Take me back to these days bros, take me off this ride

take me back to these days bros, take me off this ride

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Achievable natty?

I wanna relive the age of the sickkuntz...
hold me boys

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OP here, also I'm trans idk if that matters :p

What roids are required to achieve this look after the standard 16 week 500 test e? Will not touch tren or any fatburners

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>he’s always with a gang of sand niggers
Let this world burn desu

no lol zyzz was juicing

Doesn't mean it's not a worth trying to reach his level natty tho. Humans will always aspire to godhood.

Lol look at those faggot tier shorts.

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>What steroids besides Tren and fatburners do i need to take in order to look like a guy who took Tren and fatburners

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That’s fair but come on there’s gotta be a better way to look like him and be healthy and not die early, his physique is awesome.

What's that user? Did you take that bbc out of your mouth for half a second to mutter the most overused reply on this site? Wow you sure are original user! Kys.

No there isn't lol. Tren is 5 times more anabolic and androgenic than normal testosterone.

how the fuck do you get this slim physique?

im naturally high test and my fucking body went bear mode strongman mode rather than flat abdomen, inverted pyramid physique.

In general, my muscles are hard but my back muscles have transformed to some kind of muscular rock. My girl used to give me back massages but I dont feel shit for the last few months, even tried punching my back but it would hurt her more than comfort me. What should i do? Hormones? Quit gym? Bear tank mode? Niggerhunter2021?

your genetics are different, also zyzz was on gear for 90% of his lifting days. Tren, fucking TREN! Your "high test" is 1/5th of his juiced test.

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You definitely don't need tren to look like zyzz, honestly zyzz was pretty small for the amount of shit he took. You could look like him on half the dosages he took if you actually trained properly and didn't get shitfaced every weekend

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He was a degenerate nigger faggot. S


but then you wouldn't have the zyzz persona you'd be an incel

Well he used dry compounds so mast,winstrol and tren with low test dose. But its still gonna require genetics

Fuck you cunt, short shorts are based.

if you actually have GOOD genetics:

bulk with a 500mg test cycle 16 weeks
cut down to 200mg test + anavar or winstrol

if you have the genetics, this will make you look better than him. Hell, I looked better than him on 500mg test e, and I still had abs. He didn't take shit seriously. You definitely don't *need* tren to look like that

post body

Zyzz his fav compound was tren.

god Australia has some ugly slags.

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Who's the manlet on the right? He's always on zyzz's posse pics.

Chestbrah (his brother) is the guy with the glasses and the guy behind chesty is babo

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just because someone's juicing doesn't mean that his physique isn't achievable natty you moron.

What do babo and the rest of the aesthetics crew do now?

Chestbrah still blasts retarded amounts of anabolics, hangs out with zyzz wannabe influencers like Jeff seid, Connor Murphy, Jon skywalker etc. and can’t say a single sentence without mentioning his brother. I have no idea about the others.

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He misses his brother. You never stop thinking about the ones you lose

thats literally what he just said you headass

Post legs

Now you know why your grandparents used to always go on about the 'good old days'. Just remember, you can never get them back.

So why did Arnold never use tren and still look 10x better than Zyzz?

Based jarjar
Yas Forums worshipping another faggot as usual

Babo was unironically one of the more aesthetic members of the crew even though he was a manlet, change my mind

Arnold did use tren for the 1980 olympia, but also genetics, training style and Deca, Primo and DBol

He definitely never used tren. 3 dbol a day and one primo shot a week was his cycle

Back when lifting was about lifting with your bros, getting yucky afterwards and trying to smash. Now it's about incels who think they lift for hitler when they don't even go outside. The Late 00s, early teens were the best years of lifting

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Based. Please fucking take me back bros. Back when everyone said no homo before every post and rage comics were everywhere.

zoomers will never understand what they missed

Shut the fuck up Becker.

He also took the bogpill

And you can not do it now for what reason excatly? Stop being a sadcunt

Was Zyzz ever with a girl that wasn’t a 6/10 or below?

Nah. He knew 6/10 grills drop their panties and swallow his load easier

Shut up you coping losers. You’ll never achieve this and that’s why you’re so mad isnt it? Learned that zyzz mode is impossible natty a few years ago and now you hate the man for it? He had his goals in mind (get big and have sex) and he went out and achieved them like an alpha male does, can’t say the same about you two.

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Those are 8s in Australia. Between the sun and the drinking they go downhill fast.

ha, us 90s kids am i right?

No, even if he didn't admit to roiding the size + conditioning is always the biggest problem as a natty. When you cut you can't maintain the fullness and mass well also gear just makes you look more shredded and more round so to speak.

I think zyzz said he loved tren but doing a lot of tren will kill you fast lol. Start with a beginner cycle then cruise and on your next cycle up the dose a bit or add a compound do a few bulking cycles like that and after a year or 2 do a cut and add tren and you should look amazing.

Probably, but most of the time he had the horniness of a rabbit cause of tren so he just took what he could get quickly.


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>go back in time
>go to sauna zyzz is staying at
>kick down door, met with a flock of Taiwanese hookers
>”คุณเป็นใคร?” One says
>”I’m the party pooper” I reply while I inhale my cigarette
>immediately meet the nearest chink to me with a shotgun blast to the face, continue mowing down the other zipperheads
>chestbrah runs out and sees the carnage. “What the fauck are ya doin m8?” He says
>”outta my way, doc” I say while staring him down. He runs out of the building
>continue on to the sauna. The sweltering heat makes me sweat profusely with my leather jacket on
>see zyzz on the ground, passed out. The words “veni vidi vici” clearly inscribed on his amazing chest
>immediately grab defibrillators from my backpack and get on my knees to resurrect zyzz
>CLEAR! I tell, although there is no one there. I’m quite theatrical
>*SHOCK* ZING!! Zyzz bolts up from the shock, but doesn’t awaken
>I do it again. *SHOCK, ZINNNGGG!!!* the defibrillators say.
>all of a sudden, the 6 foot bodybuilder jolts up and gasps for air.
>”z-zyzz!” I say. Tears roll down my cheeks. I fucking did it.
>”who are you m8?” He replies
>doesn’t matter. Come with me brah
>leave sauna with zyzz hanging on my shoulder. His body is so sweaty and piping hot. His heart is racing.
>leave and go get zyzz medical attention. Stay in the year 2011 and become best friends and training partners with zyzz
>Jeff seid, David laid, etc. are nobodies
>gymshark doesn’t exist
>life is good.

>ayyy toth, give me your number and I might bang you later, idk

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Jesus that bitch is totally eyefucking him. Completely starstruck at the fucking beast in front of her. And this man was ONE OF US! How can anyone hate him?

lmao, but but they said Sharky killed Zyzz on orders from Chestbrah so he could become top dog for once

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Zyzz is just like "nah not today kunt"

Thats not chestbrah lmao

Yeah, she's ready to just drop down and suck all the cum outta his dick

chestbrah looks pretty great in this pic. Great pecs.