Dude just eat less lmao

>dude just eat less lmao
you say it like it's so fucking easy. I can't stop shoving shit in my mouth god fucking damnit.

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Struggling with this as well. Its even worse now when I'm at home all day

just stop, fat retard.

It will take years of failure and regret but you will do it friend.

you eat shit?

just replace it with salad, faggot

just drink sparkling water

I know my post is nothing new, but what really grinds my gears about this is that normalizing obesity and being a fat useless piece of shit, that to enable fat fucks, essentially is the first step in dooming the human race. Maybe not, like hopefully if it never ends that it stays here in the U.S. and it’s just us who fall, but I highly doubt it. All we need is for one fo the places trying to mimic western life like China to take this on instead of what they’re already doing and it’ll spread like corona.

Side note since they gave us covid we should give them obesity

I don't like shit, but I eat it.

And that will be just like it - he will just stop. So why waste all these years.

It's okay to be weak.

if I was around the size of that mannequin how long would you say it would take me to get to a regular healthy weight bros?

Eat soup
250 cals a can, you can eat one 800 cal meal (big burger no fries) and eat too meals of soup, and still come out way under and feel full

looks like 320lbs, and you can lose about 20lbs a month no problem at that size, tho it slows down as you hit 220 or so. So about a year at the max.
The hard part is changing your fat brain

Just eat less you fat, weak, lazy, stupid faggot

Learn more about habits and how they affect human beans. You'll understand you're a result of your daily actions; your habits, and maybe you'll grow or some shit.

Or you can continue to be a fat fuck and fist yourself.

That is not 320lbs what the fuck. Maybe if the mannequin was 6'8

But not to remain weak

I don't believe its eat less, more like eat clean
when you eat clean you feel more full and your caloric intake goes down naturally.
If I eat mcds I can probably put down 2000 calories in 1 sitting and I will still be hungry in 6 hours but if I made burgers at home it would probably be closer to 1000 calories for the same amount of fullness. something about fast food fucks with you

This guy was 5'11 350. Right is 250

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Why do you care? We will be living greek staturs amongst the whales, superior in every way.

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will power.
if you cannot control what you do, you were never really alive in the first place, just another biological machine out of its element.

Good point. But having this general hate helps me not succumb to that shit.

T. Was a fat kid

That's why covid is here. Your kind have his from natural selection for long enough. Modern civilization will fall and you weaklings with it.
Of course.... There IS still hope for you.

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Stop eating out.
Stop eating sugary food.
If you cant stand throwing away food, donate new food and take open food to your work break room.
Drink water
Dont eat fried food.

There are three or two reasons you overeat. You are accustomed to getting little insulin boosts by snacking. Secondly sweet or fried foods have flavors that hang around in your mouth reminding you to eat just a little more.

Get the shit out of your house and on a day off like Saturday do a water fast. Then the next day eat healthy. Baked chicken. A salad. Wild rice. Baked broccoli.

sometimes it is just that easy

It really is pretty easy you dumb fat fuck. Tired of seeing fat retards like you complain. Eat less dumb bitch.

Your stomach shrinks after a while. I can't eat a whole pizza anymore unless it's my only meal of that day. The hardest part is going to bed hungry.

I've gone from 97 kilos to 83 in less than a year. My goal is 80. Way more energy, running is so much easier.

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Try chewing gum

That kills my food cravings

After chewing plenty of gum, my teeth feel sharp and I wanna bite into hard stuff like oven warmed baguettes and snacks..

Honestly man you'll get plenty of counterproductive answers but the general gist is that it is not easy.

What working for me is learning more about food and how it affects our bodies. Especially macros, micros, vitamins, glycogen and a lot more I'm still figuring out. Literature helps.

Maybe consider eating smaller meals more often? I've been doing that for a couple of weeks now. 5 meals, separated by about 2-3 hours. Overall it amounts to a deficit in calories but some days I have trouble even getting 4 of the meals in.

I was 283lb at 6'1, now 256lb. Working towards 215lbs. Most days it doesn't feel like a chore because you're learning as well.

Of course intersperse this with plenty of water and exercise. Avoid sugar and saturated fat. Getting fit takes a bit of multitasking and if you can remain focused on it you'll forget about those cravings in no time.

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when i was at uni i managed to go from 85 kg to 65 kg in 4 months by starving myself and cardio. would never do that again though. now that i'm home i'm fucking fucked though

>natural selection
>almost exclusively eliminating people outside the reproductive pool

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You are disgusting

King, you don't realize it's not eating less, it's eating foods that are less calorically dense. I peaked in HS at around 300 lbs but I was tall so only I saw the fat, I dieted wrong doing crash diets and everything, all you gotta do my man is eat less calorically dense foods, calculate your Resting Metabolic Rate, and then set it up for a deficit (like my RMR is around 2800 or some shit when I do my basic work, I cut about 500 off to get into a deficit) and eat plenty of greens like veggies and fruits and shit, that's what does it for me, I've gone from highschool of 296 lbs to 205 and now working on becoming a bodybuilder this year, itll take time, but it's possible

you may have underlying issues that cause you to eat copious amounts of food as a coping mechanism, which you should figure out
in the meantime, drink as much water as you can whenever you feel the urge to eat

Shots not easy. I went from damn near 400lbs to 240. Then some life shit happend and binge ate my ass back to 330. I got back down to 280 but now starting this fucking cycle again and sitting at 300lbs.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Only transfered to another form. I switched my eating habit for masterbating. Everytime I felt like eating, I would just start jerking it. I became a coomer, but I managed to lose the weight.

unironically how? nofap is the only thing that makes me lose weight, when i coom i immediately desire another dopamine hit through food, doubly so when i jerk off a lot

I take drugs that make me horny. ADD meds and coffee.

Also I switched from sugar to stevia because I heard it was a healthier sweetener.

I lost 80 lbs by eating less.
Of course it's not easy, you're utterly changing your lifestyle, a lifestyle where all you've been doing is giving into your basic desire for consumption.
The brain prefers you keep doing the same shit for efficiency. Trying to make drastic changes in behavioral or thought patterns is so taxing that it fucking triggers fight/flight to try to get you to stop, even if what you're doing isn't good for you long term. The parts of your brain facilitating this shit don't comprehend that.
That's all you're really fighting against, once you let go of any other rationalizations you're coming up with and realize this is all it comes down to, you'll be in a place where you can dismiss those urges to overeat and do the things you need to in order to get fit.

Are you capable of fasting?

I guess, I haven't tried because I thought it was a meme.

They're just going to drench it in caesar or ranch and make it like 1500 calories

mirin that bulk bro

I hate it when fats use the word can't.

Of course you can, but you won't.

AGAIN with this fucking meme

Not OP but I have the same problem.
It took me 2 years to develop the discipline to work out every day, I cant even remember the time where I didn't like lifting weights. But for God's sake, I cannot stop over eating. It's not like I binge eat but more like ever 2 or 4 hours I have to something sweet or junk food even if it's just a small portion.

There are days were I eat 6 or 7 times.

I feel like shit, I wish I could just use a dog muzzle in order to stop this.

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Do you feel that tingles of wanting to eat aomething, even if you just ate a few hours ago?
Something in your mouth, a funny feeling in your belly, your hands tremble a little.

I think this is how coke heads feel like.

I used to be 340 pounds .
Go keto - remove carbs - less insulin spikes .
Eat within a 4 hour window - keto only - meat eggs cheese pickles salad ranch fat etc you will lose 15 lbs a month , currently I’m 240 like 3 months in . Drink water , walk an hour a day - gg . Easy af . Don’t eat carbs fatty ! We are killing our selves , fast and eat man food - good luck king

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for fucks sakes drink flavored water and eat REAL food and it'll cure everything worked with me

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Stop buying food

What food will you eat then?

Listen to these anons, they're right.
Fasting is NOT A MEME. Look up Dr. Jason Fung for health benefits of fasting from a doctor.

you have to have a good reason.

My mom has type 2 and it's getting worse, my grandma on my Dad's side has it and on top of it all I think it's the reason I've had trouble dating.

So I'm doing a low carb thing until I'm not at risk for beetus and become attractive.

Don’t put shit food in your shopping cart you stupid fucking brain fogged coomer

How about developing that prefrontal cortex of yours and be in control of your own body instead of letting your lizard brain run the show like an unconscious NPC

Seems like every time you're doing better. If you get yourself together right now you will not go up to your previous maximum (330).

>dude just eat less lmao
>you say it like it's so fucking easy
it is easy. youre just eating cause youre bored. get a hobby that prevents you from eating like learning to play piano

Holy shit cunt I have to drink loads of milk, eggs and oats to try and keep size on.

How do you eat so much as to be a fat cunt?

Fucking die then you piece of weak shit.

Literally just do not eat. It's not hard. Make a shopping list and just stick to it, buy the stuff on the list and nothing else. If you don't buy it you can't eat it, fat retard.