Ideals Thread

Post em up boys

Rate and discuss

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キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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Yeah, 47 looks exactly like someone who says "just shave it bro, works for me"


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unironically based - 8/10

shoo coomer

based and toapilled

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Will rate when I'm waking up, promise

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Based and gayest guy in the football locker room pilled
Your style is being a girl?
unimaginably based
Girl is 6/10, everything else is 9/10

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you'll never pass

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Idgaf about rating or being rated.
Just here to see and share template.

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It's been a while since we had one of these

Fashion sense is on point
That's a really killer hairstyle
Taste in women is based af.

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Would pay money to see guy in first panel wearing a pump cape around town

Based ideal body and haircut. You lose me at the style and 2D gf

Wait... Is one of those a mecha?

Look at this fuckin rebel. Just look at him. Don't you want to hang out with him?

Used to play college ball, but I still keep up the work in the gym

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2D gf was just the easiest for me to illustrate my ideal girl. There's a swedish youtuber that looks kinda like the 2D girl (pic related). Also, Dante's style in DMC5 is pretty fashionable I think

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how do you even butts like that?

Actually the bald eagles with the white heads are the males

America is my woman

You're obligated to get nanomachine gear now, user.

Very cute

All of the hip thrusts.
All of them.

So, how does Yas Forums feel about this haircut on women?

Attached: Side Shave.jpg (500x603, 41.09K)

Well, I for one am okay with it because it's the haircut I have.

Style and hair are together in that image, brainlet

is the weighted dangle purely for butts?

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i personally dont like it
im a simple man and i like my women normal

I think the weighted dangle might just be for grip

I see the weighted dangle at my gym a lot and wonder if its a meme, no one at my old gyms would do that

I've seen people do some weird shit but I've never seen anyone perform a weighted dangle.. looks like a nice arm stretch and a way to work your grip strength while simultaneously pissing off all the other people who are waiting to do real pull-ups

Always makes me laugh

Fuck women
Gtfo subhuman

What year is this?

its 839, and the Nordic expansion has only just begun

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I think your style section needs moar pics. Like things other than just outerwear. Based haircut. Body isn't what very many guys on this board are trying to aim for but I guarantee those two guys could beat the living fuck out of each and every one of us lol.

Too much. That's me though.
Refined and humble is generally more attractive, IMO. Extreme guys might like that style more.

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Half mullet is gross

i think hardcore haircuts work with people with super sweet/high pitched/ delicate voices

i think this one looks good with nose/chin length hair

Pass. I like women without daddy issues

who are those 2 sperm repositories?

Is Irnakk the most alpha bionicle? yes

Right on. The mullet is coming back, I can feel it. Who’s the girl?

Body and hair ok. Rest is pathetic desu

Very good

Ok. Hair is cool, but style is not for me. You’re probably a lot younger than me though so you do you.

Bottom right hair is bad. Clothes are weird. Rest is ok

Nice dress

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dont know who that is/10

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Based vintage hair and style. Based sexy lean white girls. 9/10

Nice outdoor fashion sense, based statue goal body and haircut. You lose me at the black girls but at least their all hot 8/10


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Based af.

>having Oneitis for a pornstar
This is your brain on coom.

Style and hair are pretty cool.

Unfeminine and therefore repulsive.

Probably wouldn't even be that bad if you had given it more effort than 40 seconds of Paint.

Attached: Fit Ideals.png (1073x1020, 1.4M)

Yeah, I'm thinkin these are based

Attached: fit ideals.png (1100x1030, 1.06M)

overused meme
2/4 very bland
you think you can add a few more pictures on that template mate?
3/4 needs a funkier hairdo
school shooter
overused meme #2, mgr was good but you're beating a dead horse.
Coronavirus gook shit
funny man xd
autism #2
school shooter #2
school shooter/incel
Virgin/school shooter

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