You DID go running today, right Yas Forums?
You DID go running today, right Yas Forums?
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I'm about to. I run every other day. I'm at a beautiful town and can never get enough of the sights.
This, I do the same, along with jumping rope. Though, too much cardio can be detrimental for your gains and recovery.
I tried to today and after 8-10 minutes I had to switch to short intervals of jogging and walking. My throat, around the height of my adam's apple, closed and hurt like shit, and I had a ton of mucus in my throat. I had this back when I played rugby as well when I had way better stamina and I just pushed through the pain usually, but since quitting and later lifting weights I have not run any serious distance and it feels much worse.
Is this normal? I do not have any of these problems lifting weights or cycling for example.
Running and cycling actually lower your T. Swimming is the ultimate based cardio.
No, quadriceps still hurt above the knee because of saturday run
What part of quarantined you don't get?
What a load of shit
what town?
Are you one or more of the following?
>AIDS patient or HIV positive
>vaccine fanatic
>has removed one or more organs
>walking mummy
>butter elemental or landwhale
>5G worker
If not, don't worry about a fucking flu
Valparaiso, Chile. It has a touristic area but the true beauty is the view of the sea you get from the hills.
I fucked up my knee and now I need surgery
Want some advice? If you hear some weird clicking noise inside your knee EVEN IF DOESNT HURT go and run an MRI on your knees. Yes, fucking do it. I waited until I was 28 to see what was wrong with my knee but it had been clicking since I was 17 but I didn't give a shit because NAH BRO IT DOESNT HURT
way to spread the virus you idiot
I get it but i constantly wonder if I'm underplaying it.
People online making this disease control their lives seems like a waste. I'd rather use it as an opportunity. If the gym is closed I have more time and effort to be able to up my cardio.
Sounds like asthma or severe allergies user. Had the same shit happening to me when I was younger. Saw an allergist-immunologist for several years and am good to go now. Highly recommend you find an allergist-immunologist in your area.
Natural selection, survival of the fittest motherfucker
Nice town
Swimming is great but it's impossible to swim right now. Pools are closed, and the water temperature in lakes is around 7°C
OK retard here is a quick rundown for you
>In brief: an Italian-style lockdown to force people to stay at home beyond a small range of very limited circumstances. Under the terms explained by Boris Johnson in his TV address, people will be allowed to leave home only for the following reasons:
>>shopping for necessities, as infrequently as possible;
>> one form of exercise a day, such as running or cycling, alone or with household members;
>>for medical or care needs, for example to help a vulnerable person;
> >travelling to and from work, but only if you cannot work from home.
Ah fuck man, im 26 and same boat as you. What was wrong in the end?
Thanks for the advice. What was the solution, take some kind of medication before any physical activity?
So just a regular everyday life.
Based tomatonigger
No dude I'm not gay
Sounds like fucking corona to me. Seriously felt the same as you when I went a run before I knew I had ThE cOroNa. Running was real hard. Kept having to spit out mucus and had a real hard time breathing..
I am on my 10th day of 10km per day running. Feels good and my body has lightened. I feel as I don't use so much energy when doing regular stuff, whilst when I wasn't running everything was harder to make.
Sure did, quick 3k every day lad.
by running alone?
No it keeps raining hard
Ahh.. Ahhhh..... ACHOO! Sorry bro what were you saying?
Why would I run? I face my problems, I do not run
ran for the first time in a year two days ago and the doms in my calves and ankles are crazy
Oh god
Running feels
So good!
Went for my first run today, managed 3.5k in 16 minutes without pushing myself. Kind of fun.
Seriously how the fuck do you get rid of these they keep. Coming back no matter what j try
No, I have torn tendons so I can't even walk without limping.
Enjoy your ruined knees.
Sunbath you idiots
>muh knees!
>We did not find an increased prevalence of osteoarthritis among the runners. Our observations suggest, within the limits of our study, that long-duration, high-mileage running need not be associated with premature degenerative joint disease in the lower extremities.
>a lifetime of long distance running at mileage levels comparable to those of recreational runners today is not associated with premature osteoarthrosis in the joints of the lower extremities
>Long-distance running might even have a protective effect against joint degeneration
>Long-distance running among healthy older individuals was not associated with accelerated radiographic OA. These data raise the possibility that severe OA may not be more common among runners.
>The presence of radiographic hip OA and the progression of radiographic knee OA was similar for older runners and nonrunners.
>Increased training miles per week appears protective against knee injuries.
It fucking snowed dude, fuck off.
the fuck is a 5G worker
23km the other day in 2hour 5min. Is that good or should i go faster?
Started running a mile and a half up and down the street near my house when my gym shut down due to chink aids.
I've found I can run farther outdoors than on a treadmill before I become tired, is this the same for everyone?
You install and work near 5G towers
Yeah. I alternated between jogging and sprinting at a park for 40 mins. Did some shadow boxing, sprawls, clap push ups, regular push-ups, jumping lunges, and then stretched some. Weird, I actually kinda look like the guy in that Pic.
I did 3 walking miles today which is really hard after hip arthro. I hope I run again someday but my doctor doesn’t think so.
This. I used to be a fast runner and compete, but that shit gets you hard.
>being this much of a wimp
Layer up, fag.
I did
I ran 2 miles and then hiked up a small mountain which took about 20 minutes.
I decided if I can’t go to the gym I’ll just start training for running. Maybe run a marathon depending on how long this lasts. My longest run up to this point is 5 miles and I run a 9 minute mile so we’ll see.
Runs by you
>nothin personel kid
ran 6.4 mi of trail today user. Average pace 8:20/mile
later today.
hit new 6k record yesterday (approx 3.7mi)
03/2 - 30:25
24/2 - 29:33
02/3 - 28:38
06/3 - 28:21
16/3 - 28:00
23/3 - 27:26 (yesterday)
>has removed one or more organs
Fuck, I had my appendix removed when I was 8. I thought I had nothing to worry about.
Fuck cardio
as a matter of fact i did :)
good post.
based runposter. I fucking love it. Imagine not running
yes and I feel fucking good
It's more walking training because I'm a bloatlord but I'm going hard every day, cut with Corona-chan lads