>He eats more than 1 egg a day
He eats more than 1 egg a day
Just ate 5 for breakfast. How fucked am i?
Post body twink
Eggs are healthy for you and a great source of high quality protein. Quit falling for stupid vegan shit.
Based leniggerface poster
six a day, minimum. no exceptions.
>hdl 65
>ldl 115
>imagine being so genetically weak that eggs cause you heart problems
>he doesn’t eat more than one egg a day
OP got rekt by eggeaters
18 eggs a day for breakfast.
>be me
>University fag
>buy eggs in packs of 30 because cheap
>Uni declares lockdown
>need to head back in 3 days
>eat 20 eggs every day so I don't waste the 60 eggs I just bought
>>eat 20 eggs every day
the only way to surpass humanity
I ate 36 everyday for two weeks, then i got diarhea
>literally keeps thumbnails of pictures and confuses them with the real pictures
not gonna make it
Someone post the vocaroo
just ate 7 eggs
What was it Yas Forums?
I eat minimum 4 a day
They are a superfood and delicious too
>he thinks dietary cholesterol effects your blood cholesterol
Which is a good thing also post body
I have a heart condition and eat 3 eggs every other day. Would everyday if not for expenses. Cope faggot.
it's ok, just remember to eat 6 tomorrow
nice boomer science, fag
i can get high quality protein without the atherosclerosis though
nigga I eat 4 or 5 every morning. All my blood tests are optimal, no problems. No drugs or smoking or alcohol, occasional coffee with 2 week intervals. Fuck off.
how a tranny gave birth to kids
Someone poat vocaroo
I never bothered to look it up, but aren't yolks meant to be bad if you eat TONS of them? (Cholesterol or something?)
That's why bodybuilders go for egg whites, right? Since they have tons of protein but don't have the cholesterol, or something.
Lmao fuck vegans
Cholesterol introduced by foods doesnt mean cholesterol levels in body equally rise
And thats an old wives tale that people still believe
Dietary cholesterol doesnt directly translate to blood cholesterol, yolks are full of nutrients and goodness
You can eat a dozen of eggs a day and be perfectly healthy
Then why do bodybuilders go for egg whites?
because theyre autistic about this sort of thing
have you seen the ridiculous broken down component food stuffs you can buy on bulkpowders.......its fulfilling the illusion that youre informed and better than anyone else cos you only order the finest organic proto egg molecules with added BCAA
What amuses me is the comments on these things are usually, "yeh tastes great bro", absolutely nothign about whether it helped them achieve gainz
>The biggest influence on blood cholesterol level is the mix of fats and carbohydrates in your diet—not the amount of cholesterol you eat from food.
From Harvard, one Google search.
What is your source that most bodybuilders go yolk-less?
>Use my rice cooker to boil like 9 eggs at once
>he eats less than four dozen eggs a day
only scientifically proven way to get Gaston mode
Calories. Egg whites are straight protein and competitive bodybuilders are more meticulous about their diet and caloric intake
>That's why bodybuilders go for egg whites, right?
They do it because of efficiency. Egg whites are almost entirely protein and have little other calories. It's as pure as whey.
Same, by eating eggs
All I eat are scrambled eggs and I wash them down with whey protein mixed into whole milk. I have a family history of high cholesterol. How fucked am I?
Oh, so THAT'S the reason for life expectancy. Not how levels of pollution, not genetic predispositions, not how sanitary they are, nothing like that. It's meat.
Who eats 1 egg? atleast eat 2 and then dont for a day.
this guy gets it
According to the consensus of nutritional medicine, very.
According to unqualified youtube celebrities (half of which are flat earthers), all is well.
>hurr durr atoorrosthemosis bla bla
shut up fag
bullshit , how about the HARSH ENVIRONMENT INDIANS are living in.
WORST HYGIENE in the world too.
bad Healthcare etc....
enjoy the heart attacks, retards
you dont get the virus from meat. you get it from people coughing on you.,
Based and redpilled
kind of wasteful because yolks are 40% of the protein contents of eggs
does anyone else get intense flatulence when you eat eggs? I feel like a gas tank about to burst open, and I can feel my anus gaping when I fart like once every 5 minutes.
Thank god I work from home and can mute myself when on calls
>and I can feel my anus gaping when I fart like once every 5 minutes
fucking same bruh but only with chickpeas
Most of the fat in eggs is unsaturated AKA the good fat you want to get more of. Unsaturated fats help to raise HDL cholesterol levels which help lower LDL levels. The latter of which when too high can contribute to increased risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and others.
Also yolks contain a plethora of vitamins and minerals, so cutting those out is passing on those micro-nutrient gains.