gyms closed worldwide

> gyms closed worldwide
> all the anti social homegym incels being smug about it
We get it, you weirdos are afraid of people and public gyms so you setup a homegym but for the normal people this is a big tragedy. No more spotting your gym buddy on a bench pr, no more cardio bunnies in their yoga pants, no more tipping that cute gym recioptinist.

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its amazing how coordinated the lockdown is

its almost like every western country is following the same gameplan

im seriously starting to think that gyms will never open again

Honestly they will probably be the last public facilities to open. Gyms are the biggest cespools of bacteria and germs and I doubt anyone will feel comfortable opening one in the next month or two.

>its amazing how coordinated the lockdown is
>its almost like every western country is following the same gameplan
no shit? why wouldn't they be?

They need us weak and small for what's to come.

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

I've saved hundreds since I can't tip now

I may try going to the gym on a buddy pass after they reopen, it would be fun to mog everyone that has lost their gains.

>no more tipping that cute gym recioptinist
who tf just gives away money?

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I set up my homegym only because my peepee is small and Id be ashamed to show it in the locker room

lmao no fuck off normie, I train both at home and at my regular gym. The regular gym is mostly to show off my gains to cardiobunnies, while in my homegym I can lift naked and shitpost on Yas Forums between sets (like now)

>Flexing his retardation

"cardio bunnies"? I love cardio. You probably look like fat ugly hulkchoid. Muscle mass isn't everything chad.

sounds like u mad : ^ )

how the fuck you use a roll a day? you monster.

gyms are disgusting and you need to stop thinking you're being "social" by being dependent on a corporate subscription to maintain a physique. Gyms are part of modernist degenerate culture.


I thought I was the only one who knew this feel...

Hello newfag.

just watch porn while you lift

same here fellow asianbro.

Bros I may not be asian but remember this feeling.
Through small dick, unity.

I want to believe that it is only one guy who posts this every now and then.

calisthenics chads are the real winners in all of this




god I wish I was you

Did you have a seizure when you tried to type this?

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quite frankly, incels are less pathetic than grown men who just hand money to women for no reason

>anime pic
Fuck off weeb dyel.

I've noticed more people going out for walks and runs. More people at the park doing simple things like riding bikes and throwing the frisbey around. People stopping to chat with each other. It's kinda nice.

>anime pic on a mongolian anime making japanese board

This board is for fitness, dyel weeb. Now leave newfag.

shut the fuck up faggot Yas Forums was always related with anime

Hello newfag. Go back to your containment board.

>tipping the front desk cunt

lol loser

>Calls me dyel because he can't type
Post a body and/or lifts, champ.

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post physique faggot

its like they are reacting to the same disease or some crazy shit like that

cringe my man

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beta cucks that think they're cool by not wiping down equipment did this

Not him but
>another anime pic.
You have to go back.

You're mate can still come and lift with you and those are two things are unrelated to training and fucking gay.

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A roll lasts me a fucking week. Eat more fiber. You should only shit once a day and it should take two wipes max

if youre a fucking fit male you have a bag at home to do some martial arts, or just do shadow boxing for 20-30min, go out for a damn run to the park and do some calisthenic. Jesus christ I knew everyone here was a fucking larper that dont lift

Get off my board, weebs.

>my board
>probably can't even squat 2pl8

Attached: Revy Snicker.gif (480x480, 1.38M)

You don’t lift. Leave dyel.

>You don’t lift.
Wrong. Now piss off to r/fitness and moan about your poofter gym being shut.

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Where do you think you are you daft cunt?

Fuck off dyels. Go on now boy, get. *claps*

>sub 2pl8 squatter confirmed

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Are you retarded?
This is obvious gym and exercise equipment shilling.

>sub 4pl8 squat at that size

God imagine being chubby, pompous, and still being weak for your size. You prolly should stay at your home gym.

I hit 385lbsx3 at 205lbs. I don't even think thats impressive.

Hey everyone look at this guy but bung about anime going around calling people dyel when they're just telling him he's on a Tannu Tuvan anime heroine matchmaking image forum. What a fuckin idiot. Dude seriously though what are you retarded, the other ånon look like a dyel to you? Do you know what that word means? Why do you dilute the meaning of such words and why are you shitting up this board and this thread?

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Shut up dyels. Get off my board.
This. I lift more than him at 6’0 180 lbs. and with better form.

I'm still putting an easy 2kg a week on that squat, that was hardly a maximum effort.

Post it.

>lifting shoes
>knee wraps
>low bar kek
>not going below parallel

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>my board
A lot of anime on your board for someone who keeps bitching about it, post body you fucking dyel the user you accused has done his part. Step up and show us your linguini arms

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we know it's you. fuck off dyel. get off my board.

>its almost like every western country is following the same gameplan
Its almost as if theyre trying to put the blame of the coming economic crisis in a flu and capitalism instead of keynesianism

What the fuck are you talking about, if you think I'm the other user you're more retarded than you are dyel. Get your shit together stop complaining about anime on this anime forum and get the off my board. Pic related is you for coming to this website to bitch about anime and calling fellow Yas Forumsizens dyel. We're as much you as you are us user.

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nice self portrait dyel. Not go back to Yas Forums.