>you will never do home works everyday with your Yas Forums bf
Is going gay worth it
speaking from experience?
>is going gay worth it
Nigger I wish I was gay
You get a bro that you can banter without needing to tiptoe around certain topics
No retarded shopping day because your clothes are last season
No dealing with hormonal bullshit that makes women act like literal children
You can fuck your bro almost every day since men always have higher libido
And no risk of pregnancy so you don't have to waste money on contraceptives
Being gay is better in every single way except for the fact that guys are ugly and anal is fucking disgusting
Yeah this pretty much sums it up.
>If I could choose to be gay I would probably do it
>except I'm not
such is life for us straight men
Clearly haven't spent much time around gay people
> no need to tiptoe around certain topics
kek, try telling a gay guy you think a male and female parental role model is important for children's development. Or just be conservative, you'll find a lot of topics are off limits
> no retarded shopping day
> no dealing with normal hormonal bullshit
feminine gay men are literally bitchier and more gossipy than the average woman. Glhf being gay (95% of the population is off limits immediately) and then cutting out a big chunk of the 5% that's left and still finding a great partner in that group...
> can fuck your bro everyday
True, that is an upside
> no risk of pregnancy
but much higher risk of aids if you don't use condoms
Being gay is not cool, I'm bi and thankful as fuck I'm not forced into the cesspit that is gay dating.
>(95% of the population is off limits immediately)
it is literally a 100x easier for a male to find a boyfriend now of days than a girlfriend.
The problem I have with being gay is that I can't see myself having sex with somebody I respect
I'm sort of jealous of Scooby. Living a better life than 90% of straight men in the US.
this is only applicable if the only gay guys you know are from shitty drag bars and grindr. theres a fuck ton of trad gay gym bros. for example; my bf.
they are plentiful, but are in high demand, i met mine on tinder after having a few dinner dates.
doesnt scooby own something like a semi mansion?
i think he makes about 100 k to 200 k a year on passive income
scooby has a hot dilf bod but he also has the most fucked up face, what a shame.
any lookism fag mind explaining how his face is bad, besides the bald head
>giant chin
>hollow cheeks
>normal nose
i really dont understand how hes ugly. If scooby is a 5/10, i must be a 2/10
This. You penetrate people you look down upon not your bros
lol you are so wrong sweet bby
its his beady eyes, bulbous nose, and bogged lips, he looks like a bogdanoff lite.
he has the wrong mixture of masculine facial features that make him look weird.
Nigger you can see on craigs list and other similar places guys looking for a quick fuck, you never see women doing that so clearly one of them must like you enough to stick around
I want a relationship not a quick fuck
also the biggest offense: those awful hats, he looks better bald
you solve this by penetrating each other. my bro and i take turns
its easy to find a massive faggot slut for a bf yes, but finding an actual man? lot harder than u think.
>You can fuck your bro almost every day
No you can't. Buttholes are weak.
maybe yours is
But you still have brojobs, docking, handies, buttcheek rubbing just to name a few
I don't think you can really go gay OP. It's actually sad because I think I'd be great at being gay if it was just a choice
>gay guys check me out all the time
>i'm a twink
>people often think I'm gay already
Point is I was cursed with straightness. All I think about is girls. Maybe in another life...
>buttcheek rubbing
You mean hotdogging?
I enjoy anal more than vaginal plus started enjoying being rimmed plus light ass play.
I'm seriously considering it.
Yeah that's it, forgot the name of that
hey fuck off bucket hats are the best hats. Why would I wear a hat that only protects the front of my head from the sun when I could have something protect at all sides
What do you even like about anal? Unironically curious
To me is just a shittier version of vaginal that needs lube and makes your dick smell like shit
He's a fucking ERPer unless he means he just mentally enjoys it more.
I love being dominant. Anal gives you lots of control and psychological power.
Shit on your dick? Enforce hygiene or make your partner suck it after. Win-win.
Indeed. It's more exciting to my brain than my dick.
You can't "go gay." You either are or you aren't. If you think you can go gay then you were never straight to begin with.
rubbing butts. together.
Wait.... I thought /fit was a gay sub
that sounds like scooby logic. scoobs is that you?
He also built his own plane lol
I know trad gay guys, just like I know female conservatives, they aren't common though.
Wrong. I went gay once with this tranny in Thailand. Then I turned straight again back home.
His nose isn't normal lol, but I don't wanna shittalk Scoobs. He knows he's not the most conventionally attractive person.
I promise it's the grass is always greener thing. Actually unless you live in a decent sized city you have very slim pickings.
Gay + lesbian is 10% of the population, roughly.
Of which half is female.
Leaving you 5% of the population.
Then you eliminate feminine gay men, leaving you with maybe 3% of the population as a dating/fucking pool.
Your chance of meeting someone is simply much lower than a hetero or bi guy. There's no debating that. And if you are looking for quality, which I hope everyone is, you've got far fewer high quality mates available than either or those 2 groups.
It's easy for gay guys to find casual sex in cities. If you're looking for a relationship or you don't live in a large city with a noticeable gay community then it gets exponentially harder very quickly.
5% sounds low, but consider we are talking about 5% out of hundreds of millions of people here. The population of blacks isn't that high either, maybe 13%? Yet you see them everywhere. The only problem with homos is that they're "invisible", you can't tell if someone is a homo unless you ask.
Nope, you never actually went gay. You had opportunistic sex with a tranny which isn't the same thing as being gay in the normal sense. Gays are only attracted to others gays, not trannies (if trannies being distinct from gays) But if being attracted to trannies is considered gay then it's a distinctly different type and you were always gay and still are.
No, you see blacks everywhere in places where the population is higher than 13%. Go to Maine, you don't see black guys everywhere. Gays concentrate in major cities, they're not distributed evenly across the country.
And there are *plenty* of gay guys you can see from half a block away, and others you can literally hear from the other side of 7-11.
>my gym twink fwb is out of campus doe to corona and he keeps teasing me with ass pics
"I quit YouTube in 2020"
19 videos later
So are traps gay or not?
> the hyperfemine, i-wanna-sound-like-a-girl-so-bad voice that so many of them put on. I cringe when I hear it, so does my normal gay friend.
traps are bicurious unironically
Every time I go out clubbing with my girl friends I always exaggerate the gay
It's pretty fun
wow only 5%
only 350,000,000 people
nigga you do realize there probably isn't even 1% of women I'd actually date or fuck
>all nigs
>anyone outside 18-29
and you've eliminated most of the population within a 100 mile radius unless you're next to a college
Are you seriously counting the world population as a realistic dating pool?
and I haven't even mentioned factors like looks /race/weight/age in the calculation yet. 5% is an absolute max for gay men, it only goes down from there.
I can find lots of good looking gay men going to any gym.
see: Yas Forums
Straights and gays can both be attracted to traps for obviously different reasons. So traps are gay, and straight.
You think I'm good looking?
and the gayest little faggot on the planet my lil homo xoxo
If your bi I want you to die, transgender get into a fender bender.
>Doesn't actually have sex
literally the face of death.
faggots = satanic sodomites
If you aren’t going to be a dumb slut about it, just like if you were straight, I don’t see how it wouldn’t be.
This thread made me realize that not all fags are promiscuous degenerates. I actually have a lot of respect for well behaved gays. Fags with good manners whose identity is not their sexuality are based. It's sad how hard it is for you fags to get a relationship when you're top relationship material.
> t. straight but fuck traps and shemales
faggots arnt evil. all faggots were raped as little kids- its just a fact.
i wonder what scoobys rape story is
this desu. i've known a lot of decent fags who basically just live normal lives. however, most ones i've seen define their entire personality and life around their sexuality and definitely force it on other people
>t. reaction formation
>All faggots were raped
Not true. I wish I was, then I wouldn’t still be a virgin.
B-but i actually do. Just considering teh gay as an alternative to women.
how do you know you werent before the age of 3? kek
This. There are decent ones out there, but they seem very badly outnumbered.
The anus is not a sex organ
You forgot that fucking asses or being fucked in the ass are the only means of sex and that this is somehow not even remotely weird in the minds of gay men. There’s so much that comes with this, for example like enemas in order to evacuate your ass before you bottom for Tyrone, and it makes sense this is done obviously but it can’t be ignored that this is fucking weird and isn’t just common everyday stuff.
Also I’m a fucking virgin and always will be