How do you achieve this physique in quarantine?

How do you achieve this physique in quarantine?

[spoiler] I'm 173cm, 54kg, weak, and flabby [/spoiler]

Attached: fit.jpg (500x749, 38.05K)

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have you tried hopping on my penis? of coures you haven't! but you should...cardio m'lady!

Wasn't aware spoilers didn't work on Yas Forums. I'm ashamed.

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Cardio just burns a lot of calories doesn't it? The goal would be to get some strength and hopefully at least somewhat visible muscles. Or is there no way of getting around eating more? Do I just run my heart out and then eat 10 chickens so my body doesn't start eating itself?

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post your current body, will give a better idea of what we're working with


my penis is the solution to all your problems, you don't need to eat anything, dear pumpkin my semen has all the nutritional value a female """"athlete""""" needs


I believe in you, user.
Add in a run/skipping too, as well as a health and high protein diet.

Post penis

I'm just thin with no definition whatsoever. Fat goes mostly to my thighs. Prominent ribs and hipbones, slight thigh gap, very little tit. If you've seen any sedentary, borderline underweight female you've pretty much seen me.

Cheers user! Might just be exactly what I was looking for. That looks like it'd be very helpful, I'll take a look at that in full length after my first run in a long while I'm planning on starting in a couple minutes.

Just start jogging and basic body weight workouts for now and try to eat healthy foods. Maybe buy a kettle bell or something if you can and look up workouts for that. Buy a yoga mat and stretch. Basically gains are going to be put on hold for the next couple months so work with what you can then get a gym membership when this is over.

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SS + gomad
Thank me later

I believe in you, user.
Don't worry about Papa Jeff making that look easy, just keep going until YOU make it look easy.
Always remember:
>You DO have one more rep in you
>You DO have one more kilometre in you
>You DO have time to work out today
>You DON'T need that sweet treat/junk food
We're all gonna make it, Corona be damned.

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

Attached: why.jpg (633x960, 105.75K)


G L A S G O W ?

do you have access to a gym OP?

You only need cardio to look like the girls in your pictures, they have no muscle

Cardio mostly only burns calories, however the important thing cardio helps with is your cardiovascular strength and health.

However that makes cardio just an accessory to your heavy weightlifting which does the real work.


cardio and calisthenics in these dire times

This but unironically.


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Attached: mfw you hurting.png (632x650, 98.98K)

OP I'm rollin for this. Pls deliver and don't be a faggot


lmao why do you wanna look like a girl?
girls are fucking weak

Attached: 1585033888984.webm (640x800, 2.13M)

my mask

based londonposter

There is only one way to achieve that body during the quarantine: SS + GOMAD and most importantly is to have as much unprotected sex with as many black men as possible(no pulling out).

Attached: 1569379523631.jpg (736x906, 138.89K)

If you're a woman, then fuck you

Attached: Horton heaves a ho.webm (1280x720, 2.04M)

Imagine the size of the clit

Where do you live?

Arnhem, Netherlands. You?

I'm going there to rape you now, see ya

based dumbo

There's only one way: be my gf. I'm serious, be my gf and i'll make all your dreams come true. It doesn't matter what it is, I'll make it happen. You want this body, its yours. You want to fly to Jupiter, I won't rest until we're there. I'll do anything for you. I know that's about as generic a promise as a man can give to a woman but I'm not being hyperbolic, I will literally do whatever it takes to make your dreams happen. All I want is a gf, that's it. If you be my gf, smile when I look at you, look me in the eyes, stroke my hair when I'm tired, i'll give you anything you want in return. I'll sacrifice everything I have to make your dreams come true because my dream of having a gf is as important to me as any dream you could ever possibly imagine. Please just be my gf, please. I mean it, I'll take you to the gym, I'll prepare all your meals, I'll pay for plastic surgery, I'll become a geneticist and rearrange your dna if I have to, whatever it takes I will make it happen, please just take care of me and love me, please just kiss me before we go to sleep, please talk to me about your feelings, please be my gf, please I'm begging you please just be my gf I promise i'll make you happy.

Based SIMP poster

You got a timestamp for that?

Honestly if you want to lose weight you need to burn cals. Since we are all stuck at home try doing calisthenics. Fun thing I like to do is come up with a total number and I have all day to hit it. For example you may try doing 1000 body weight squats. You have all day to do them. Works great for metabolism but unless you are an Uber beginner you won’t gain any muscle


Be naked 24/7 and let me make constant love to you

>I'll pay for plastic surgery
Wholesome autism ended in coomer dementia once again

Honestly gf looks like this with slightly more muscle and a little leaner. Before the shut down she went to the gym 6 days a week and counted calories every day on a mostly carnivore/keto diet. Do that, be consistent, and you can look like that easily.


I think thats the perfect body, based


Looks like all you need is fork putdowns to achieve this.


the girl in OP has no muscles though.

gay opinion

how does pusy taste like?

I find this too skinny
I feel like women should have a little more belly fat

>Beta who will accept any tits

>you must like all types of tits or you're gay
simp and actual gay in denial opinion

jaw of peace

The mix of Male and female micro movements is disturbing

I watched the video you linked, looks tough but I'll give it a go and see how far I can push it! Ran for an hour today, felt amazing, read your post beforehand and kept on reminding myself to run that last bit. It was great, thank you so much for this blessed post!

No but Glasgow is very cool. Scottish accents are top tier.

Not during lockdown. They've closed down pretty much everything by now. Didn't want to postpone the whole getting healthy thing any further so figured it was better to start now than find another excuse.

Well it's not like I can do a pull up myself so I suppose I can't throw rocks.

Do they not? They sure look a hell of a lot more muscular than me.

Aye, makes sense to me. Heavy weightlifting is currently not in the picture but I'll be doing a load of running alongside the exercises that other user linked.

London was pretty sweet, you lads are real connected with all the trams. I liked the Oyster system.

Because I am one, user. Women are weak, sure, but I'm a pathetic bag of bones that gets winded moving furniture. I'd like to work on that just a bit.

I didn't post here for feels. What is this. I think there's a lot more fulfilling things you could set yourself to achieve than finding a female to pamper. Women are supposed to be dedicated to finding a mate for fulfilment, men have so much more to live for. Make use of that! You should have higher standards than this!

Losing weight is the last thing I'm trying to do, I'm already struggling to keep up my 53-54 kilos.

I'm trying to eat low carb at the moment and include a lot more meat into my diet but fruit is my weakness when it comes to carbs. I've got a horrible sweet tooth. Consistency is key though, for sure!

user I'm pretty sure my BMI is still underweight.

not great but the sexual nature of it makes it addicting.

Run and do ab workouts