im passing the quarentine with both my sister and mom because dad is at grandparents home and my sis days ago said "wow user i didnt notice how big your arms are til now have you ever chocked a girl haha" now she keeps talking about my body and my arms and keeps asking what i would do in an apocalypse like "hey user if everything goes to shit will you have sex or what" what the flying fuck why women are like this when there is a threat my mom is fine...but my sister suddenly looks like she is horny as fuck cant stop making sexual jokes and all how do i tell her to stop that fucking attitude, we have another younger sister (underage) and i dont want her to copy her coom actions
Im passing the quarentine with both my sister and mom because dad is at grandparents home and my sis days ago said "wow...
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Stop being a beta faggot and fuck your sisters.
Are you fucking gay? Just fuck her dumbass
fuck your sister
Fuck your sister then post greentext
You know what to do
Fuck your sister you idiot
thats not correct, i know shes horny and if we make a move its something we may regret for ever add to the equation the fact we may get caught because mom and little sis are always at home, real life is not a porn movie you coomers fucking your sister is not right the fact shes horny just shows i should act on it with prudence instead
choke ur sister while ur cumming in her
maybe you should try to lick your lil sis feet instead
Based basic logic user.
You are still a retard for posting the OP for coomers to read.
you went very far on that one i suggest you to think twice before writting anonymously on the internet, even if you dont have sisters think for a minute how disgusting and degenerate is what you just wrote, looks like coomers dont even care how delicate this situation is with coronavirus you just replicated the averate american that doesnt give a fuck
>we may get caught because mom and little sis are always at home
good then you can ask them to join in
Call her out on it , not in front of the others but in private , then if she continues , then call her on it in front of your mother , the younger one doesn’t need to be involved and if for some reason your mother feels the same then god help you
holy shit that's hot
It’s a coomer LARP you fucking brainfogged coomers holy shit how dense is that coom fog?
thanks i will try it
its not larp quarentine is making girls gigathots download tinder and you'll see
what's the point of tinder if you can't leave your house lmao
not having sex with your siblings is a modern construct. people have been boning their siblings for 1000s of years. do it pussy
this is true. just had an ex from two years ago email (wtf) me
once the quarentine is over you will bang her idiot
its not modern construct fucking your silbings is degenerate
Your sister is slicking to your big strong arms and your powerful hands. Imagine the pent up sexual frustration in her womb. Imagine the smell in her room. Also learn how to spell choked, faggot. You Eurobros aren't chocking a wheel. You're choking a girl.
Don't listen to coomers ITT just tell her to knock it off and move on. Are you baiting here?
>people have been boning their siblings for 1000s of years
*white people
That shit is common af in africa too desu t. african
dis ma nig never gawt y des whitey so obsess wit da sis ass rolf
oy OP I may have found the solution:
>There are people who are paid to push incest on Yas Forums.
>To try to normalize it as if it's nothing out of the ordinary
>No seriously. Look at this shit. This isn't even out of the ordinary anymore.
The duality of man
This guys got a point you gotta loosen those eggs a bit before you dump your boys in there.
Niggers are animals that rape everything in sight, even their 600 yearold malaria baboon ass fucking grandmas pussy
Kys Jamalzambique
You just know
>the post
whos this girl. reverse image search gets me the wii meme and that's it
thats my actual sister
no you can't have her instagram, snapchat,etc
Based op, don’t let anyone tell you to fuck your stupid sister, take this as a test to your willpower. And why don’t you try to be more distant with her?
nah i found it. it's notcursednat. you liar
When people are near death, sometimes there is a desire to procreate. I had to live out of a car once and got so stressed at one point I coughed up blood. This was in winter. My test went so high my voice literally sounded lower than Josh Turner's. I also had crazy high confidence, etc.
Seriously just fuck ur sister or atleast get mutual oral going
pic of sister
in a stressful event where death is an actual threat, but over a longer period of time, humans enter a unique survival mode where they aim to reproduce as much as possible. now, men are creatures of logic so we look at the situation and analyze it, so we can see its not a real threat to us hence we chill and our horny levels dont change much. women, however, are creatures of emotion and they act impulsevely in this situation. they actually feel the threat and want to reproduce now, with a male. that is all to it, gentlemen.
I'll post the closest to incest I've ever gone if you guys want. It's not that exciting a story, but it is true.
>Be me, 25.
>I have a female cousin I only ever see at family reunions (22). Mousy brown hair, short for a girl, plays soccer, C-cup tier boobs, lean. Not unattractive. You'd consider her a bit of a tom boy.
>It's Easter, and she calls me up on Skype, even though her account hasn't been active for like 2 years.
>Small talk, what have you been up to, happy Easter, blah, blah, blah.
>Hear water in the background.
>"Are you washing dishes or something?"
>"Nah, I'm in the shower. My phone's on this little shelf. Can you hear me okay?" (not exact words, but whatever)
>I try to ignore it, but honestly, it's a little strange to call me out of the blue while you're showering.
>"Do you often call people while you shower?" (the line went silent for a bit)
>"I didn't think it was a big deal. We used to bath together as kids remember."
>I actually didn't remember this at all. In fact, I think she made this up.
>"Yeah, sure. I don't mind or anything."
>"Wanna video chat? I haven't seen you for like over a year."
>"Yeah, sure."
>Camera turns on. It's pixelated as fuck, but the angle is like from mid stomach up. Lens is blurry presumably from steam, but I can still make her out every few seconds when the connection clears.
>Proceed to talk to cousin on cam while she showers like it's normal. Nothing else happens. All in all, very strange.
Go for it, bugster.
Should have started jackin off to the cam and started yelling UUUUUUUUHHHH UUUUUHHHOOOOOAAAAAAAH IM GONA COOOOOOM
I simp this girl HARD on tiktok, she so damn cute!!!
Based trips
beat her to death
Leon, listen to me. Don’t make my mistake.
You HAVE to fuck your sister. It’s the only way.
This. You'll regret not doing it later. Few people get this opportunity.
this user is right, don't overthink it but just express your discomfort to her. most relationship problems are just communication. don't be afraid to get your parents involved bc this shit is serious.
you seem to have a good head on ya mate, if this isn't larp you're gonna do fine and just keep a level head.
OP you should start making her super uncomfortable.
Walk around shirtless
Squeeze past her in the halls
Casually tap her lower back walking past
Compliment her physique, ask her if she has started working out, talk about how attractive you find girls who exercise
Ask her to hang out with her 1 on 1, ask her questions about sex and what sort of guys she likes
Leave incest erotica/porn open on your computer/phone
If she ever gets confident enough to try anything just hit her with
>eww wtf are you doing? You're my sister!
i can tell you are indian