She cheated bros

she cheated bros

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the only reason women cheat is if they are unsatisfied in bed

Cut all contact and move on.

Leave her. The Buffalo got away. Sharpen your spear and hunt for the next buffalo. You will see, a buffall greatly replaces a buffalo.

Murder suicide

this guy likes fat chicks

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Wrong. Most Women have sex for emotional reasons. Meaning she was either dissatisfied with the relationship or drunk.

who cares? she just needed some BBC on the side but she still came back to you. Love her and forgive her

shut the fuck up faggot, seeing as youre crying about it on an image board you probably deserved it

Women cheat if they are unsatisfied in some way, doesn't have to be in bed, can be emotional. When men cheat it's usually because they're horny assholes, this can be fixed and the relationship doesn't have to end. When women cheat it's over, they've already moved on.

dude cheating's literally the worse thing you can do
like that shit permanently goes on your college record and can affect your career, like I heard about this one dude in the military, denied a promotion cause he cheated in college

Fuck the guy she cheated with to assert you dominance.



You drop that bitch like a bad transmission, stone cold, and you fucking go on to improve yourself and move on. Whores with cute faces are god's curse upon us brother, do the righteous thing and forget her. She doesn't deserve you. Refer to pic related if you're a weak willed bitch that can't deal with emotional stress without a crutch

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>year of our lord 2020
>unironically dating degenerates
no one to blame but you.
find Jesus.

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With a bbc

atleast you didnt marry her, she showed her true colors, move on man find some nice new little thing

im sorry man. the anons who are telling you its over are right. you gotta move on with your life. fuck her, she wasn't the one. if you don't cut contact right away you're gonna feel like a beta cuck for the rest of your life. the sooner you forget about her the sooner you can be happy again. it's gonna be unbelievably painful. cheaters deserve death.
t. been cheated on

I'm sorry to hear user, truth be told I don't know what it feels like because tinder hasn't lead to anything long lasting so I hope you feel better and find the light in your life that'll make you feel better

It would eventually happen and you knew it.

There's really not such thing as "the one".


kill her

Do this pls op

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I see this all the time. So many women don’t touch their chest when they bench

How big are your lats?
Maybe you're neglecting one of your muscle groups.

Get out of relationship free
Pass GO
Collect $200

they all do at some point

After getting cheated on and left after three years in a relationship it totally broke me, I became a shell of a human being for months. Then one day I called my mom and told her I didn't know how I was gonna live a good life with the pain I was feeling. She responded, "I gave up on my own life dreams so that I could raise you, if you ruin your life over some whore then I'll know I made the wrong decision". It sounds cheesy but her saying that honestly changed my life. I've been lifting and powering my way through uni ever since. If your parents love you they probably feel the same way.

U both hav problem
I hope u both fix ur problem

Mom sounds based but also like a psychopath

sory bro :(

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According to the law, killing a woman after being pushed by circumstances that would drive any reasonable citizen to homicidal behavior is not murder, but manslaughter. 5 years in prison, max.

Wink wink, OP.

Depends what you mean. If, like the guy you're responding to, you mean specifically the one who end up with, whoever she is, then yes there by definition will be one.

You know what to do

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1+1=2 retard

s'all they do bro. they will never care, neither should you.

I know that quote sounds very harsh but she's a good person. And plus it worked, I'm definitely more optimistic about my life than I was before.

Mmm, I see you have a based mommy

OP here, im trans btw if that matters :p

Woman arent worth the time user.

Never give chase to sluts. Make them work for your time.


I had a girl cheat on me when I was 19. I found out because I found some other guy’s sock in her bedroom. She confessed and was crying and begging me to not break up. I was completely heart broken so I kept dating her with full intention of her catching me in the act of cheating on her. It’s so much easier finding a new girlfriend when your motivation is to ruin a cheater’s life rather than finding happiness for yourself.

Long story short, the cheating girlfriend came home from class to find me fucking her friend in her own bed. I didn’t even stop when she walked in, I held out my hand and asked her if she wanted to tap in. We broke up and she gained 50 lbs and became a tattooed feminist mess after that. Zero accountability for her own actions in the matter.

fuck her friends, sister and mother that should do

Trash bait

Mierda negro me saliste bien malote, Good job!

i dont wanna live in this kind of world bros

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Me neither man. After a while it began to make sense how dudes end up gay, haha

the women cheating is the man's fault meme is neofeminist propaganda

Kill her in her sleep

Dump and unperson her. Let her enjoy the quarantine alone and miserable. She'll crawl back to you, and then you'll remind her that she doesn't exist. Women are stupid, it's easy to break them.

Fucking this


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You know how when you lift you get callouses on your hands? Love is sort of like that. Your attempts at being happy are gonna fail at first, but eventually you get better at love and your heart will develop callouses so it won’t hurt anymore and eventually you’ll find someone who will love you and you’ll be okay. Your just have to keep your head high and your back straight

Never trust a bitch

based as fuck

Under rated
But fr am I supposed to touch my chest, I always stop just short of it

Depends on your shoulder flexibility, and how much you arch your back. Go to what's comfortable.
Don't hurt your shoulder thinking you HAVE to hit your chest.

who gives a shit, just survive coronavirus and you can rape anyone you want in the wasteland

I cheated on my gf who I had been with for 2yrs and months. She had a flat chest, a girl in my class had huge tits and was in to me. I’m a horny asshole and I fucked her and came all over those huge massive delicious tits.

I felt guilty. It didn’t make me love my gf any less, I just got something out of my system. Months later my gf dumped me for various reasons and I’m still all hurt over it despite me being the one who cheated on her.