Why do tall women have a hard time dating?

Why do tall women have a hard time dating?

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They shouldn't if they didn't want a guy that's even taller than their freakish asses. Do you have any idea how easy it is to get dick? It's not pussy.

God I wish that were me

They don't

They don't.

Same reason that short men do.

Generally speaking, woen want to feel feminine and part of that means being physically smaller than their partner. If they are tall, fewer men will be able to meet that criteria. And the inverse is true for short men, who have a harder time manifesting masculinity and therefore becoming attractive to taller women.

So what are Yas Forums's thoughts on dating bigger women? What do you think of a guy who has a big gf? Not fat or anything, just physically big.

Because there's a big girl (6'1", ~180 lbs) who is interested in me. She's not fat but a little bit chubby, but I will say she's got some huge tits and a big ass. I'm a fucking manlet though. 5'9", 160 lbs, so it would look out of place.

If anyone especially here gives a shit about the fact that she's taller than you then their opinion isn't worth dick. Main thing is if she's attractive to you. Another thing is since you're around average height in a marriage partner you might actually WANT to have a tall wife to breed strong children. Mull that over.

I can't imagine how much game that manlet must have to pull a woman that tall.

Could just be packing. He actually better be cause she probably has a 10 inch deep puss.

Personally, it would interfere to a degree with my ability to see her as conventionally feminine, which is something I value.

I have no problems with other guys doing it, just not for me. I knew a couple in high school where he was 5' 10" and she was 6' 2", they were fine together - feel obliged to mention she did end up with a guy an inch taller than her after they broke up a year or so later.

Tall women do not have a hard time dating. They have it relatively less easier than shorter - average height women, but by no means it is comparable to the shit short motherfuckers like me have to go through. It's not even close. Men actually enjoy tall women. Women are put off by men who are smaller than other men. It makes them appear weak. Women don't have this problem of performance-analysis when being considered by men, because 90% of men will settle for just about anything.

the majority of men are insecure fucks

>tfw no tall gf

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that women looks more of a man than he does

Wtf no they don't.

Ugly tall women might have a hard time dating. Attractive tall women are trophy wife material. Dating cannot get easier.

The one on the right. Who is she? She looks insanely familiar.

>Tfw manlet
>Tall (and thicc) girls are the best thing I consider
I don't get laid anyway but I really want an Amazonian

> best thing I consider
> I consider
> consider
nearly snuck that past me gayboy

>What do you think of a guy who has a big gf?

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Tallness is masculine trait which in women goes against normal sexual dimorphism.

They still have enough dating prospects because most men will date someone their height, The problem start after 6ft which designate those women to be niche fetish for men with mommy issues / Men with dominance issues who want to "prove" they can still dominant bigger women / "Le supreme aryan race" faggots who want their children (sons, nobody want brock lesnar daughters) to be giants with medical issues who'll die before 60 only to fulfill their pathetic mogging fetish.

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I'm jelly of you mate. I want a 6'1" gf.
Most gfs I've had have been less than average woman height

I'm 6' btw not 5'9" but I don't think that should hold you back at all.

> Men actually enjoy tall women

Myth. All the studies confirm that most men won't date taller women than themselves, So tall women, even they don't mind dating shorter will face rejection.

They're comparable to manlets but i agree they have it much easier, because they're women.

Depends. Assuming she's over 6'1 and he's above 5'9 he might have higher SMV when considering the height aspect relative to gender.

But if she's 5'9 and he's 5'5 then yeah it's less believable.
That's why most of the tall wife-shorter husband couples i see is where the wife is abnormally tall and the husband is around average height.

This is femdom cope/Femanon cope.

Not wanting to date taller women is exactly the same as women not wanting to date shorter.


Average height attractive>Short attractive>Tall attractive.

>Not wanting to date taller women is exactly the same as women not wanting to date shorter.
I'd even go so far as to say men dating taller women is more prevalent when the option is available. Who doesn't want to bang one super model at least once in his life? There are no 5'3" male models unless it's like a hand model or some shit.

I feel like tall women are meant for manlets. They're both more undesirable on each side of gender preference and if you try to compensate with a super short women or super tall dude then your options are limited and your children have a 50% chance of being fucked. Tall men tend to have their advantages as well as short women, but if it's too extreme you end up having problems like what's shown in .

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Breed her and your kids mighten be manlets like us
t. Also 5'9


The one on the right is a guy.

Fuck you scored bro what i would do to take a tall phat ass girl to pound town

The idea that tall women have it harder is just wrong. It's a myth. Tall women with long legs are desired.

Show me one study.

Guys I once dated a 6' state champion thrower. I was a state champ in wrestling (215 lbs at 6'2"). But I was bluepilled and didn't think about eugenics yet. God I should have bred her lads

Models are gay men and women ideal, Not straight men, It's been talked for decades now. Also tallness it's necessary for maximizing clothes appearance. And almost no female model is over 6ft, they're rare. Most in the 5'7-5'11 range. Also women have weaker self-reflection abilities and have harder times rationalize external signals so they usually imitate their intrinsic memes to male desires, which gives women masculine features, Thus you see models with square jawlines, hunter eyes, angry eyebrows. Damn the whole makeup culture is about replicating male features into male structure by giving themselves longer eyelashes, thicker eyebrows, removing upper eyelid exposure, cleaner skin etc.

Almost all men have "Check list", Fucking giant, Midget, Muscular, Redhead women etc. Doesn't mean it's ideal.

> taller women is more prevalent
No this is usually manlet cope (or fetish, manlets a lot of the times have a thing for tall women). I never see actual 5'10+ chads with taller women (barefoot).

You're welcome to actually check your claims, Tall women consistently at the bottom of the dating world, by every research searching for exactly this question.

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I mean yeah top tier genetics but you don't want to end up like Johnny Depp with a wife that constantly throw things at you. It's not worth it. Did you get some therapy afterwords?

tall woman here, half my exes were manlets. would not say no to a guy just because of his length if I liked his personality. you people need to be less insecure about this seriously.
they didnt mind I was taller because they had the feeling they were dating a model.

Fuck you. You’re not a manlet. You don’t know what it’s like. Fucking poseur. Eat shit.

Source? I dare you to find a single one.

Calm down down there.

According to your graph the 6'4" sasquatch is getting the same number of messages per week as the height (heh) of the line for men. That's not exactly leperousy tier.

I would, but once again, another 5’9 faggot claims manlet status because of his shit body proportions that make him appear shorter. Fuck this. The gloves are off.

Briefly dated and she was chill. Kind of nerdy/awkward. Almost bit my face off, definitely needed some kiss training but I was too uncool to teach back then. Didn't get to the bang.

Show me one that said otherwise, You can easily find tens of studies that confirm my claim (fact), Some of them posted in this thread already

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There are x4 more men than women on dating site+Men just want to fuck swipe on anything without being selective on the bio+My point is that tallness in women in itself is undesirable trait, Short and average height women have it easier,much easier if we're talking about 6ft+ women.

*Keep in mind that the average height of men in this study was 179CM which is taller than national average and white national average thus they show more acceptability toward tall women because of the relative height differences*

>be 5'4

anything will do at this point had a 5'8 girl like me but i was autistically dense to notice.

bro i wanna knock you out clean right now, you don't know whats its really like

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I'll agree that it is a less desirable trait but not an undesirable trait. That may seem like splitting hairs but that goes back to my point that far more men are willing to date a woman taller than them (and I'm not just talking the fetishists here) than women willing to date a guy shorter than them. And with the lopsided dating site data that I'm sure Yas Forums has posted here a million times women get to choose men more likely than not and men get to get whatever they can in the dating game. That's why you see a message a week as the less desirable trait taken to the most extreme and not an absence of messages like an undesirable trait.

The women being taller is undesirable trait. Pic related the men height chart from the same study. Men don't want them to be taller than themselves and women want them 4 inches taller, Judging by at least 50% who would accept height VS the average height of the participant in the study.

So yes men are more flexible but tallness in women, which in most ways means being taller than the partner because it's all relative,is undesirable trait.

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I've got easier to parse data the backs my point.


>Nearly half of men in the study indicated that their tallest acceptable date could be taller than them or their height (24 and 23 percent, respectively), while 53 percent required their date to be shorter than them. But a whopping 89 percent of women said the shortest person they would date would still have to be taller than them. Only seven percent would accept someone who was their height, and just four percent would allow for a shorter guy.

Also by this data even the tallest women on the chart would still be acceptable by 33% of the men.

she's not even attracrive you goddamn simp what the fuck is wrong with you americans did the rabbi cut off your balls along with your foreskin

2 reasons:

Average to slightly above average guys often have a complex about tall women. I don't understand it, but most other guys I know are put off by women who are even only one or two inches taller than them. Whether they're legitimately not attracted to them (I find that hard to believe) or they just assume they won't be successful, or their have some emotional issue with being sorter than a woman, the end result is they don't pursue tall women as often as average and short women.

Taller women aren't as picky about height as average or short women in my experience, but their definitely feel more feminine if they can find a guy who towers over them, but their a small % of the populations. Factoring in looks and compatibility and you're talking about a very small ideal dating pool.

Yes but over 50% of the male participant were above 5'11 which isn't reflective at all on the average american male height. So yes men are more flexible but you get the trend. Women need to be extreme anomaly for it to affect their dating prospects, when over 30% of men have it as major disadvantage.

>Women need to be extreme anomaly for it to affect their dating prospects, when over 30% of men have it as major disadvantage.
So we agree?

This. Simps who want to be pegged are the reason tall women still have it relatively easy dating

Generally yes. Just not with the idea that "tallness" isn't undesirable trait in women.

I think we're splitting hairs here based on the magnitude of words like less desirable and undesirable so I think we can settle this as a difference of semantics.