ITT: Why do you lift?

I lift for God and to enforce the truth and will of nature, and to pay homage to one of the last great heros of the modern world.


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Preach brother!

woah so edgy lol wow HITLER omg did he really say that? lol wow easy lad i'm triggered

who is this?

in the 1930's he was a man so bold he changed the course of humanity in only a few short years.

a modern version, however, would see him as a fat neckbeard incel typing out long rants on Yas Forums about muh white purity after spending multiple hours on pornhub (jobless)


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I lift to spite the Jews.

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lmfao Germany wrote a check its body couldn't cash

I lift so I can crush Antifa skulls under my boot. Also aesthetics and qt3.14s.

The gym transformed me tremendously. I went from being 67 percent body fat to 31 percent body fat at the same weight(360 pounds). My arms went from flabby chicken arms that were like 10 inches to 18.5 inches. I worked out so much it got to the point where professional bodybuilders who had been building for like 20-30 years would come and ask me what steroids I was taking.

Not because I cut, but because of the amount of working out I was able to do in a single day without steroids lol. Imagine hitting the bag for 30 minutes at moderate intensity, then weightlifting for 50 minutes - biceps, chest, back and triceps - 4 sets of each muscle group, 6-8 reps per set, and then swimming 650 meters for 60 minutes, followed by 20 minutes in the steam room. Also my biceps routine composed of 65 pound dumbbells lol

That was my routine from fall 2014 to winter 2016, when I screwed up my sciatic nerve and my routine tremendously declined. No supplements during this period.

Even though I still look like crap, I literally haven't been to the gym regularly in over 2 years(past 2 years I averaged 1 day per week, and past 6 months 1 day per month!) and my arms are still 16 inches deflated.

At 6'4, I went from looking like a fat virgin pedophile nerd to a boss bodyguard from John Wick lol, and it actually shows, since I was literally at fat virgin who everybody picked on in high school but the confidence boost I got from this... I went from my "hello's" to girls being responded to with "eww" followed by them running away to at one point having 5 girlfriends in the same sorority sisters house, and I wasn't even going to their university... Sufficed to say that did not end well at all once they found out, and I have paid for it dearly since then.

I also live in one of the richest cities in North America(not only by average household income, but by total population coupled together with average household income coupled with the few hundred multi-millionaires and several billionaires that live in the stretch of land that extends only 10 kilometers in each direction from where I live) and happen to work for these people as security. I've worked as security for a shady Russian billionaire, another shady Chinese billionaire, partnered with some Russians last summer and partied with the Triads in one of the largest nightclubs in North America for this past New Years. They spent $60,000 in the club that night.
Life's great. I still look and feel like shit, but life has been amazing. I love my life. Working out has now become a basic necessity of my life. I literally feel weak when I go a few weeks without lifting some weights, even though at a yellow belt I beat the crap out of half the black belts in my karate class lol(I know, they probably exercise restraint, but the laws of physics don't lie, sure I'd face a lot of damage for a scrawny 5'8 instructor, but I'd still beat him in a street fight and that goes a long way).
I went from idolizing the mob enforcers I grew up with to being idolized by them. I'm not kidding, I knew this guy who was in the special forces, who worked as a bouncer in a nightclub we used to frequent when we were 16, he threatened to slap me once because I lied to him about being "of age" and I almost shit myself because I know his reputation for having a short fuse and kidnapping people, breaking their arms and legs and dumping them in the mountains in the middle of the night, I became bigger than that guy to the point where he used to greet me with fear and respect, when I was 240 pounds, and he's still in prison for beating this 22 year old to death so bad half of the kid's body had fallen apart.

You don't believe in God.

I highly recommend it. Huge confidence boost. I can't believe how confident I used to feel only 1 year into my training, when my arms grew like 2 inches lol.

Yeah, sure, I do get some condescending stares here and there from people who don't know me, and periodically I'll get guys who only started working out 2-3 years ago come to give me advice, even though I've been working out since 2010.
I went from being afraid of fighting to walking into them like a boss. I'm not bragging but we had this brawl back in 2012 that lasted for like 30 minutes with little mini fights breaking in between, at one point I had three of my friends simultaneously beating on this one guy, they're all about 5'8 and 130 pounds and the guy they were beating on was as well, all I do is grab the guy by his shirt, yank him and this caused the guy to trip back and fall down, one of my friends to fall on his face lol, and two of my friends to stumble forward.

I lift to beat up muslims (especially t*rks)

Based. Unfortunately, I am cucked and I lift to win back my ex because she is rich and I want our kids to have a life I never had.


gay as fuck bro

I lift for mai waifu and its pretty much the best part of my day.

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I have it my head that if I get in good enough shape I'll be less retarded

hitler was not a degenerate

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Adolf Hitler had a good vision but went about it in the most retarded way possible

How do you have the most powerful army in the world and still manage to fuck it up?

It just makes me feel better

Dangerously based

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by letting Japan drag the world's most powerful nation into a war when you need them to bully the USSR's east

This is what we call projection :)

Christ, Hitler and myself.

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you talk like you're in a Hitler cult.

>Isn't in Hitler Cult

coffee is okay in small amounts. just drink it black and drink water because it dehydrates you.

>I lift for God and to enforce the truth and will of nature, and to pay homage to one of the last great heros of the modern world.
i lift for hoes

For Orthodoxy.

When the time will come, when I will have to defend Orthodoxy against the globalist jews, I must be in my best physical form.

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Germany absolutely bombmogged

There was a build up to the Japanese USA war, Japan didn't attack the US for no reason, war was unavoidable

fuck Anglos and fuck Jews

Charlie chaplin

I lift for my waifu.

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Hitler at the beginning of that chart:
>Hey brothers lets stop this fighting madness!
>pic related

Kikes in control of britain:
>No we NEED to destroy everything for no good reason. But it's YOU guys, that are so fucking mean lol we're gonna act like senseless ungodly bastards until the end of time, even after the war and blame you for everything
>proceeds to act like cowards and just bomb every German town they could circle over at night until Germany was completely destroyed and Soviets were finishing up raping and pillaging the east

Kys Jew bastard

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1488 my White brother in arms.

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>Attacks on cities like any other act of war are intolerable unless they are strategically justified. But they are strategically justified in so far as they tend to shorten the war and preserve the lives of Allied soldiers. To my mind we have absolutely no right to give them up unless it is certain that they will not have this effect. I do not personally regard the whole of the remaining cities of Germany as worth the bones of one British Grenadier.
Bomber Harris

>We've achieved our strategic objectives, conquered our neighbors and screwed over your position on the continent. So how about we make peace now?

pretty much all countries especially the germanic ones or those in close proximity to germany were eager to join the axis.

What part of continental Europe did Britain have the natural rights to? Oh yeah and did they have the rights to just split and sever the German and European people all over the damn place and stifle their economy and livelihood just because Britain wanted to pass 100% of the blame of WWI onto Germany.

The point of Hitlers Ideology was Racially and Culturally United and Structured Europe to fight off the shitshow of Marxism in the east. A return to order, a blend of Antiquity and Modernity that was in tune with nature, but that obviously threw a wrench into the kikes plans for a world that worships money, media, the bondage of industry and absence of nature.

He had right to liberate peoples across the continent, if you're going to weigh annexing states peacefully as worse than trying to destroy an entire nation from bombing you truly are an ignorant piece of shit.

> To get a body like pic related
> To become more athletic and better at calisthenics
> To be fit enough to start doing parkour
> To be pass the fitness test for firefighting
> To get female, tranny and femboi ass by the truckloads
> To look badass while I'm riding a cool ass bike

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Hitler and JFK were the last heroes of the 20th century

Yes he was, he did amphetamines every day.
And his mates were shooting up heroine regularly.

>The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.
75 years later and you Wehraboos still cling to the same delusion.

For Kaguya

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sensationalist bullshit
try harder


*meanwhile on the other side of the atlantic*
oooh yess americaa *slurp schlop schlap* yesss send me moar of ya destroyers *gurgle gag* please send me more lend lease i'll do anything!!! *glup glop slap* what will it take for you to join da war??? *coughing and gagging* i'll frow away da entoir empire for ya anyfink!!!!

I lift because I love being lean and not having a beer belly, and I love that my clothes fit, and I love that I have that nice V on my stomach, and lifting / cardio / cali / flexibility is a based fucking hobby. I also enjoy talking to you all and getting your input on training, motivation, etc.


I lift to be useful to my future platoon during the race war

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I lift for Spain, the homeland of all my ancestors.

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Good lad, same here.

>If they said it in history class then it must be true

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I lift for the nordic gods.

>inb4 "larping"

Basado, hermano PLVS VLTRA

>Be Natsoc Christian
>Do Jewish exercises
I will never understand Zoomers. Don't you guys do your research or something?

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Read it

>please be pasta

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I lift for today, I lift because I know tomorrow could not happen, I lift because lifting helps me be happy, and that the whole reason of living. To feel emotion. I lift so my children can see that there are no limits to human capabilities. I lift so that I can face any enemy. I lift, to smile, I lift to lift.

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