Shortness of breath protocol

Whats the best way to train to reduce shortness of breath when going up stairs or walking and talking?

Aside from losing weight of course, whats best to improve cardio / oxygenation? HIIT? LISS?

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Made for maintaining a productive and healthy household of god-fearing, upstanding children

When you do some cardio and youre out of breath, HOLD your breath for 10 seconds. then breathe for 10 then HOLD. repeat this for a while.

source for this method? does it have a name?


Attached: coomer.png (1545x869, 193.01K)

It's a he.

No its not

>walking and talking
just how fat are you

I’d say build your conditioning through regular exercise.
Train various capacities/energy systems.
Lift weights and start doing cardio. Start off easy with cardio and then build up duration/intensity. Don’t go full throttle from the start. Three 20 minute sessions a week is enough to get started, then from there increase intensity with one of them, add 10-15 minutes of the same intensity to another, then add 5-10 rounds of 15/45 sec HIIT to the last or 5-10xf burpees or something.

eat iron rich food, drink more water, cut salt.

Wim hof breathing method



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When I got a treadmill I could only jog 7min30 seconds at 4 mph but not even two weeks after I was jogging at the same pace for 20 minutes. Just do LISS for as long as you can and chart your progress.

Check again

Wim hoff?

>Just do LISS for as long as you can and chart your progress.
My current issue with LISS (walking) is I get terrible shin splints and thats what limits me not the cardio itself, it's been an issue even when I weighed less

Friendly reminder that most fake tits make the girl look retarded and the entire point of tits is to see them jiggle as you fuck. Getting rock hard, pinned on tits like this bitch make you unattractive.

if they had B or C cups before implants they will still jiggle nice just be larger

Who is it?

You're either making too big steps or you're slamming your feet. Slow down, be lighter on your feet and make sure your foot lands on the ground as you are over it.


i actually take small steps due to having tight hams (another issue), but I do heel strike when walking

That's a man right? I can see the beard shadow

You could probs do with some stretching then.

Do you walk fast too? I get shin splints if i try to walk/run too fast.

>Do you walk fast too? I get shin splints if i try to walk/run too fast.
Yes but im trying to increase my HR to over 120 when walking so I have to if I want to do that.

I still weight too much to jog safely I think., 230 at 5'8"

bumping this

Hello e-thot my old friend
I've come to fap to you again
to a vision of you nude, streaming
I dump my seed watching you sleeping
and the feelings of regret and coomer shame,
still remains.

After the sound of cooming.

In restless nights I coom alone
with eight porn tabs on my cellphone.
'Neath the pale-glow of my phone screen
Traps and trannies, cuckolds, B-B-C
until my eyes are red from the six hour pornofest --
I return to rest.

Soothed by the sound of cooming.

checked it's insta - still can't tell if it's a trap. can't see the cock.

i came in here to post that fellow Yas Forumsbro

She used to have no ASS at all, did she do surgery?


She’s a married chick
She’s the one that the one simp gave thousands to on twitch and then flipped a shit when he was like wtf you’re married

treadmill on the incline or any form of cardio to improve your cardiovascular health.
Doesn't take a genius to figure out

Wouldn't be surprised with all the simp money she accumulated.
I wish I was a woman.

i actually thought it was a girl. fuck.

theres nothing you can do
long distance running and hiit will help a lot BUT if you stop these workouts, you will regress to short breathe within a month.
Changing your lifestyle FOREVER is the only way. So unless you are up for that then doing anything is a waste of time.

She is.

top fucking kek

>Changing your lifestyle FOREVER is the only way. So unless you are up for that then doing anything is a waste of time.
OK I am fine with that, but I only want to do cardio thats the most effective for shortness of breath - so I cant spend the rest of my time lifting.

I just want to know whats most effective

Some of the pics are literally showing a bulge.

Haha the boobers on that chick. Couple of round bois booberinos haha. Big cummy bubble but you feel me

damn I wish I could pay to watch her sleep brehs

HIIT and low intensity cardio are effective. Just pick one, and do 20 minutes (that's the minimum number I've heard doctors say, probably 20-60 minutes is ok) like 4-6 days/week.

Don't go balls out every day. Some days when you feel good, go harder or longer, other days, just make sure you get a decent heart rate increase and some sweat going.

Burpees with jogging in place works well for quarantine.

Otherwise, try:
>Stairs or stairclimber
>Stationary bike

Hell you could even do jumping jacks/jump rope/shadow boxing ffs. Obviously running is good cardio, but hard on knees and joints.

If you want the absolute most effective cardio, I'd say stairclimber.

What is up with Twitch whores marrying Asian guys ?

I'd let her shorten my breath if you know what I mean.

Attached: 1521898406697.jpg (1200x675, 83.01K)

Isn't she the married chick who streams herself sleeping? Imagine how cucked that is. "Sorry babe, you can't sleep with me again, I need to stream."


stop simping

who is this and how do I get her to sit on my face?

>gf makes money off cucks while sleeping
That's amazing. I'd let her buy all my shit and rub her feet.

Only probably is I'm convinced that's a dude with a cock.

What the actual fuck lmao

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Shed a tear

live in dubai and have a fat checking account

We better touch our dicks now.

Amoroth is a fucking man

go to the doctor. you have coronavirus.


Lol no this issue is long standing and hasnt gotten worse

Stop posting sluts motherfuckers

why can't you???