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This is it boys. Gainpocalypse is here. Hope you guys in your home gym bunkers survive it all.

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clandestine gyms when?

homegym masterrace:)

Fack dude, I freaked out when my gym closed for 3 weeks.


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gym speakeasies


When will I wake up from this nightmare

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kek Yas Forums and Yas Forums are both losing their gains at the same time
what a time to be a 4channeler

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why would they commit to closing for 6months from now?

dailymail propaganda?

Who's fuck off we're full now aussies? Not the gym kek

>Australia shut down for 6 months
Have any other countries given their gym closure time frames?

i didnt ask for this bros

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I’m friends with the staff at my gym and the receptionist said there’s nothing stopping me from coming in after hours. It’s a 24/7 gym. I’ll be damned if the government can tax my gains too!

For an all-urban developed country that does a lot of shit with China, Australia has next to no cases. What the fuck are they doing?

I’ve just been doing body weight and banded exercises at home. Then I go to the park near my house and do sprints, and use the jungle gym there for pull ups, body weight rows, dips, etc. just find a place to work out if you don’t have a home gym

Based I hate my gym and have been enjoying my old grimey home gym this past week.

Anyone is sydney with a home gym that I can use a couple times a week? will pay ofcourse.

yeah there is no timeframe

my fitness first isn't closed, which chains are closed?

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You gym is probably owned by Chinese who want to thwart the white man and spread disease.

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Mine announced it was closed for 3 weeks last week, but the way things are going now I wouldn't not be surprised if it was longer

the owner is a chad, guy's name is lawrence templar or some shit it aint no chink. Just curious which chains are closed cause I'm not seeing empty gyms around melbourne center

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Pls be troll

If you faggots need to pay jews money to lift weights your dumber then rocks and would never make it. Save your membership money, buy weights and equipment And go hard.

goddam australia is such a fucked country

>inb4 some aussie with 1000 dollarydoos for 400 kbit/s internet correction tries to refute

>goddam australia is such a fucked country
Well its probably better than y

someone call a fukkin ambulance user just died

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They haven't detected them yet

'I would simply ask Australians to be calm and exercise some sensible judgement.'
He's just taking the piss now isn't he?

how are gyms supposed to survive with 6 months of no income?


they all have to close or face a big fine.


They haven't committed to it, by Prepbull 2.0 keeps talking about how the emergency shutdown measures might last up to six months.


We only test people with symptoms, the elderly or those with known direct contact with patients. Christ knows how many mild cases are wandering about spreading it.

6 moths no gym. goodbye gains. I got some dumbells so that will do also the outdoor gym down at the park. Migght do more cardio and get cut for next summer.

>how are gyms supposed to survive with 6 months of no income?
they dont. they all go down under. pun intended.

Oh god it's real. From BAKA:
"Prime Minister Scott Morrison has told Parliament the country must prepare for long-term shutdown of non essential activities, closing pubs, gyms, theatres and cinemas for at least the next six months."


I'm glad I took the homegympill

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I live out of my car so no home gym. I used to gym to have my showers too. might have to use the beach showers if it's open

Covid-19 is the most dangerous gains goblin I've ever faced

This is just aussie shitposting, r-right bros??

my gym hasn't sent me an email or notified me in any way, I literally have no idea, me me scared boy

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Anyone heard from Plus Fitness?

i just tried calling my local plus fitness to see if they'd stop payments if they had to close. they didn't pick up.

only one gold gym is open in my fucking city and they only let 8 people in at a time because only ten people at a time can be there............ they starting to ration out GAINS reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
what is this Africa reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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gyms are literally fucked mate.

I just ordered in a rack, bar, and bench for home. It won't be the same but at least I'll only lose 75% of my gains instead of 100%. I'll probably buy plates tomorrow.

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I bought an adjustable dumbell set online yesterday. Only goes up to 50kg but I figure that may keep me in moderate shape until corona blows over.
My condolences to other bulking Australians.

Fuck this bitch.

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All franchise gyms technically have to close at 12 pm today

what happens if they dont? will it be enforced?

At my gym we all knew this was coming, so we weren't shocked. Lots of people this morning were in the gym getting one last workout session in. Most of us told the club manager & employees we'd be back and that we understand there's nothing they can do about it.

However one lady didn't know Anytime was gonna close for 6 months and she lost her marbles at that, started abusing everyone & the gym staff even though it wasn't their fault. I mean jfc we all nearly shat ourselves when she started screaming

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>he didn't buy plates
sorry bro the chinaman hoarded them all alredy

What the fucking shit
This is literally goddamn fucking fascism
Goddamn fucking cocksuckers, what the fuck is going on

$20,000 fine if they don't enforce it

I've been using my gf for weights.
I have her lay on my back when I do pushups and sit on my shoulders for squats.
She only weighs 55kg but it makes a big l difference.

fuck you

Fuck me?
Fuck YOU, you fucking fascist cocksucking piece of shit

I'm putting you on notice Scott. It's on fucking sight