How many of you think you can take him?
Share with me your delusions of grandeur
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hes like 5’6. i would grab his tiny body and squeeze him until his eyes fell out. then i would take those eyes and blend them with my morning shake
Khabib? If I trained starting as soon as I was born like he did I think I could take him, but I didn’t. Grappling is as part of his nature as walking is for everyone else. It’s wired in him
The best fighter in the world? Yea, kek, no problem- I would fuck him up.
I see.
But what about Master Kota?
Easy. His fighting style has glaring holes that cannot be exploited in MMA but in a real fight.
Protip: Anytime someone wants to clinch with you, just headbutt them. Look at Lethwei fights.
in his weightclass. which is like super lightweight
im 6'4 220lbs of muscle and i'd 100% have no chance against him...
No way in hell could I take him. What do you guys think about Tony Ferguson? I think he actually has a decent chance to dethrone khabib
>holes that cannot be exploited in MMA but in a real fight
irl he would squash your right testicle in less than 3 sec, better think fast
you realize he can headbutt too
what date? brah
im not rly following ufc that much
I love Tony and Khabib. I think Khabib has more chance to win but my heart wants Tony to win. I think it's closer to 50% than most people think. I put 50 euro on Tony!
He fights at 72kg and weighs 80kg during his spare time.
This is not a female weighing 60kg. He has strength you faggot.
April 18, assuming it doesn't get cancelled or postponed.
I trained BJJ for about a year. My coach trained for like 10+ years and he made me feel like a small child whenever I rolled with him. I had no answers. He went to America & he got the chance to roll with Marcelo Garcia, one of the great BJJ practitioners. They recorded it and Garcia made my coach look like a total novice.
Now in an MMA fight, Khabib would destroy Garcia.
There are just levels to fighting that you can't even fathom.
Saying this, I do think people have an answer to Khabib including Tony Ferguson. Even Brian Ortega could catch Khabib in a darce or something.
Ortega has a 175 cm reach, he won't
darce someone like Khabib
bruh dat mma shit, dont work in da streets, he dont understan how hard i can hit
I think a Tony win would be far more interesting, Khabib's patented wrestlefuck is stale.
>in a fistfight
zero, MAYBE one if I got lucky
>with my gun
at least 10 before i had to reload
You realize Khabib is held back by rules too right? What's stopping him from doing illegal shit in a street fight?
But he won't. You fight like you train and MMA fighters don't train headbutts or ball squeezing, just like boxers don't train Thai kicks and wrestlers knock themselves out when suplexing people on concrete because there's no mat to cushion their heads. lrn2fighting.
6'4 and he's afraid of a 5'6 manlet.
Obviously he would be more technical but if you punch him with everything you got he has literally no chance against you if you stuff his take down attempts.
this nigga trains ball squeezing
he’s 5’10 post body
>What's stopping him from doing illegal shit in a street fight?
Being accustomed to rules.
The most dangerous people aren't the upper echelons of combat sports - they are built for the exact requirements of their athletic discipline. Take them out of it and they can't do shit.
Now, low to mid-level MMA fighters with a streetfighting background... those are dangerous.
started with the ball squeezing.
Another example: The infamous weakness of BJJ guys to leglocks. All because the Gracies thought leglocks are gay and never trained them.
Being able to do something in theory (I'm sure the Gracies knew how to apply leglocks) doesn't make you able to pull it off in a stress situation.
Cool pic
Wow, nice, granddad!
Look up how far the famous street fighters came in early MMA in the 90s and 2000s. People who routinely flattened 3 opponents in bar fights never made it beyond journeyman or local champion status. That's because sports are unforgiving and if you don't exactly do what you need to do, you will not make it. There is no opportunity to train self defense against heavier opponents or whatever "on the side", so you will have a weakness there if you specialize in a sport.
My katana. If that monkey rushes me I’m cutting him clean in half with a dragonfly cut.
they flattened literal whod in street fights though. MMA is a sport, so competition is expected -- the reason they do bad in the cage is because there are better fighters than them, that would merk them on the streets too.
Ahhh yes the delusions we all came here to see. You have no clue just how far a guy like khabib outclasses these guys you're referring to. No clue.
Another delusional. "Pumch him with everything you got" just lol. Man if you had even the slightest idea of what a fight was like you would understand that an untrained guy from the street is never ever going to land a punch with everything hes got. Actually connecting with a proper punch in any semblance of a fight is a challenge.
>tall faggs actually believe that
Absolute horseshit
if he didnt wear a cup, theres about a 5% chance i could land a decent kick to the groin which would hopefully incapacitate any man, even him
Explain Giles, Tonon, Hall, Ryan, etc. Leg locks are now the meta in ADCC.
unironically my goal is to beat him, one day i will fight him
Big/Tall Dont = Skill
Lmao that slack jawed noodle armed bitch you pasta boooois you noodle pasta armed booooois lmao don’t even need to train or works out to beat any of you shit pasta men bois lol this is the body
Yeah when he's senile and he's still beat your ass
>Yeah when he's senile and he'll still beat your ass
ftfy my illiterate friend
Better go fast he's about to retire
No way. I might be able to handle a featherweight boxer (after training for half a year or more) but not an MMA grappler like Khabib
t. 6' 185 guy lifting for 2.5 years
Clearly that guy didn’t know what he was dealing with. Probably never wise to half-ass it with someone so quick. What’s up with the glass jaw? Maybe the sweet spot is rather small on some people? I feel like I’ve seen people get hit much more solidly in boxing and remain standing.
my goal is to beat you, one day we will fight
oh ho, then you better train hard user, i be waiting for you at the top.
Ask me how I know you never fought a street fight in your life.
Fighters are not boxing bags, they tend to move.
hey what are you talking about, you are american guy, i can eat you in streets, HEY HEY hey listen, i can eat you in streets, in america you can't fight in the streets, im from crazy mountain.
6ft 150lb alcoholic here
Id wreck mcgregor, then khabib in the same night, i just see things faster than other people im like an F1 driver but my body is made out of steel got that workin muscle but im lightnin' quick and got a real long reach
Also my pain tolerance is unchallenged
Now Jon Jones would be more of a challenge. Same with someone like Tyson Fury. Those guys would be tough to beat.
>MMA fighters don't train headbutts or ball squeezing,
You don't train headbutts and ball squeezing either, so that puts you on the same level
Also wrestlers can do a lot more than suplexes. There's a million ways to take someone down or throw them while landing on top of them.
nigga ull get arrested if you fight in america, ull lose your job and probably your house
you're a cool guy, user
if you were serious in the first post, I wish you good luck
ofcourse, then don't talk about street fights, you can't fight in the streets, i can eat you in the streets
thanks brother, i don't know if i will be able to reach him inn time but i am completely serious, a few of my fights got delayed for the kung flu but arround this time next year ill making my debut in the ufc, you will be able to recognize me for a tattoo of 2 dragons in my left shoulder.
Jon Jones could take him,off the roids and on the roids
If he was fighting with a sprained ankle and severe jet lag and a nasty cold I could maybe submit him once in five grappling only fights. Striking allowed, one in twenty.
>wrestlers knock themselves out when suplexing people on concrete because there's no mat to cushion their heads.
That's a really uncommon technique that rarely would ever get used.
See link for a more likely case
Why do non fighters think they know how to fight?
Ramsey Dewey, owner of the JX Fight Club in shanghai, competitor in TKD, kickboxing, sanda, and MMA, fight commentator and judge, discusses the tendency of males to wildly overestimate their fighting ability, even while lacking any training.