No memeshit supplements from Infowars please, shit that actually works only
Natural ways to increase test?
Being less gay works
Wrong. Gays are higher test typically.
The only way to increase test by any amount noticeable or significant is to inject test.
these. increasing test naturally is useless. it doesn't matter if you have 300 or 500 or 700..
just pin OP.
t. Batty-boy extraordinaire
Wrong. Gays are gay
All this shilling to try and promote race mixing
Go live in the forrest and fight bears
>that pic
I'm an actual 1020 ng/dL and this is what I prefer
Insectoids are so ugly oh my god.
no you're not.
Healthy diet, enough rest, plenty of exercise with a good mix of heavy weights and cardio and finally enough sun exposure. That or inject test. You could have asked google fucktard.
eat honey
There you go, thats the king of having high test and having healthy test and brain function in general. PERIOD.
Sorry to dissapoint you since the answer to you stupid question is so simple.
The list goes from Most Important to still Really Important below.
Sorry that the soys will seethe at that last one but they are all addicts for watching drugged up dissapointments get fucked by ugly niggers and will do everything in their addicted power to defend it as "normal behavior"
>that basedboy pain
I don’t read blyat
Infowars supplements are some of the best on the market at 1/4 the price kf competitors. Its really your loss that you're such a big faggot that you wont even research them. More for me I guess.
>range goes to 1200
>in western world it only goes to like 950
cyкa блять
cute shop, blin
Just don't jack off you get morning wood because your test is peaked in the morning just after walking up.
healthy diet (healthy fats specifically)
stress management
lots of sun
physical job or lots of walking
getting off Yas Forums
may take months before test levels recover to normal, sedentary lifestyles lower test even more, lifting a few times a week and cardio for a few hours doesn't combat hours of sitting either
t. PhD broscience
Post test or kill yourself, fatty.
Sleeping with black queens.
my bee guy told me
No joke, the testosterone molecules contained in semen, can be absorbed by your large intestine and incorporated into your system.
what now bitch?
when will faggots realize that low T high receptivity is literally more "high T" than someone with high t and low andorgen receptivity? fucking retards
sleep and exercise majorly boost T
Hast du einfach bei deinem hausarzt nach einem test gefragt? Musstest du das selbst bezahlen?
So how to get high receptivity?
nice shop kraut
You now realize that health comes from a harmonious amount of both test and estro and that one of the two in extreme results in a catastrophe.
Mein Hausarzt lässt mich selber ankreuzen was ich auf dem Bluttest will. Ohne dieses Privileg reicht "einfach mal nen Wert haben" aber auch normalerweise als Begründung für die allermeisten Ärzte. Kosten tut es nichts. Wenn du keine Lust auf Diskussionen hast, dann kostet testo glaub 17€ + bisschen was für die Blutabnahme in einem privaten Labor.
prove it faggot.
pick better parents
take steroids
go through second puberty
Carnivore diet raised my total test 211 points in 2 months. I had blood tests done before and after.
Image is yet more proof that too much of a good thing is always bad
2000 NG/dL
Based white ruskie
Porn is a weapon bud.
The NWO is using it to destroy men.
Just look at Japan and other asian countries.
The NWO destroyed them, they are destroying them in India hence the increased degeneracy.
get the fuck OUT
Listening to these fuckers
thanks bee guy
Based beliy. Post kot.
What's the difference between free testosterone (free T3) and the other total figure?
My total testosterone exceeded the upper limit by a pretty large margin yet my free T3 was on the lower end of what's considered normal
girl on the left has white nose and is 17 years old,
here you have a nigger past 20
i would rather have kids with blonde than with a monkey
9001 NG/dL
im not eating my cum dude, its the gayest thing a person can do
You sound very smart.
Post body
>source: vice and they whose cock he swallows
Quit being a contrarian shit dick
Chris Chan ate his own cum though and he turned into a woman
Can't be that high in test