I finally broke down today driving past my gym

>I finally broke down today driving past my gym
>my routine was on point, i had a schedule, was making gains
>sat in the parking lot and looked in at all the weights all the places I made gains
>this isn't right or fair this is fucked up
>yes I cried fuck you

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Fuck the Chinese
Those bat eating chink niggers

Yeah stupid fucking bug people. China needs to be taken to task for this by the rest of the world. They are at fault and need to pay up

Every country should sanction the fuck out of them

That's his mom right?

his gf

Evolve or die you little bitch. You need to find another way to stay fit. Nobody has a gym to go to right now (yeah yeah inb4 homegym masterrace, go piss in a bottle you anti-social serial killers)

Figure out a new way to get in shape, or sit around crying about it. But remember other men are coming up with solution while you cry in your car.

Women don't care about muscles anyways.

Gotta stay strong, King. Even though we can't lift together, we autists still have to stick together. Just think, though, if niggers and white trash in prison can get huge with a pullup bar and a laundry sack of books why can't we?
Nobody likes a pessimist.
>Women don't care about muscles anyways
Now you sound like a bitch.


I don't understand why you faggots won't do calisthenics or buy dumbbells. Nope, just cry about your gains while bitching about all the people who have home gyms.

They are all sold out nigger even bowflex ones are going for a grand

>yeah yeah inb4 homegym masterrace, go piss in a bottle you anti-social serial killers
lol stay jelly

My gym closes down for at least three weeks tomorrow bros. Got a double in today. Should I just fast and pin test to cut and maintain muscle since I can't work out?

Climb to the roof and cut your way in.
Fuck control and fuck the system.
Project Mayhem is a go.
Motherfucking Irene!

It's a prostitute.
And also his mom.
His mom is a prostitute.

Normies will go right back to buying their shit just to save a few dollars in the short run, even though they will end up needing to buy replacements and contribute to cucking their own economy.

You cried because your gym is closed? Wtf man?

I was making progress I had a great routine now everything is ruined

the worlds not over dipshit chill the fuck out and do calisthenics for now

You don't lose gains in one week, lol.

fuck off racists

>broke my collarbone 6 years ago
>prior to that, I had 1/2.5/3.5 as an 18 year old
>have to have surgery, parents never tell me to go to physical therapy/rehab so I never go
>start lifting again on my own
>develop strength imbalances and lift incorrectly for the next 6 years
>plagued by shoulder pain, back muscles won't grow
>can't bench above 2pl8, shoulder exercises are impossible to do because of shoulder pain
>finally get sick of it last december and enroll in PT
>basically have to learn every movement over again
>PT told me what was wrong, helped strengthen muscles that were completely inactivated/atrophied do to bad form
>PTs were amazed I had put on so much muscle with such bad muscle imbalances
>they gave me the tools I needed to improve, but they really couldn't do anything more
>period of 2 months of trial and error, trying to figure out how to get my muscles to work in sync, how my form was off
>late february, I finally have a chest workout where I get a chest pump and no shoulder pain
>GF notices that my back muscles are blowing up
>feeling good, finally I'm back to normal
>coronavirus hits
>forced to create a makeshift homegym
>lack of a bench and the equipment I normally use has forced me to improvise
>have to make DIY dumbbells that are painfully unbalanced on each side
>bench on top of a beer cooler, just can't get my form down
>shoulders start hurting again
>back muscles aren't feeling like they're getting worked
>feel like I'm regressing back to how I was before PT

I was so fucking close. Fuck this coronavirus. I think I'm destined to just not get gains anymore. Gonna go to home depot and try to put together a makeshift bench with plywood and foam. Maybe weight out some sand bags so that I actually have balanced dumbbells.

Even if shit opens up again by Easter, I don't think I'll feel safe going to the gym. Won't be surprised if we get a different virus out of Africa in the next 20 years.

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I live next to the gym and walk by it everyday and reminisce. Sometimes I sit outside on the bench and just think about the gains I could be making.

Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my legs.. And my arms... even my forearms... The gains that I've lost... the bros that I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like it’s all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our gym!

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Sorry. Was trolling a thread on /asp/. Didn't mean to leave name on lol.

I haven't even bathed since the gyms closed I barley eat unless I force myself to, I try my best to do bodyweight shit but goddamn it's like drinking coffee after doing crack I fucking hate it
Mostly I just fester in my own self hate and fermenting cum stains
How much more longer till I either die or get back my reason to live

I've legit had three breakdowns.

And I drove to the gym parking lot one evening because I was bored... Just to hang out there...

We all know that feel bro. Don't worry, we'll all make it through this. It'll suck, but we'll make it.

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>like drinking coffee after doing crack

Thats how I felt too. Really good way of putting it.

I just gave in and bought a barbell and plates. Took a really long time to find any, but I figure if this thing may last a few months I'm saving money on the gym so might as well put that save money towards some home gym stuff.

>Go to the campus pool for the first time in 2 weeks
>"closed indefinitely"


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can someone tell me if chinese people are actually human? i'm serious. it's as if they have a totally different mind. lacking self-awareness completely. i don't know how else to explain.

go back

Reminder tr/j-annies are here to strangle the site of free discussion.
>I don't want to go to Yas Forums and I never will
I want to talk with people I share a common interest with and do my best to be hospitable and tolerant and hope that they will.
It is a fucking global emergency, surely this affects fitness?

drop dead gook

Sounds gay. Just do a bodyweight workout in your garage like me. Ive even started throwing shit into a backpack to make it harder

I dont have a garage

The garage isn't really necessary. I just work out there because I do pull-ups from the ceiling rafters.


post routine

Japs do your thing

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Lolololoolol imagine paying for a gym and having it shut down.
U mad? Yeah u mad

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I do some pullups. Then some push up's with my feet on the second rung of a ladder with the backpack on. Then I do some fucked up on legged squat type things that are almost lunges but I don't move. After that I take the 35lb kettlebell that I found in my basement out of the backpack and just shoulder press it for a bit. At the end I do some planks and wall sits sometimes. Kinda need to find something for lower back still. Might try picking up a mini freezer a bunch idk

Why do they do this?

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Im pretty autistic but I went to my gym so much that it was easy to talk to people, especially the other regulars. Felt like a club.
I haven’t talked to anybody but family in the past almost two weeks

Most gyms will be closed for several months you retard. They just start with saying "a few weeks" but considering gyms is like the best place for germs to be spread you can be sure its more than just a few weeks

damn man, i feel you



go to the playground and do calisthenics faggy boy. Do squats, lunges, one leg squats theres so much. to choose from

My gym is actually still open

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I used to think the "rape of Nanjing" was a war crime. Now I see that not only was it justified, but not nearly enough.

I miss the gym bros too even though we didnt talk we would do a head nod or make eye contact

Do single leg deadlifts with the kettlebell and also swings

Miller? Liquid?

fuck these crybaby niggers and fucking fearmongers

>what is calisthenics
>what are home gyms
>what are dumbbells
Stop bitching you retards. Find a way. With an attitude like this you will ngmi. Heck even fill a backpack with water bottles, rocks, literally anything that will be heavy enough and do weighted cali if you think you're too good for normal bodyweight cali. And you can curl that too. But nah, better to make bitch attention seeking threads about your poor gains instead of adapting.
>cried in front of the closed gym
Top tier fag that will literally ngmi.

i feel you op i finally was crushing my plateaus i was in the gym 3-4 months prior just lifting the same weight plus or minus 5 pounds over and over and over again finally break my 2 plate squat and my 3 plate deadlift and this happens i am gonna lose 6 weeks of progress.

why do niggers do nigger things? beats me

There is no fitness equipment for sale anymore retard.

Calisthenics suck dick its a half measure and I can't get the same intensity. How am I gonna replace 145 ohp for reps with some fucking water bottles or some shit. A bunch of pushups??? Let the elderly for the gyms must reopen now.

All they had to do was not boil dogs alive and not eat bats. How fucking hard is it?

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yes i have a reservation for based,party of user

I have minimal equipment. EZ curl bar with 95 Lbs on it. Ab Wheel, jump rope, bands. Here’s two workouts I’ve done.

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Muh heritage


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Bruh it's been like 2 weeks. If that's all it took for your "gains" to disappear then you weren't in very good shape to begin with.
Work out at home. Even if you don't have any weights you'll find a way to make it happen if you're really dedicated. Push-ups, sit-ups, bodyweight squats, planks, burpees. These are all free. Running outside is free.
It's not my first choice to have my gym closed either. I love my gym. But my choices are adapt and make the best of it, or get in fetal position and cry about what can't be changed. We know what choice you made. I know what choice I'm making.
TL; DR OP is a faggot.

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This is a bioweapon. They are disgusting insectoids who really do eat bat soup, but that isn't what caused this.

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I agree. Also, nice meme

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