How rich are you fuckers that have home gyms?

How rich are you fuckers that have home gyms?

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I'm just making do with adjustable dumbbells, a pull-up bar and some bands. Plus calisthenics of course

When you are homeless, all the workout playgrounds are your home.

Sounds like you're making doo doo gains. And no, I will not post body, because I'm fat.

My family is well off + I have been saving almost all of my monthly pay for years
I have a whole room full of equipment, old ‘rona means nothing to me

a rack costs a few hundred bucks at most and everything else you can do for free.

Just because they're free weights doesn't mean they're free.

Share weird but efficient ways to make decent side money, I’ll start
>get 2-5 high end designer morph reptiles (piebald ball pythons and other morphs that sell for over $300)
>breed them, if you have 1:4 (male:female) you can get the most offspring
>for ball pythons it’s generally about 6 eggs per clutch so 24x$500=12,000-costs(bout $1,000 for husbandry).
After initial set ups you should be taking in pretty good money. Plus if you choose the right animal it’s minimal care and can be started up fairly cheap except the cost of the actual animals, all of 30 minutes a week. Easy $10k/ year, possibly even twice a year if you have snakes that lay more often

bro do you use weights?, just do bodyweight everything

How are the bands? I've been seeing a ton of ads for them.

50$ currently
gonna buy some tobacco and oats

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A proper home gym is like $2k. The real cost is owning a house.

I have a mortgage that costs less than renting a 1 br apartment with space in the basement for a cheap rack and weights. Not rich at all.

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Then why have a rack?

Actually in the 1%

between my father and i, we have a collective income of around 600k/yr (350+250). i spent maybe 10k on weights and equipment (power rack, bench, ghr, lat pulldown, bands, bumpers, 1000ish pounds of plates) and a few grand more on an airdyne, treadmill, and prowler for my father and i plus some meme exercise tapes for my mother.
my parents have the main house and i live in the guest house, but since i do all my cooking and shit in the main house we refurbished the guest house's kitchen and what used to be a social room into a large home gym.
but honestly, if i was living off of like 30k a year like a peasant i would probably save up a grand or two for a cage, bar, plates, and ghr. that would probably be enough for some mid-tier equipment, and i'd def cancel the gym membership we have at our local health club. we really only use it for the sauna, massage parlor, and my mom likes to socialize at the spin and dance classes.

Nigga I just don't spend money
Does your definition of a proper home gym include a hack squat or a leg press?

I can do all compounds and pullups in my home gym, it only cost me $500~ and I believe I overpaid slightly, you don't need a rogue bar, eleiko plates or a powerlifting meet approved bench, I have a foldable one and I don't even have a squat rack, just barbell stands

that'd be the 4%, faggot

NOt that rich second hand stores and used sports shops. Most of my weights are stolen, my buddy has a hone gym but a shitty lock on his door so i pick it and habe stole a bunch of weiht from last year to now. they think its the people a few blocks sover but it actually me lol

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>free weights
>cost money

based and generational wealth-pilled

>He was raised by a man earning less than $1,000,000
Why are upper middle class fags always so cringe?

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My uncle owns a business, computer stuff. He's a rich man and has a surprisingly high amount of freetime. He's also a big fitness and sports fan, was a great sprinter. He has a really great home gym that I'm allowed to use as well. I could never afford any of this, but he found a way into this trend industry early and made a lot of money with it.
I only have a bench and some dumbbells at my flat.


every few months my parents tell me that we are 500-1000$ behind in rent
I live in a small trailer and I have to move my room around to do specific work outs

do bands actually do anything?

Resistance work is pretty efficient. But it depends on how strong the bands are

they only go to like 60lbs

My mommy would never let me have a box of snakes in the house.

I have a squat rack at home, you should look into it

Lol I make about 40k a year. I live with my parents though. Hoping to buy a house soon. Would be nice if Corona chan killed all the old people and crashed there housing market

I have a garage and spent a few hundred on a rack.

I've spent 1 grand but could have made do with maybe 400 dollars
If you are actually passionate about exercise it's not a big investment

not at all
i impulse bough few barbells and some weights and squat rack few years back

it pays dividends now

These canons are on point. Dad bought one back home and hasn't paid for the gym since, well paid for itself. I'd personally go full homegym master race if the gym on post wasn't 24/7 and free.

I’m poor as shit but after scouring the craigslist for four years and $100 I have:
>half rack
>2 full weight sets
>2 barbells
>hex bar I never use
>comfy af adjustable bench
>dumbbells and a lot of 1 inch weights for them

Most people give shit away for free you just have to be on the lookout 24/7

Not very. 85k and wife is 40k.

New built house was 120k land was 59k
Feels good.

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yep this
paid around £1200 ish for mine but could have got by with half so around £500 and desu I probably didn’t even need bumpers or a good bar but I just picked them up anyway

Bands'll make her dance


Mirin. But idk homie 120k ain't bad.

I make 60k and have pull-up bar and a dip station. Weight vest and some bands. That's about all I can afford atm.

I can tell from the picture that your wife smells bad. You probably smell bad too but not as bad as her.

interesting, how did you figure that out?

I was feeling this too homie

That water heater up to code for a new build?

Getting my corona gym ready in my parent's garage. Only make 45 a year but I was in between apartments and have a bit saved and now not paying rent. Hopefully my rack gets here before too long

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I make 50k and have a stay at home wife who take care of my kids

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Building inspectors had no issue; what’s up?

Just buy second hand. I got a good quality power rack with lat pulldown/low row attachment, bar and weights for around $650(AUD). Sounds like a lot but it's cheaper than a 1 year gym membership where I live.

My parents paid for it :v)

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Also my only income is the $300 neetbux the government gives me every fortnight

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I made about 70k last year.

This an early pic of my home gym. I've made some changes.

>Titan T3 short rack
>REP adjustable bench
>Ohio Power bar in stainless steel
>Ohio deadlift bar
>Titan axle bar
>Titan multigrip bar
>Titan safety squat bar V2
>Strength shop folding hyperextension station
>York deep dish plates and bumpers
I like my little home gym. I'm shopping for a house now. Will probably upgrade my rack and get some Ironmaster dumbbells after I move.

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still makes me laugh

My gym at home is worth less than $1500 dollarydoos and has 150kg of bumper plates, squat stands, eleiko oly bar, a bench, and a platform.
The only thing I don't have is somewhere to do pullups.
There aren't many excuses really, you don't have to buy brand new werk san and rogue stuff to lot at home.

omg it's the real pic wtf!?!? how is this thread not 404'd????

Based poor user. Will be reaping rewards of lazy wagies.

Bands are good, especially for rehab/bodybuilding phase, but can be useful for some movements as they get harder as you move further into the concentric part of a movement.

I only use them for rehabbing a crap muscle in my back at the moment, but they're really good for that.

>you don't need brand name stuff
I got an eleiko bar for a few hundred, it has some chrome coming off the collars but the whip and knurl is fantastic. I got lucky though, the rest of my stuff is generic, but a good bar should be the heart of a home gym imo.

>He's also a big fitness and sports fan, was a great sprinter.
You should train with your dad user, sprinters usually know how to train heavy and periodize their training properly.

Nice scores user.

Mirin' that cozy setup user. Platform is nice, do you use it for any oly/plyo stuff?

Nah, Just deadlifts and rows. Sometimes I use the space for landmine work. The ceiling is very short, so I can't do standing overhead work.

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I'm not, I saved up. I'm literally just a lifeguard. I barely ever spend money so it wasn't even a big deal. Also I'm doing close grip bench for triceps no bully.

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