i tried to help i tried to motivate you all to be really strong before the chaos i gave advice on how to get really strong but you didnt listen you keep on >MUH BAD FORM >MUH NOT A SINGLE REP >CHRIS COCKSUCKER >MUH DILDO
i tried to warn you, i tried to help, but you never learn, its too late now, the collapse is inminent and you will suffer your loved ones will suffer enjoy being used by them controlled abducted and raped i will just switch timelime
i hope the corona fucks up your country's goverment, so people go ape mode and at some point an armed group enter your house to steal stuff and gang rape you, even though you may enjoy that, you faggot
Connor Gomez
enjoy not being able to work out a day on your life enjoy not having a single hour of free time from now enjoy being slave of your own race
stay mad weak and submit
Luis Brown
Based. I didn't watch your video but you look like you made very good progress. Been gone for a few months, just passing by
Dylan Wood
Did he do a single hip thrust?
Caleb Harris
im fucking locked i cant go nowhere
Carson Kelly
im already the strongest man here they wont take me down i will be gang leader cross italy river and rape their blonde woman i will take paris belgium and berlin
Mason Brooks
how is your floor still intact?
Daniel Torres
Imposter! Real Balkan chad never catch illness all dick sucking make immune to injury and illness like you whitoid
Caleb Green
i cant go nowhere because the army is patrolling and im ilegal even here in albania i dont even pay anything and if they find out i will be jailed illness is not a problem here they dont have a problem to shot you specially where i live its a very poor ans dangerous place i got homies die to the cops
Ayden Ramirez
yes you got mogged you will never hip thrusts 600 lbs with one leg weakboi
Benjamin Rivera
Half assing a 600lb one legged hip thrust wasnt anywhere near my list of thing to do but ok I guess I'll never do it
Dominic Long
cope harder coronacel
Alexander Baker
So did you find some dicks to suck in the end or not?
Xavier Evans
Keep sucking balkangag
Samuel Bailey
Hey SleekChris
do you enjoy dildo s in your ass
Sebastian Ramirez
how months without gym whitoids? like 10?
Logan Gray
oh look its another episode of shit ROM with a ton of weight from autism-chad
Henry Gutierrez
Nathaniel Morgan
imagine caring about rom when within a month you will be gang raped for a tuna can
Jaxson Garcia
praying for u
Adam Mitchell
I have a home gym thanks for asking
When are you gonna kill youself? Your friends know that you are a homosexuals and put dildo's in your ass. Because of that, you sad little bitch came to Yas Forums. Seeking validation. Then, again, your friends, showed us who you are. A homosexual putting dildos in his ass.
Look at you. No friends. Lifting in your bedroom. Not going outside. Nobody to love you. Posting all day on Yas Forums.
We know who you are. We know about your homosexuality.
You got betrayed by your friends. You got exposed for furiously shoving dildos in your ass. You don't go to a gym because everyone knows you.
You are so lonely. You are so sad.
It's time to end it balkanchad, commit suicide tonight. Escape from this world. Go to a better place. Escape your sadness and lonelyness. Escape your shamefull past.
Suicide it's your only option.
Jace Roberts
None sense, real Balkan chad is immune to bullet I shoot self in foot everyday starting as infant with BB gun now take tank shells for breakfast
Jokes aside, you have an interesting life man
Ryan Hernandez
>Not having thick enough glutes that you're squeezing them under to get a good position.
Good weight tho manlet
Henry Russell
if i get dubs you will die of coronavirus and so your weak ass whitoid race i will survive and impregnate your mom sister daughter and grandma
Mason Foster
Henry Fisher
Jonathan Peterson
Stay safe balkan chad
Ryan Cook
obliterated WHITOID
Nolan Nelson
Samuel Jackson
How the fuck are you illegal even in Albania?
Jaxson Roberts
im plaining to get pregnant all my ex gilfriends if shits get bad women are so horny now they all talking to me i think its my chance to spread my freakish genetics to save humans on this timeline
dubs and i do it
Zachary Myers
because this house is not even mine and i dont pay the services the army is entering the houses of suspicious people and they are jailing some because of this long story but i dont have thus house writting and the goverment will take advantage of the poor like always
Adam Gonzalez
i already said if i dont kill westoid corona will but i had weird dreams of famine and aliens arrivinf our earth they looked like octopus i dont want them to mog my race, i bet they cant even cheat curl 200 lbs
Adrian Green
also i dont have a legal work if i get fired or goverment wont pay i will go apeshit and start to rob and rape i dont give shit i will join my old crew back and we will burn it all this is going to happen all over the world lol just because you rich kids are closed at home with food dont mean shit i ate 2 glasses of milk and an apple in a whole day, i will have to kill my chickens but no chicken no egg
Matthew Williams
Aren't you whiteoid too? last time i checked Albanians were white, low-tier white but white nonetheless
Levi Ramirez
You cannot buy food? Do you leave your hose? Whose house is it?
Liam Wright
yes i can but supermarkets have not much food and im runnin out of money anyway im not working no work no money
Colton Harris
Get a job you fucking degenerate
Levi Rodriguez
What do you work at? Are you an illegal worker? what do you do now confined at home?
Isaac Gonzalez
i cant get a legal work so i have to work ilegal are you stupid now workplaces are closed just security medicine and market works open stupid nigger
Leo Anderson
i dont know how to call it on english but my work consist on moving furnitude and stuff
at home im stoned all day wastin out the few weed left drinking smoking and working out
Jason Bell
>i cant get a legal work so get your shit together so you can? >b-but then I can't live for free anymore! yeah that's called stealing you fucking spineless faggot
Charles Morales
yea suck my dick i was bout to fix all of it and become legal but chinks and rich traveler faggots ruined it all and now i will starve i hate white people and chinks more than ever you all will die
Josiah Hernandez
How much do you work out? What's your routine? You never feel any back pain or grinding of the shoulders?
Jackson Hernandez
This nigga thinks he isn't a pussy ass white too, suck a cock, Albanian whiteoid
Joshua Carter
Isn't this guy the cocksucker?
John Murphy
depending how i feel, if i have plenty of food and free time i can train almost everyday until i get very sore or tired right now im doing low volume i dont count sets or reps just try to keep intensity high with lots of rest
no my back and shoulders adapted my only issue are shin splints
Adam Kelly
stay mad weakling
Jace Barnes
lol if u all faggots here lived my life would be dead by age 10 if i was born in your shitty beta first world countries on some traditional family i would be some crazy elite athlete by now the fact i surpassed every single of you with less training and a less advantegeous background just shows how fragile weak and genelet you are
stay mad
Dylan Bailey
Balkanchad can i join ur crew and commit crimes
Kayden Hall
You'll be another white pussy in America, when you don't have to worry about what tomorrow will bring, you become soft. You aint even that rough, smoking weed like s0iboys and complaining in a chinese weaving basket forum. Suck a dick, whitoid
Jayden Russell
hip thrust ppppffffffffttt hahahahahahahahaahahahhahaha
Christopher Watson
my grandparents got wiped out at war and most of my ancestor died in battle what the heck u know bou me u know shit you piece of shit in MURICA i would be so fucking op i would be your fucking president already you have never walked a day on your life with my shoes you dont even lift and can rape all of your females relatives and there is nothing you csn do about it if your gonna talk trash post body at least show who u are but you wont you will write off a keayboard and leave because thats what you are a weakling amerimutt im already the pound for pound strongest human you are a literal nobody you are not even worth your organs selling you fool little chicken weak boy stay mad on rage while your shithead country burns in flames i will enjoy that too much even if i die today my achievelents were greaters than yours and every single faggot in your obese landwhale family american colonized boy enjoy being raped by my demons in the afterlife i will reincarnate and my will is forever balkanchad most gifted human
Chase Gomez
you are a pussy, if you was in America you'd be ODing like any whitoid, if your race was that strong you wont be poor as fuck, you got raped by everybody, whitoid mutt, turkish balkan greek rape baby
Nathan Robinson
i can feel your fear miles distance YOU ARE A PUSSY BALKAN RAPE BABY thats all you can dare to say because deep inside you know im as powerfull physically as in every other aspect and i may hunt you in your sleep as well you dont want to live in a world where you cant sleep a day in your life or do you? you dont know shit about anything you are a poor perturbed soul that cant do shit for himself and thats a shame poor first world boy he doesnt know