Any French fitizens?

any French fitizens?
exchange student here...
can we run in the street? I heard there was a fine
also when will the gyms be back?

Attached: french-flag.gif (640x433, 4.32K)

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You can run, but only one hour a day, alone or with the people you're living with, and no further than one kilometer away from your place. If you go out you have to print or write a paper stating your name, date of birth, adress and reason for going out. As of yerstesday you also need to write the time you're going out.

Don't expect anything back before ten days.

what are you studying

so jealous of people with gyms in their complex, probably getting super fit

I am studying hotel and business management. I was hoping to be a chef, but now I find hr/ analytics interesting.

I am supposed to find a hospitality internship from May to August in France, to validate my second year, but given current times it is pretty hard.

Anyone have a suggestion, or know someone looking for a summer helper in any sector?

exchange student in France here, I run every 2 days just take a written permit this :
with you, an ID, run alone and don't run more than 2km from where you live

Putain de gym fermé comment on va survivre user

De mon côté j'ai tout le matos chez moi. Banc, chandelle, 180kg de poids.
Normalement demain je reçois une cage à squat
1ans et demi de chômage. Muscu tout les matins hop plus d'alcool et de clope je vis le rêve lol

t'es vraiment un NEET putain

Quarantine will last to at least July as the peak of the virus is predicted to be around Mid may

pourriez-vous appliquer à temps partiel pour déplacer des choses sur un marché? comme des palettes et des boîtes de légumes

*mid march so quarantine until april

Attached: 1557266633483.jpg (450x800, 75.46K)

>You can run, but only one hour a day, alone or with the people you're living with, and no further than one kilometer away from your place
Time to run that semi marathon in one hour

I need to apply to something fast for my internship that is English friendly over here ಥ_ಥ what is I'm demand now, supply chain managememt?

forgive me I seem to have misunderstood the question

Ah sorry there was some autocorrect there...
I guess I am wondering what french industry needs the most helpers for this summer?

Many french industries are in need for helpers, due to the massive impact the virus has on a majority of sectors.
You can try for more low-skill jobs like and internship on holiday camps (you are bilingual english french ?)
or more high skill internships in tech companies or travel agencies.
I can see how supply chain management is a favourable choice as well.

Tu vas rire ! J'ai passé mon diplôme steward entre temps quand même. J'ai commencé à postuler j'ai eu un premier entretien avec Air France. BOOUM corona virus

Les marché sont interdits dorénavant il me semble mais sinon j'ai pensé à filer un coup de main dans des écoles où des trucs comme ça

et merde alors ! mais sinon après ce bordel tu pourras recommencer, je pense qu'ils ne seront pas hésitant a te prendre comme steward

J'espère ouais sinon je vais chercher dans la démolition et le déménagement. C'est rock'n'roll aussi

I'm an HR manager for a big Medical device firm in France .We're always looking for internship. What kind of field are you looking for and where are you located? I'm ready to help a fellow fitizen

Oh wow, thanks!
I am ideally looking for a stage in hr/finance/or internal marketing. I am open for other departments too.
I am currently in the southwest, but am willing to relocate for a good learning opportunity.

pourriez-vous changer pour l'armée de l'air?

>hotel management
Are you in Bordeaux?

I already have an intern right now in HR but I'll get in touch with my finance coworker to see if he need an intern. As for sending a resume,I won't be dropping name here but seek for a big US medical device located in Brittany,ain't a lot of them.
I can't garantee it will work for you since the crisis right now us impacting us but is worth a try and if I recognize your resume I'll make sure you'll get an interview. Good luck!

It's 1 to 2km in rural areas. 1 or 2 blocks in cities. 30min for adults. And you can't run with people, even if you're actually confined with them.

Wow thanks user!

Utilise google, fils de pute.

>be French
>lift once
>give up
>wave white flag and surrender

J'ai 28 ans c'est chaud pour l'armée bientôt trop vieux

Unfortunately, I am at a search loss for your enterprise x: all the best to you

kill yourself nigger


ftg pute a negres

Wuhan seems to be easing now, and they've been under lockdown for 2 and a half months.

If you have a TV we will be on national news tonight or tomorrow,on FR2 at 8pm

Ok cool, I will be on the lookout :)

en regardant le graphe, je ne pense pas

Putain de raciste. Dans un mois je fume le premier de ton genre qui débarque au gymnase.

ferme ta gueule sale bougnoule. DOTR maintenant pour toi

I'm a french cop and i approve this message

Y a des Bordelais là ?

Excusez nous monsieur le prince Saoudien

Tu serais jaloux de mon arbre généalogique, sous-homme.

Pour l'armée de l'air (si tu veux devenir pilote en tout cas) c'est 24 ans max mais pour le reste t'es large.

What is work like at this moment?

Eat shit, you worthless boot licker
There is no way to enforce or prove any of this.
Fuck those French pigs, OP. Do whatever you want.
What are they going to do, chase you down and fine you?

tg le singe


Actually they will.
It will cost you 135 Merkels. Up to 1500 in case of reoffence.

Attached: 1579108548456.jpg (700x582, 64.97K)

>There is no way to enforce or prove any of this.
Yes tere are, you have to carry a paper with you that states your reasons for leaving the house.

Guess my appointment to get raped in the ass by a Romanian are delayed by a few months.

Attached: ETTienCWkAcIr7K.jpg (1333x889, 159.12K)

Why do you serve them willingly?

Why do multiple people say stuff like this?

It seems like a nice job here, the cops I saw were just on their bikes patrolling the streets on bicycles. The moto guys are just cruising around too

This is the French social conscious.
Just lie you fucking cucks.

The rape thing? It's kind of a legion recruitment meme since anyone from anywhere is allowed to roll in and try out, and they don't all have the same compunctions as westerners and a lot are legitimately right out of prison.

It's fine if you do it alone and have an attestation with you.

not anyone, no ladies in the legion

Anyone within their age range, anyway. Most ultimately get turned away but there's still a week or so in processing before the murderers and tourists get the door.

Des infos sur la suite des événements? J'attends un bébé et je commence à avoir de sérieuses inquiétudes par rapport au futur

They're closed too

Oui. Tu tiens le coup?