Go Vegan

If you want light eyes

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If every vegan died tomorrow the world would be a better place

you get so malnourished that your body cant create pigments lol


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low key raid going on right now

I already have light eyes tho..

post some natty aswell,

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all these guys are on roids you fucking DIPSHIT.
its the roids making em big, DIPSHIT. without the roids they would KILL THEMSELVES because VEGANS are low test BETA FAGGOTS giving a fucking about other animals? the fuck? drink some blood once you idiot. you will understand what bloodlust is. if you don't like it, just kill yourself because you're fucking hopeless you malnourished suicidal beta fuck putting some fucking cow above yourself you clown bitch.
fuck animals and fuck the planet you fucking dumbfuck

>this is your mind on meat

>waahhh save the animals waaaahh i'm a BITCH

>Constantly argues with bad intentions
>Gets counter arguments given with bad intentions
>Gets mad that these disgusting carnicucks argue like retards spamming anecdotes and ad hominem

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You're forgetting Mike Tyson

My eyes are already light. Fuck vegans.

>he watches le heh heh man
>he thinks his opinions are worth anything
That's a heh heh from me

no thanks, vegan shill. I love meat and people tell me my eyes are light and shining already

Already have blue eyes, my dude.

Gonna go have myself a nice BURGER in a sec. Unironically.

I'd rather keep being fertile, thank you


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>David Carter
Never played a season as a vegan

>Patrik Baboumian
Set all of his records as a meat eater/vegetarian. He has only done exhibitions since he went vegan and has not won a single competition

>Georges Laraque
Played 1 season as a vegan then retired

>Mike Tyson
Went vegan 5 years after his retirement. Won all of his fights eating steak and ear.


she my #1 source on skin topics, she offers a lot of in depth info and saves me hours of digging into journals.
How can somebody so intelligent be oblivious to sth so obvious

Reminder that only vegans can be white.

bullshit. show me an asian, black, or mexican that changed their brown eyes to green by changing their diet

holy shit she looks like she’s on death’s doorstep

Go vegan if you want *sunken* light eyes *with massive black bags under them*

fixed for you

yes retard, steroids still work for vegans

Light eyes and wrinkles lmao

Once and for all Actual europeans are carnivore with a side of leafy Greens.


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>Entire thread is meatfags crying about how every vegan who looks good must be on gear
Thanks, OP. I needed this.

The point was those black vegans are still black, meaning pigment starvation is false.

my eyes already look like her after picture, and it's been like that since I was a young lad eating a SAD.
now I eat meat and eggs with some milk and my eyes are still vibrant.

imagine falling for bait as shitty as this, fucking colored contacts lmao.
and look at her in the Epitome videos, or whatever spinoff other tubers are making, she is aging like shit.

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veg-x can't even outlive general population

Nice. I'll add it to my tinfoil instructions.

or just be a Man not a Monkey.

Where's Rich Piano?

Can confirm, is not the gmo onions, i wouldve stayed vegan.

she has a severe eating disorder
it's quite common for anorexics to start trying to make up for their obscenely restrictive diets by trying to be healthier without adding more calories
this usually results in them adopting insanely retarded diets and doing a fuckton of cardio


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Her eye change is very slight if anything at all. Show two pix with the same lighting?

But regardless, staying on her raw vegan diet for ten years+ is going to wreck your health in many ways.

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I might as well just wear colored contacts you fag. God bestowed upon me the natural strong brown eyes of a MED BVLL, just as he bestowed upon me the power to kill and eat animals. I will never defy God.

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she's anorexic btw

Is that the one black guy in the entire nhl?

Veganism is a anorexia cult so its a perfect fit.

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eye color can't change dumbass
also, I don't eat meat but I eat eggs and cheese and drink milk, am I vegan? I always get confused with these things

all vegans who look good are on gear, yet they're still effeminate faggots at the very core.

Coronavirus is killing all the malnourished vegans anyways.

how to drop weight like this without feeling hungry?

I highly encourage OP to eat fully raw cassava. It will do wonders for your weight over time.

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also changed the color of her lips, teeth and gave her freckles. bullshit

Not a single one of them is vegan though, they all use steroids.

Man, the lies they tell these people.

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Somebody edit

>eating full raw
to getting fucked raw or something please

if being vegan can change your eye color, I dont want to be vegan

That's not how it works at all. But if you want to mess around with the exposure settings or slap on some filters you can achieve this.

bullshit. my best buddy has been a rigid vegan for 5 years and they're still dark brown.

Me, I eat meat every fucking day and I got them emerald eyes baby. Get fucked you shiteyed veghead.

Dont care


I agree. India, China, Africa, etc should go vegan.

Mike Tyson also had quit being vegan fyi

>go vegan if you want light eyes
no thanks, i love my brown eyes.

>If you want light eyes

Yep. Gotta love the effects of nutritional depletion.