This is what I'm afraid of. I'll most definitely survive the virus but I could be left with permanently damaged lungs. All my efforts to live a clean, healthy, active lifestyle could go down the drain.
Nathan Morgan
>doctor said not to do any exercise at all
No doctor would ever say this
Josiah Ortiz
fuck off with your larp redditfag
Zachary Gonzalez
>Got coronavirus three weeks ago. Pretty much destroyed my lungs. I feel shitty even walking up the stairs. That's what you get from not sunbathing naked every day at peak hour And provide proof your thread isn't a fearmonger larp
Joshua Hughes
This, but also friendly reminder that doctor's don't know a fucking thing about fitness even if one would be Jewish enough to say it
Joseph Robinson
They do if you have permanent lung damage or a serious heart disease.
Nolan Young
>not do excercise at all probably for now... until you have recovered from the fact that your lungs were recently damaged..
I'd look into exercises for people who have lost an entire lung
Didn’t even realize this could happen to a normal healthy person.
OP, two things. I’m not a doctor and idk if that’s scar tissue or what, but Start over again like you’re a 300lb mentally challenged 12 year old. Start with a 10-15 minute walk and build that up to like an hour. Nothing brisk just nice and slow. Then very slowly and carefully attempt to jog for 1 minute on, walk 5 minutes. I’d do that x2-3 the first time. You get the idea, build it up as if you were the most out of shape being in existence. Baby yourself by try to make progress, and also, look into cardarine
Oliver Thomas
The right lung increased in size while the left whole got cut? A fucking flu didn't do this shit, what was his comorbities?
Colton Hill
Where you coughing or hospitalized? I had a cold but a solid immune system, so not sure if I had the Rona/dmgs. You will recover, alot of people can function with one lung. Do you have to sleep apnea machine?
Jacob Wilson
At least chance the file name if you are larping
Joseph Thomas
I've had the virus for about two weeks now. So far no lung damage, but man my throat is hurting. If you get it, make sure you load up on drugs that keep your lungs clear and take big breaths.
Carter Robinson
>larping I hope you really get the virus and be one of the lucky 0.2% to fucking die from it
Jack Campbell
Nathaniel Sanchez
post proof of lung damage or this is larp
Josiah Campbell
im no doctor but even if this was you, organs can repair themselves if you take care of yourself.
Fuck off fearmonger! You can't hide the fact that all of this was done to cover the asses of rich old fat fucks. Their time has come! Death to the oligarchy!
Joshua Perez
I didnt get coronavirus but I have a lot of scar tissue in my lungs because I used to smoke and get pneumonia a lot.
You're fine. Lifting is fine. Cardio will be tough for awhile but start slow and work your way up. Dont do HIIT though stick to LISS.
Jayden Rivera
I'm sorry for your loss you should probably listen to your doctor, he knows best. Adam.
Nolan Campbell
This is not a flu, retard.
Andrew James
> 70 years of age > fat fuck > Kol-kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom (chronic obstructive lung disease) > Emphysema > high bloodpressure > dieabeatus > blood clots > newly operated hip corona isnt the end of the world, just take care of yourself.. stop fearmongering and especially all you bloody retards whos hoarding toiletpaper.. just how much do you shit ?
take babysteps and allow yourself to heal and fully recover before going full ham at the gym
stop fearmongering, body can repair themself, aside from the spinal nerve if it gets scarred.
Gavin Gutierrez
>have a normal cold >have to constantly suppress coughs and hide symptoms of the cold so people don't think I have corona
Asher Sanders
be sure to post your manifesto before the shooting spree in chinatown
David Sullivan
>literally "one post by this id" larp Go fuck yourself
Aiden Brooks
It’s a LARP you brainfogged coomers
Elijah Johnson
Okay doctor!
Cooper Ortiz
How do you get permanent damage user?
Jaxon Rivera
Justin Cruz
It can happens to anyone. My dad's is 52, built like a horse, run 10 miles in the morning, he's currently breathing concentrated oxygen at the hospital. Shit sucks.
Cooper Fisher
Fitness is still important OP. Even people who are missing a lung still are able to keep fit. It's all about just accepting that you now have 40% of your lungs and working with what you have.
I imagine that this happening to you will require some grieving, but it will also build resilience. You will be a stronger person emotionally by having to go through this struggle.
Just start light, with low frequency, and find your new norm. Youre gunna lose some gains as first, but you're gunna be alive.
40% of the global population will have it within the next two months. At least you have an excuse not to do cardio now.
Eli Russell
It takes a minimum of 6 weeks for fibroblasts to build scar tissue after tissue injury. The average timeline for scar tissue to complete is is 3-6 months. Either you're lying or you're recovering and will be able to continue your previous physical activity within a few weeks. Stay hydrated and do couch to 5k in 2 weeks t. MD
I concur, quite an astute observation my friend. Adam.
Angel Wright
Medfag here OP is full of shit He'd be on a vent, continuous BiPAP, or at the very least a HHFNC with that level of pulmonary damage The mother fucker would have to use the elevator, not stairs, just to drag his equipment around Also his lung function will would most likely improve within a few months due to his age and lack of comorbidity
Lucas Mitchell
>body can repair themself >spinal nerve
sure buddy
Brandon Reed
5 years ago I got severe pneumonia in both lungs, was close to death but I made it. The first 3-6 months are gonna suck buddy, but if you stay at it you will be able to adapt and your lungs will heal with time. Don't give up hope like I did, I went from 83kg to 57 and was close to killing myself, very glad I didn't.
Benjamin Young
>not to do any exercise at all
doctor would never tell you this, nice try
Adrian Wilson
op mark my words you will get most of your lost lung capacity back
your lung's recovery depend on your own health, stay active and slowly they will adjust
ive found studies that SARS which is worse than SARS-2 had significant recovery in lungs the months after, but it depended on physical activity and general health
fuck your doctor
Owen Butler
gssisixbjwssisjwia s s8a s szia sis ci j ss i. uh u urrhudrhurhrurhrurhr rr. r e no je e demee eevehhebe vc b3 3b3 3 3 3hbee e eie fifridrodndhshebrruneejejrbneke us8bej2jwjkr
Jaxson Ward
How can they know it's permanent if you've only had it for a couple weeks
Isaiah Sanders
Smh at all you dumb fucks falling for this shit
If the virus could do this to a patient like OP, his case would be on the front page of NEJM.
this board is full of denial-cels who can't cope with the fact that someone might actually get affected. or maybe you're all just stupid inbred motherfucking retarded-ass nigger tier teenagers larping in the fitness board thinking this is your high school discord group where you compare cock sizes. fuck off with your pseudo medical analysis, I hope each one of your kills yourself before the end of the week and livestreams it so I finally have something decent to watch. go fuck a pig.
a real virus wouldnt require thousands of shills on all social media and MSM platforms
Fuck off
Jonathan Sanders
>Doctor says they are permanently damaged and not to do any exercise at all.
There you go.
If you want my opinion, you should get a second opinion, from a specialist. But I wouldn't do any exercise until then.
Benjamin Hill
>this board is full of denial-cels who can't cope with the fact that someone might actually get affected Is it you? >if yes Do you have aids, one or more organs been removed, terminal cancer, vaccinated recently and had 5g towers nearby, and/or is obese No? So don't worry about a fucking flu
>if no Why do you care nigger?
Jack Davis
based retard
Landon Barnes
Dropout medfag confirmed.
Doctors all over the world are observing that in some cases of COVID permanent lungdamage occurred. No need to put on a vent when having lungdamage. Stop posting misinformation.
Ryder Myers
Whoa me too. I was leading a happy healthy life and the corona fucked up my lungs forever. I just didn't think it could happen to me. For now on, I will be voting democrat.
Ethan Scott
There are people who have died from this 'fucking flu' and there are people who survived cancer. Stop posting dumb logic. It affects young people although less frequent just as well. Brainlet.
Cameron Gomez
Stop inserting your boring agenda into this.
Jordan Lee
>my dads a boomer Stopped reading right there, ofc he’s fucking ill
Brayden Sullivan
you dense motherfucker
Nathan Gomez
Read the file name retard OP is full of shit
Easton Baker
Justin Taylor
except it has and is?.....
Elijah Martinez
>Got coronavirus three weeks ago. Pretty much destroyed my lungs. Cool story bro
Bentley Russell
Guessing it permanently damaged your testicles, kidneys and liver as well?
If so you must never masturbate or nut again, no booze or drugs, and low protein diet for life.
Jace Myers
Myoreps maybe?
Jordan Wright
I have a subscription, but nice try.
Aiden Edwards
If you dont feel like you are dying you arent trying hard enough