Is it true that nurses are fucking crazy horny sluts and that they are easy to fuck ?

Is it true that nurses are fucking crazy horny sluts and that they are easy to fuck ?

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They are but for doctors.

I know they're all pretty fucking dumb

No "crazy horny slut" is easy to fuck unless ur a 7/10 or higher.


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From my experiences and knowledge of friends experiences, yes they are.

Maybe its because they are around body issues all day every day and they are not shy about their own


No, they are just mean, jaded women who are constantly surrounded by men who are more successful than their boyfriends or husbands. So they end up resenting their partners.
They don't ever get to sleep with the doctors mind you. Because the doctors know that they are nothing but trouble.
But nurses still are entirely unsuitable for marriage.

Anaesthesiology and intensive care resident here.

Really depends. Most nurses are after rich and well - established doctors, because most nurses are gold diggers. Either way, they're not worth the effort, the ''hot slutty nurse'' is a porn trope, in reality the majority of them are middle aged and out of shape, but then again the majority of doctors are middle aged and out of shape.

Also - never shit where you eat.

pic unrelated

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>tchoins wearing airpods in front of a Sephora

yes and theres a scientific explanation as to why

it has to due with females not being able to handle being around death and illness all day

in order to balance it out and compensate they turn to sexual stimuli

basically being a nurse fucks ur brain up

This.Plus mostnurses are over 50 anyway.


But they also see a lot of sickness and death so they are looking for someone that can live the good life and has great health insurance. You know, doctors, lawyers, etc.

Same thread on pol

I fucked two separate nurses on the first date.

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Thats the most logical one

C’mon OP you’re better than this...

>they’re in a hospital for almost 25 hours a day, of course they fuck each other just for sport
>they fuck doctor because doctors make money

My best friend is a doctor and during his internship he told me that the higher the rank of the nurse/doctor you fuck the more requests you receive and the better perception of you

Idk, maybe, but they are either over 40 yo ou 40 BMI. Nutritionists are the real deal though

t. doctor

if by nurses you mean women then yes

Yes, I'm a male Nurse and I'm banging 8/10 qt 3.14s every week lol

Get ripped or get rekt

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murse ahaha

Maybe the doctors, but a lot of us nurses have shitty patient ratios and no time. I just want to go home after my 12 hour shift. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to know more about the cute resident, but I have no time or energy for her.

Big Pharma is where its at though, all that good cash. Probably will miss the gene edit revolution coming up, but I'll try to ride the wave.

They clean old people's excrement right from the source, of course they are crazy sluts into weird fetishes.

That's kind of funny. Murse. Heh.

The real issue is that they work so hard every day that they just don't have the energy to play games. Just be up front with them. Even those 8s and 9s in scrubs want you if you're moderately attractive to them.

This. Their disgust threshold is extremely high which give them the potential to be more kinky and find most men atttactive in a way, thus higher slut potential.

>scientific explanation
>my asshole

Usually, yes.

Most nurses are girls that didnt know what they wanted to be when they grew up, got out of highschool and was like fuck, what do i do. So they depending on the state they get a 2 or 4 year degree to start making decent money. Its not a job that requires you to think, its just a job with routine tasks and you have to clean up literal shit. Most nurses spend their free time bitching about being a nurse, drinking, and fucking losers. then they get married when they are used up, and continue to hate their lives. pop out a few kids, then get fat.

I needed a tetanus shot a few months ago
Goddamn the two nurses in the clinic at the time were legit 9s

>that 50 years old doctor that works at phthisis department tried to flirt with me
Imagine constantly dealing with these smelly and disgusting drunkards and one day you meet a good-looking 25 years old man at your workplace.

My sister, 24, is a nurse, she hasn't even kissed a boy yet.

Can i have her number????

Can i have her number???

...that you know of

No, you're not making my sister into a whore

Lived with 4 nurses. They are both dumb as rocks yet arrogant as fuck. When you ask a question that's too 'high intelligence' (read: normal) they reiterate their earlier point acting like you're the one that's dumb while they don't understand it. They complain about doctors, which I understand now since I lived with 4 of them, I would complain too.

That's all women though

If you have drive and intelligence you become a doctor, if you don't have both of those traits, you become a nurse.

The amount of druggie whores from my highschool that have gone into nursing makes me not want to ever even talk to a nurse. Nursing isn't exactly easy but any sophomore sorority girl that test-banked her way to 3.5 GPA can get into a nursing program.

>they are just mean, jaded women who are constantly surrounded by men who are more successful than their boyfriends or husbands. So they end up resenting their partners.
>They don't ever get to sleep with the doctors mind you. Because the doctors know that they are nothing but trouble.
>But nurses still are entirely unsuitable for marriage.
this is the hard truth. nurses are fun to fuck for a short while but never to marry

i know girls that are studying to be nurses are

>No, they are just mean, jaded women who are constantly surrounded by men who are more successful than their boyfriends or husbands.
Same with flight attendants, secretaries, dental assistants

Nursing is hard work with long hours. Females age extremly quick after just a few years on the job. Nurses aged 30+ are beyond the wall.

The average nurse that has to take care of patients usually ended up there because they couldn't get into medical school to become a doctor or go for the higher level nursing jobs which usually pay about the same as doctors.
They're not too well paid and it's easy to become a nurse.

I dated a nurse in college for a year and she became a crazy slut. In school they made her watch some horrific gore shit to desensitize her to stuff she might see when doing her job. Not to mention also having to put catheters in old men dicks and wipe shit as a second year student during placements (19 years old). It's easy to see how that kind of education could fuck someone up.

Why is this board obsessed with nurses?

Nightingale effect

Holy fuck could two posts be any more based?

>male nurse

lol faggot

Not true of the people I know. A lot of blacks and Filipinos become nurses as their first option because they can't afford medical school and are afraid of taking out big student loans. They just think debt is bad and don't understand why anyone would borrow money because they come from stupid poor families. Whites, pajeets, and chinks on the other hand understand that the debt associated with medical school is worth it and pursue careers as doctors.

thank God I'm a 7.5

If you aren't a doctor, go for a CNA instead.

I'm a 6.96 do you think they'll round up?

>If you aren't a doctor, go for a CNA instead.
isnt that just a nurse's bitch? do you just need a certificate for cna?

Of course not...

Nursing is the only health class offered in my town. Once I've saved up enough money to move to a bigger city with uni I want to go study in microbiology

Yeah. My friend explained it this way, you only have x amount of time between shifts so you take any opportunity you got, especially if you're on call or whatever where you don't know when your next day off will be

Dude right on lol

There used to be this slutty nurse with giant tits who'd post em on reddit
pic related

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She's so fat her back looks like a another fat person's front

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>used to be
What happened to her

She deleted her account. You can still find the pics though:•-32m.109567/

Mein neger, PGY-1 here

No. There is nothing about the nursing occupation that attracts women that are somehow different then other women. Nursing is probably the most popular occupation for women...

lol retad

Hat trick

By that logic, female doctors are easier to fuck as well, then.

Can any fitizen fill in on this? Only dated one med qt but she didn't seem sluttier than other women