Just fingered my tinder date's asshole while we were walking back to our vehicles after eating...

Just fingered my tinder date's asshole while we were walking back to our vehicles after eating. Started with just squeezing her ass but then put my hand down her pants. First I just felt it a little bit but then started fingering it, eventually got my entire middle finger inside. She never said stop and even started moaning a bit. I wanted to feel her pusy but we got to my car and she hugged me and said bye. This is my first sexual encounter of any kind.

Pic is her.

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>Yas Forums

did you wipe your finger on her

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That thread was great. Everyone shitting on OP, who just wanted the high fahves, like Based Boomer said.

>hug not make out sash
Youre not seeing her ever again. Enjoy the poop finger

first sexual encounter and you had the balls to stick your finger up some girls ass? what an unbelievable story.

more believe "i came just touching this girls butt, first sexual experience"

Wash your hands bro

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Did you sniff your finger though? If not wasted opportunity

imagine the macros

sounds like ur in next time bro
if there isn't a next time she wasnt into it


the first time i fingered a girl i was grossed out by her slime so i put my fingers in her mouth and had her clean it off.

what are you gay

Better sniff then lick that shit...free macros

idk, maybe. i don't think so, if i am, i just haven't found a boy cute enough.

what are you supposed to do with her slime?

Rub your dick with it? What are you a faggot?

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This or lick it fag

Wait a minute, women feel pleasure on their buttholes? I though it was pure mental pleasure of being fucked rough

Did you sniff your finger after words? That’s the best part

>This is my first sexual encounter of any kind.
Depending on how she reacts, it could be your last as a free man.

Ya they can have an orgasm too

Imagine spending 16 years of your life to raise a little princess like her, just so a fucking chump can finger her anus

Haha yeah imagine that haha


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I mean, raising a daughter is one of the most cucked things you can do. Think about it, logically.

>Not having a lesbian daughter
Premium jerk material

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Hahah it’s p funny

Hey OP did see have a bit of a stunned like non reaction deer in head lights type of thing? If so you are never seeing her again. You basically show her a dirty secret about herself that she never knew she likes butt stuff. Lol imagine if something like this happened to you girl fingers your butt and you like it, you’d be confused as hell. The difference is with girls they will let you violate them, I bet if you had asked her “hey can I finger your ass” she’d say no but she’ll let you do it. IDK but I reckon all women have some rape fantasy in their hindbrain they actually do want it, and remember young king never judge a two hole but what they say only what they do

she got a gram?

>/fit related
Congrats on your first sexual encounter. I guess....

make no mistake
you are still a virgin

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Is him...?

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Why would you go straight for the butthole and not the pussy?

this is pasta..
fucking tards, the lot of you.

Andrew glouberman?

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wipe it on your butt or lick it off or have her lick it off but because it's hot not because you're grossed out

I love getting fingered and jerked off at the same time

> pleasurably moaning from surprise, public, down the pants, mid-stride, first date butthole penetration

But how are you going to top this and keep her interested? What's the next move in this scenario?

>She never said stop and even started moaning a bit. I wanted to feel her pusy but we got to my car and she hugged me and said bye.

ya blew it

Me too friend.
Women are disgusting whores. Just because I have a innate desire to fuck and breed them doesnt mean I cant also acknowledge that theyre gross.


not op but bi. mostly gay

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not unless their trans, only amabs have prostates so any cis women claiming to like anal is probably lying

I’m on masteron and imagining this scenario with my crush is giving me the most painful rock hard erection ever. God I love mast

>by her slime

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yea they dont spend as much time on as here as us. cant believe they didnt realize it was pasta lmao

Good for you OP.

he was fingering her from behind, what do you think

Utterly based and slimepilled

Which is what women do the most, fucking lie.

You're a smart man who is gonna make it

Oh shit, based

next time collect all her pussy slime to create some sticky pistons

how would that even work logistically
i cant imagine trying to walk with your finger in another person. you mustve been walking very slow
and why go for the ass. ill assume she wasn't predicting that, which means you just got your finger coated in shitsludge. nothing cool about that.

>why go for the ass.
all the braap posters got to him

Sell it on ebay.

Ultimate Chad move

Next step up is to cum in her vag raw and then have her clean your still erect dick with her mouth.

>tfw you're so based that even your mistakes are based

uber eats

This story fucking rules lmao it’s autistic enough to be believable

Lol I did something very similar for my first sexual encounter. We were both drunk as fuck and i used the shocker on her and she seemed to like it enough so i kept going with it. I still have no idea what the fuck caused me do it

Op is a fag