Is intermittent fasting a meme or does it work?

Is intermittent fasting a meme or does it work?

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Other urls found in this thread: calorie experiment&source=bl&ots=S8UUybuZQr&sig=ACfU3U32LiU5-AJJKVd3QHPpn3jI_3kGAQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwittr3W1LToAhWrs4sKHf4yBDMQ6AEwFnoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=10000 calorie experiment&f=false

Does she do intermittent fasting?

no she's just athletic

Oh, I thought you posted that image because it had something to do with your post.

It's a meme in that even if you only eat one meal a day, if you eat too many calories in that one meal you'll gain weight. CICO is the only thing that matters not how often you eat or when.

The only inter thing she does is interracial BBC worship

Agreed, Big Based Caucasian, no doubt.

You just know she loves BBC in that tight pussy

I lost 50lbs in 3 months intermittent fasting at a big deficit.

How do you fuck a woman this perfect?

Three words: Black men ONLY

Based and blackpilled

I am black.

OP here, please stop talking about niggers you fucking faggots

Oh I just thought since your post was about intermittent fasting the image was probably something to do with it too. I mean, no one is beta enough to just post hot women in hopes of getting replies.

She looks exactly like my first crush fuck except she aged like crap.

My pathetic wife refuses to fuck the black men I bring home. Why is she such a bitch?


It apparently helps with insulin or something. Personally, I do it to build discipline and my fat self generally ends up eating less when I only have 8 hours

Thats all it takes bro. Women love the BBC

quit coping fatty

Almost impossible to overeat in one meal unless you're loading it with dense calories like sugar and fat. Even then you'd have a considerable period each day of low insulin to undo the damage.

Where do I meet these pretty ladies then?

OP here, my friend wants to know if girls like this are willing to fuck asians?

No matter how many times it's explained, there will still be tisms that make these threads.

calories in vs calories out

keto = caloric deficit
if = caloric deficit
iifym = caloric deficit

read the sticky

mfw I've been eating two fast food meals a day on a 8/16 fast and I've still gained some weight. In other words, yes it's a meme OP.

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Amerimutts spotted

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It's a little more complicated than that.
For instance, I have trouble with control and snacking.
When I tried out IF (particularly OMAD) I found that I could really control the hunger and ultimately my intake.
The snacking urges stop. But you have to be able to put up with it for the first two to three weeks.
After that it's easy.

This is the perfect amount of skinny / muscle. I do like my girls with a bit more fat but damn she is hot af, usually all those skinny women look like 12 yo boys, disgusting af.

I was answering in the sense that IF = meme when it comes to losing weight. At the end of the day, you eat less.

IF does work for people in your situation though, yes. But still, in regards to diet, it's just eating less.

Big meme, literally just fucking count calories and eat at a deficit. IF is just a way for normies to unknowingly cut calories, or they use it as an excuse to binge eat.

>At the end of the day, you eat less.

No. IF = eat all of your meals in a tight window, same amount of calories, has nothing to do with caloric restriction ffs

learn what IF is kid. ffs

Everyone knows what IF is Redditfag. Undisciplined people eat less typically because they're used to having late night sweets and temptations, but IF "prevents" then from eating the extra calories.

>says IF is caloric restriction
>gets corrected
>says "i know what IF is"

what a fucking brainlet...

IF is great for sinnyfats, it helps a lot to lose extra fat
Don't expect huge results if you are a fatass, but it helps a lot with getting rid of fat, you just have to control your meals

not sure if troll

im talking about IF dieting clearly you fucking mongoloid.

>hurrdurr u eat all food in a tight window

you're still either eating below or over your TDEE you fucking dork

It is a good way to control the amount of calories you eat. You get to eat very large meals while being at a deficit.

Not even the same person moron. I did IF for six months and got results, but then I realized that I would still lose the same amount of weight if I just counted my calories and at at a deficit.

Get off of this sight you fucking loser. Come back when you turn 18 and have some actual experience.

lol another brainlet

Calories has nothing to do with this shit, TDEE is whatever you want it to be. I can eat 10k calories, do 0 exercise and my body will eventually burn 10k calories as my resting metabolism.

proof: google it, too lazy to find, dr jason fung is a good start

now stfu and fuck off

>I would still lose the same amount of weight if I just counted my calories and at at a deficit.


I fucking hate you brainlets, kys

Intermittent fasting is just gay OMAD

>Stfu and fuck off

Please come back with a high school diploma at least

am i talking to a fucking 9 year old or am i being trolled here?

you are the dumbest person i've spoken to on Yas Forums. and that's saying a lot.

anyway, that's the last reply i'm providing your dipshit ass with. foh virgin kid

That's an over simplification. There are other less obvious benefits to fasting

Yas Forums is 18+

fucking morons: calorie experiment&source=bl&ots=S8UUybuZQr&sig=ACfU3U32LiU5-AJJKVd3QHPpn3jI_3kGAQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwittr3W1LToAhWrs4sKHf4yBDMQ6AEwFnoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=10000 calorie experiment&f=false

the fucking state of Yas Forums

Attached: scottyboy.jpg (600x300, 26.8K)

under appreciated


It works if you want to be malnourished and get fat again soon after. Just be at a calorie deficit and don't fucking starve yourself please. You already fast when you sleep.

For years, I thought IF was a meme. It's just CICO. But then I tried to do a 16/8 fast, partly I had previously always been doing 5 meals a day, but the quantity of food I was requiring just to maintain was getting ridiculous. I wanted to see if I could evaluate if there was a metabolic effect of doing a 16/8 fast, where I could slow my metabolism down a bit. Anyway, it turned out with my work schedule, life schedule, I could only do a 14/10. I've never had a faster, easier cut, with less muscle loss. It surprised me how well my strength held up as the fat came off. In fact, when I started to want to bulk again, I thought I could just add calories and protein to my current 14/10 eating habits and start to pick up mass again, but I fucking kept dropping weight even after adding the extra 2 scoops and more calories, but I still had that turbo strength that you feel when you're bulking. All of my lifts went up and felt easier. It was a shock. I still have a hard time reconciling it. I try to get all my eating in between 9:30am and 7:30pm and I eat fucking plenty. I'm happy with how it turned out.

is coffee good for you?

Wew based n passive aggressive pilled

This is the absolute state of fit.

>not understanding IF


>being this retarded

I have always eated like 6/18, never knew it was some meme diet.

I mean its true but most people, no matter how hungry they are, cannot eat at a calorie surplus in one meal

I mean, this is true.

dont eat two 2000 calorie fast food meals you fucking idiot


>posts an american

It's just a way to eat less overall. Less hours to eat means less calories. Intermittent fasting is just a name on it.

>eating fast food twice a day and gaining weight
>claims that fasting is a meme

40 IQ

damn, this nigga dangerous.

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