Admit it

this is you

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my calves arent small fuck you

My calves are one of my best features.

if you havent
>broken a girls heart
>had your heart broken
>beaten the shit out of someone
>had your shit beaten
youre not a real man

No, i don't give a shit about them

did all of those at 15

I got 2/4
>had your heart broken
>had your shit beaten

>had your heart broken
lol fag

Nah my calves are disproportionately large.

Only boys get in fights. Grow up, tough guy

you need to beat the shit out of someone to be a man.......old disabled person?

Calves are one of the easiest muscles for me to add mass. I'll train them only for a month and I'll see an increase in size before I forget to train them.
I am still a DYEL, but no one in my gym has noticeably bigger calves than me and I've never seen anyone do calf raises with bigger weights than me. They usually go pretty low while I keep adding weight frequently.

Lisa would love me, and I would fuck and suck her.

I did all of them at the same time.

Cope for a rejected loser desu

t. incel who has never been in a fight

t. incel who has been in a fight

that makes you not only a man but a phenomenally BASED man


I'm also skilled with the blade so if I were you I'd stfu fast

No, I'm not that buff.

Lmao cope

Yeah I'm a man alright I get into fights Haha fighting is cool lol I fight other MEN and when we're done we're satisfied about our manhood and despise so called MALES who don't fight lol pathetic Haha wish I could give them a knuckle sandwich!

Low test victim cope

Haha I'm a victim and never stand up for myself or defend myself that's why I'm an incel and no one respects me haha or I'm very sheltered and don't go outside ha

Woah so bad ass please don't fight me

>had to put down your dog companion/dog died

Say that to me blade
>teleports behind you
Allow me to introduce you

Probably what you would actually say, you numale coward.

Why do this to me?

>Actual slave morality

i can tell that youve really small calves

I'll let my uchigatana do the talking, kid


wow thats literally me

So that you don't forget him.

>Quoting the standards of Gavin "Israel is our greatest ally, grrr I'm a tough man I loved punk Rock and have back tats and have shown my bare asshole on my webshow aren't I just CRAZY? grrrr I'm a 5'6" tough man" McCinnes

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Finally someone calls out that manchild

People that talk about fighting, don't actually fight.

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This. Fuck that loser. I'm all for masculine behavior but I'm tired of soibois eating up this limpdick's insecure fabricated idea of masculinity. Same goes for the art of manliness guy

Done all of these things and I'm not proud of any of them.

>Haven’t done any of these at all
>Have no interest in doing any of these at all
Feels good man

Getting into fights is for retards but if you've never bled from a punch and never made someone bleed you can't be a trustworthy adult, you've missed out on very formative experiences that teach you more about yourself than most human interactions, more than anything you could read about or imagine. I can tell who's never been punched IRL, the glimmer of entitlement in the eyes, the misplaced arrogance in the smile... You don't ever see that in people who don't have the privilege of being weak and untouched

Bros how do I learn how to speak up and defend myself? I’m very quiet and shy person and I suck at social interaction. I don’t know how to stand up for myself which leads to some embarrassing moments and I get taken advantage of and people just walk all over me. I am aware of my timidness and passive behavior and I’m sick of it but i don’t know how to change

ottermode millhouse type dude is actually top dude in france

The only one I haven't done is beat the shit out of somebody

I’ve never had my shit beaten, though if I’m truthful with myself I probably need it. I have however fucked people up and I regret several fights

This is a good one, or had to kill something by your own hands. I witnessed the death of a wild bitch and her pups at a young age- my friend and I had to shoot them for pillaging his farm. Every single one died with a shot to the head except one puppy. My friend missed and blew its lower jaw away. I will always remember the sounds it made between that shot and the next which snuffed it out


Saw this on reddit a few hours ago. Kill yourself faggot
>inb4 "hehe but you're le redditor too hehe"
stfu redditor

I pass your test. What do I win?

Nah, the world is dangerous, coward. Sometimes you have to fight. I fear for the women in your life...oh wait...

Someone will someday, and you'll get knocked, might even die.

Are you aware that you've been screencaped in a "ww love bbc" thread?

Enjoy your womb-like world of safety and being alone.

You forgot done acid. That's the 5 McInnis said

His digits beat yours. Sorry.

Shouldn't you be posting this on your "Just FTM Things" Tumblr page?

describes the life of a chad well

based and epicpilled, there are few true men around nowadays especially on this stupid website

I bet this sounded cool in your head

I accidentally broke two of my friends ribs in two separate backyard boxing style play matches. Now im afraid to fight anyone because i dont want to seriously hurt them and i seriously injured my friends while holding back.
Im not very strong, i just instinctively hit the weakest parts of bones.
I just want to become unrestricted.

But I got good calves

Part of growing into a man is getting into fights as a boy. Otherwise you end up a manchild

He's satan tempting you to a life of weakness fool

Try going to a boxing gym with people who actually know how to take a punch.