STOP DOING FUCKING MEME TIER POWERLIFTING WORKOUTS. For some fucking reason people on this website are doing heavy 5x5s and meme diets and wonder why they look like fucking shit. Stop training like a fucking retard and start doing what all the biggest guys do. You need volume for a muscle to grow, volume drives hypertrophy. This is why you see sticks deadlifting 500+lbs. Force output is a CNS adaptation. A ORM means fuckall if you cant do 75% of it for 15 reps. If you want true strength grow your fucking muscles. A bigger muscle IS a stronger muscle. More weight does NOT mean more growth. Please stop this shit.

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OP here, also I'm gay idk if that matters :p...

Please don't tell me this is you...
Progressive overload = bigger muscles

A 500lb squatter has big quads and glutes. A 3pl8 bencher has big tris and chest. You can do all the volume you want, but you will never LOOK strong unless you GET strong

this is fucking false look at the discrepancy at any level between power lifters and bodybuilders. A person who maximizes hypertrophy is a person who does volume training. This is why you see people like pic related at 1/2/3/4 or more. They have trained their CNS not their body.

When CNS adaption ceases, muscle hyperthrophy occurs

Your understanding of muscle hyperthrophy is way too simple if you think the only difference in their training is volume

>A bigger muscle IS a stronger muscle
But a stronger muscle isn't a bigger muscle? Holy fucking retard

CNS adaptation doesn't cease anywhere before 2/3.5/5/6 territory, or atleast in my experience that's the strength level where you see correlations between size and strength. Before that, it's all over the place with dyels lifting bigger numbers than bigger guys on brosplits

Again this is wrong. This is why everyone who does these meme workouts looks like shit and doesnt optimize growth yet they have good numbers. We know that even sub optimal volume training where intensity is not also maximized yields similar hypertrophy to an optimized "strength" routine.

Stronger does not mean bigger, again muscular size does mean stronger but extremely high force output can be achieved with relatively low muscle size. Again look at the difference in body types between power lifters and bodybuilders.

what routine should we do then?

Building muscle is mainly about discovering how your body responds to training and dieting. Without this personal knowledge, you can't have a general idea of how to train. This is where you show if you have experience lifting.

Don't bro splits usually run 3 sets of 8-12? So 5x5 would give almost the same amount of reps but at much heavier weight

Isn't you suppose to do 3x5 or 5x5 as a begginer routine and then switch to more volume training when you stop linear progression (adding weight every week) ? I started 3x5 and saw a Alan Thrall video on plateuing and tldr was 3x5 and 5x5 good for a begginer for some time, and when you stop progressing you should add volume to progress from now on, because your noob gains are over.

If i understood correctly.

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What if i want to bench 400lbs and dont give a single shit about looking good you fucking stick faggot twink cunt?

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stay fat then faggot

Stay weak little bitch

What is the point of being physically strong without the pretty body? Learn to fight if you want to be "strong"

All the powerlifters in the club at my university are sick cunts.
And we only do low rep high volume work.
>copeniggers who cant bench lmao2pl8 for reps or squat 4pl8

>If this is a powerlifter
Also, these are great results. He'll be shredded once he goes on a cut.
>if this is you op,
LMAO even the weakest powerlifters have this physique.

Nigga everyone knows that a bigger muscle is a stronger muscle if you're natty how the fuck are you gonna bench 300+ pounds without big pectorals or a huge back or huge triceps if you're not blasting shit-tons of gear and drugs? You CANNOT seperate being strong and having large muscles unless you're blasting massive amounts of drugs and become a fucking roidhead. You have been dupped into believing fake fucking nattys and a false belief that if you train like them you're gonna be like them if you're not blasting or on anything. Get your shit together and stop reading fucking bodybuilding magazines and doing all that goofy shit. You're wasting your time you idiot.

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This is the only legitimate answer. When you're on Test, you grow from higher volume training due to how quick your recovery is. That is for size, not strength. You still want to 1 rep max shit and progress as you would naturally for your main lifts, but you need to start doing volume shit with dumbbells or something as well.

gear is not an excuse you fucking pussy stop training like a fucking power lifter and do some volume work. You wonder why you dont grow. You can absolutely separate them because this is a trend that exists natty or not natty doesnt fucking matter. Shows how fucking poluted your mind is from this fucking website convincing you you cant lift past 5 reps at 15 sets a week or its sub optimal. You all want to do heavy low rep work because its fucking easy. You think the biggest guys are big because they train like fucking powerlifters? Gear is not a fucking excuse. STOP making excuses.

>What is the point of being physically strong without the pretty body?
The sheer amount of confidence you get because you could break another guys ribs by pushing him to a wall is fucking insane

Exactly when you get to a point in your training where you're not growing both in size and numbers you need to spice up your exercise selection and incorporate multiple other tools like dumbbells and bands and chains, whilst at the same time upping the amount of volume and frequency as necessary. You can't expect to just do the same thing over and over that you did as a novice and think it's gonna carry over into your other training. Remaining dogmatic and only using one training approach is what will kill your gains. Not forcing any new adaptations through any new method of training will kill your gains 100%. It's literally as simple as that. And if you're not going to take into account any of these factors once you get to the point where that is REQUIRED for any growth at all, you don't deserve those gains plain and simple.

so youre agreeing with me now?

Ok dyel

I quite frankly don't give a single shit about some fucking outlier that can manage to lift huge maxes whilst being small and roided the fuck out. I don't give a fuck what the next guy is doing at all. All that matters to me is what I'm doing for myself. I'm doing what I need to do to stimulate the most that I can with what I have, and the position that I'm at. Just because some of the top powerlifters in the world are training like bodybuilders and are beating competition and vice versa with bodybuilders does not and will not in any way influence the way that I need or want to train for my goals, because there isn't one set in stone way for people to train for their goals. My goal for example is that I want to get big and strong. For me, I'll deal with aesthetics later once I build a strength base, once I get big and strong since that base will significantly carry over into other endeavors like when I do in the future train for aesthetics. There are many fucking pathways and training methods that I can take as a natural or even enhanced that will get me there. I can go high reps I can go low reps I can go high frequency or low frequency, same with Volume, I can use my chains and my micro-plates and supplemental work and my tertiary work and or min-max my exercise selection but at the end of the day it doesn't and shouldn't fucking matter which training method you or anyone uses just as long as you get there.

the point is without doing adequate volume and also high rep work you will not get the level of size and detail in your muscles. These arent outliers there are countless morons who look dyel as shit that are "strong" as fuck.

No I fucking don't, deeming some shit the fucking best and everything else is irrelevant just so you can justify and feel like your training isn't for fucking nothing is why you will always remain weak you fucking bitch. Get the fuck over yourself and stop being so emotionally attached to training methods which are nothing but tools in a toolbox, you sound like a fucking woman trying to attach sentiment to a training method.

Wahhhh I have shitty genetics wahhh it's the routine I swear!

seethe you faggot powercoper, this is fact. Stop getting mad and start training like you want to be big instead of like a faggot.

I don't give a shit about detail what do I look like a fucking artist? If you want to see that shit how about you drop down to 12% bf. You'll literally mog 99% of fuckers on a beach at that rate you don't need high rep until failure training to see "detail" in your muscles. And not just that, your entire point about dyels that are supposedly "strong" as fuck is contributed exclusively to noob gains you dipshit. Of course when you get a otter training and they're eating a surplus of calories their deadlift and all of their lifts are gonna shoot up the fucking roof. You can literally get up to 10+ pounds of muscles within your first year of training if everything is correctly applied. ANY form of training will work when you're a novice simply because of the adaptive stress. What a nark.

The strong stick people have good muscle attachments that let them lift a lot before they manage to get big

shows how much you know right here. The dyel phase has people grow with whatever the fuck. They can look at a weight and grow. You have to understand that high repetition work and high volume will optimize your growth and detail. You are mad because I am right and you look like shit. Stop training like a faggot and do something hard for once.

>Stop training like a fucking retard and start doing what all the biggest guys do.

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yeah, op probably just skipped right to volume without actually doing a beginner program first, and is coping.

You complete idiot what part of "ANY form of training will work when you're a novice" do you not understand? Low reps can build muscle just as efficiently as high reps at that point in your training not because of the FUCKING reps but because there is training stimuli involved. The problem with fucking high reps and high volume is that novices and the vast majority who's careers aren't competitive or sports related is that these people will not be able to recover as efficiently with this sort of training because at a certain threshold, that muscle will only grow at it's maximum, and any more stress applied to the muscle will only beat up recovery for that muscle. And not just the fact that they're more difficult to program than low-reps and lower volume training but you're seriously only able to do both high reps/volume with small exercises like isolation/ single joint without compromising recovery. And on TOP of all of that you'll run into the biggest issue with all of this being that you won't be able to progress at a certain point with these exercises any longer without them being a waste of time. How about you fucking put some weight on the bar and stop being a little bitch who's too scared to go into the 80%+ territory with any big movement that recruits the most amount of muscles in any given movement pattern? Have fun staying in fucking otter mode for the rest of your life because you're so much of a bitch.

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How come people who do Starting strength don’t look big or look like they lift even though they have big numbers?

what program do you do? stats and lifts?

Most people who do SS aren't on gear unless they're stupid, and don't do anything that prioritizes aesthetics during their LP.

because it's minimalist strength training

You're supposed to do 5x5 with big lifts then do your accessories what kind of hard are you do you not read any of the shit and just take other tards advice?

OP post body :)

Not just that the program actively rejects aesthetics to the point where it's scrutinized.

What is gear

Well, yeah, because the program is designed to get you as strong as possible, as quick as possible, for as long as possible. That means to apply the minimum stress required to produce the desired adaptation, because any more stress (i.e. from accessory lifts) could hinder recovery required for the main goal. Some people look good from doing only compound stuff, others don't. But either way, linear progression doesn't last forever, and it's much easier to look the way you want to if you're already strong enough to push bigger weights.

Strength training won't make you look good unless you train your muscles properly, strength training is a gigantic fucking meme, here's a guy overhead pressing over 250lb for reps and looking like a total complete skinnyfat DYEL
explain that to me, is strength really size for naturals? FUCK NO
This is what strength training does to you if you don't learn how to use your actual muscles and are not taking steroids.
You think the reason why people advocate for bodybuilding type training is because only the drugs they take make it work? You're out of your fucking mind, it's the fucking OPPOSITE.
The only guys who focus on strength and disregard bodybuilding training methods and look good are on fucking ROIDS because the ROIDS are what make their muscles grow and they barely even fucking train.


imagine trying to tell other people how to train when you look like that lmao

the pic in the OP is from a guy who did stronglifts 5x5


He has a big sweater on in a low res video. I can't even tell what he looks like.

thank you, this guy gets what the fuck I am saying

post body faggot

Other way around my friend. Other way around.

just use your imagination

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Bodybuilding shills are rampant today.

no, there are powerlifters in the 70's and 80's who barely even trained and looked like bodybuilders because they took A SHIT ton of roids
here's a guy who warmed up to a heavy single on the big 3 and did NOTHING ELSE each week(not joking, look it up) and ate dbol for breakfast, lunch and dinner
look at what he looked like, you're fucking telling me that you are gonna look like this warming up to a heavy single ONCE A WEEK ON 3 LIFTS?
The only guys who build muscle focusing on strength only are on ROIDS, probably a fuckton of them.
Funny enough pretty much all these typical strength focused programs online are based on the training of these absolutely juiced up retards who just monged up a lift once a week and built muscle 24/7 from all the gear they took, they don't even know how to fucking build muscle without roids.

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Post cock and we shall judge

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>me smart me follow flowchart my body works like a machine muscles only grow once I reach this exact number of weight on very specific exercises and only then are my muscles responsive to mechanical tension!

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>my body works like a machine
oh shit, yours doesn't?

Woah, a guy blasting so much gear that the way he trains becomes incredibly irrelevant? Who would've guessed right? Talk about misunderstanding. You do realize that the same applies to people who write programs dedicated to aesthetics. It's the gear and suitable genetics that makes bodybuilders look the way they do. It's the gear and suitable genetics that allows elite level powerlifters to break WR's. Fake nattys trying to make a quick buck has been around in every circle, from powerlifting to bodybuilding. That does not take away however from legitimate strength training programs that do give clients results with huge numbers just because a couple of sour apples who are on boatloads of gear are writing piss-poor programs and clients aren't getting results from those piss-poor programs combined with other factors like a lack of sleep and nutrition. Don't expect to look like the salesman who's selling you some "aesthetic based program" who's blasting growth hormone if you're not blasting steroids yourself. Don't expect to be lifting over thousands of pounds if you're not blasting abusive amounts of steroids yourself. It's something called reality, when you realize that you aren't going to be making it to the top naturally without being either a genetic freak, or on steroids or both.

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