, you had better be curing cancer or developing sexbots to render women obsolete 24/7.
I lift for her
More like this guy:
i'm doing whatever the fuck i want to
So are lifters
Imagine not posting the official reply
Imagine reading all of that shit.
>lifting make me feel good
>lifting make healthy
>if you are not healthy you are subhuman
>lift to be healthy and not be a subhuman
>I believe in you, I believe you can make it
I know you won't, for you are too weak willed to do it and because you're not here because you genuinely want to know why we lift, for you're here to reaffirm your pathetic excuse of a life.
But hey, whatever makes you happy.
op here
>people with crazy stories
>people with talents
>people who make amazing music
>people who look aesthetically good
how the fuck is any of this supposed to motivate me, it just makes me want to do other shit that is not lifting
Congradulations, you've read the first part, now read the rest.
Real nice abs. Better be freaking ripped for when you get stabbed.
Why are you here? Nobody cares about you. Bye bye
If you're legitimately expecting to get shot, there is no reason not to be fit. Muscle mass actually helps you out a lot.
If you don't expect to get shot, why not be fit? Unless you're retarded and fuck your joints there are literally no downsides.
Helps a lot with recovery too, it's going to be a lot easier to go through rehab if you've already got a fair amount of muscle. You'll still lose some to atrophy probably but you'll be better off than a skinny skelle or a fatass
>muh gun
You say that as if being a fat fucking tub of lard getting shot is a preferable alternative than being athletic and getting shot. Are you retarded m8?
i read the whole thing, there's not much to say about the rest. maybe you should read the thread instead.
i live a pretty interesting life and make good earnings without the need of 20 paragraphs explaining some fucker's mental gymnastics.
purposely trying to outdo other people isn't a strong motivator
>if you don't live a life that shows you have at least tried to become something, you don't deserve to even exist
why? to satisfy some faggot's opinion?
i don't measure people's value in success
>Lifting keeps me healthy because running is way too boring to me
>I can lift heavy shit in day to day life (equipment, tools, whatever)
>I can manipulate tools more effectively (including guns)
>I can overpower a much weaker person who tries to start shit
>Being bigger makes up for a relative skill differential between myself and smaller people if a fight were to break out
>People don't start shit in the first place
>Bitches enjoy all of the above
Don't be a bitch OP.
Much better. Well done.