/cbt/ - current body thread

poast body retard

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myron delts

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i want to kiss your thin lips


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You married me? @3@

I always look at OP pic as the bare minimum I need to look like to be able to post here my gains

How's the quarantine cut going, boys? Based government making it easy to shred for summer.

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you have stretch marks on your shoulders?

is body like this possible without wights

Imagine how aesthetic you could be if your face was a sun

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yeah, and my entire bicep is also covered in stretch marks lol.


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need to use a moisturizer (preferably oily)

the limp wrist.. is he... you know



Hi Bois, is this enough to get laid?

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u r gay? its entirely possible yes

No, only ottermode is possible


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1/1/1/don’t dl

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Sorry guys I'm a thin motherfucker

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lookin wide
lookin lean

tha shredgod has arrived

morning quarantine lean fizeek

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I can bench 55kg max including the bar.

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20y, 80 kg

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>I can bench 55kg max including the bar.
Am i supposed to be impressed?

Your ab insertions are a bit unsymmetrical but look nice

mirin arms
nice tricep
more chest imo, arms look solid
nice haircut
are you abusing angles because those proportions look unreal
based replier
mirin, looking good

>204ish lbs

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my biggest fear is looking like this when i cut

Of course.

Skeleton gains are important. We should appreciate all gains.

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Absolute teen heartthrob
what do you ask for at the barbers

full longhead, nice
chunky thick core
OP lighting
i think you should bulk harder
you'll be chest dominant when you get bigger
nice shoulders but kinda meh everything else

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27yo, 188cm, 90kg

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you bench?

Thanks man, your arms are thick.
Focused a lot on shoulders and kind of neglected chest and arms. Started benching more often and ill reach 2 plate no time. Any good circuits for arms at all ?

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Shut up faggot. Come back when you can bench twice that.

>those lats

thanks man. i'm pumped in that picture but the advice i'd give for arms is; don't neglect overhead extensions. The longhead doesn't get much growth from pressing or pushdowns. pausing at the deepest stretch of an overhead extension feels amazing and I beg everyone try it. reverse curls are also a great movement, and being heavily bicep dominant has made me pick up reverse curls to work on the brachioradialis and brachialis. a well developed brachialis is what gives your upper arm the *thick* look

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solidly underrated kek

Any of you doing OMAD for cutting?
Hiw is it going?

All that strength and still can't lift yourself out of the blue collar lower class haha

Chest always been my weak point, been hitting the dips and push-ups heavy while I can't go to the gym. Pic rel is from last year's cut, does it look like I made any gains at all or should I start benching 5 times a week?

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idk, pull your pants down a lil more

mirin pecs

Why would you include the bar

Because I'm a weakboi.

I was hoping I could read 1pl8 by summer gym is closed.

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Forgot to reply to people so
looking solid
Mirin hard
shredded as fuark
based lean sunbro
looking aesthetic, very balanced physique
Mirin serratus
lookin joocy brah
cut a little and you'll be set to make crazy gains

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mire harder

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Looking good at 6'6. Hope I can look like that someday.

you're going to be very vascular when you're bigger

6”3 180
135/200/285/305 (lbs obviously)

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5'10 145 lbs

mirin. already made it
mirin. aesthetic
mirin. very aesthetic

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What can I do to improve? Looking for something to help with the skinny fatness

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to escape skinnyfat you just need to cut and commit to it, no pussying out after losing 5 pounds and your lifts drop by 1%

Hmm yes based

Cool I'll work on my cut

>encouraging skinnyfats to cut


This pic is for all the fags who said I wasnt 5'11" in the last thread. Suck it.

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Skinnyfat -> lean gives more encouraging visual feedback than skinnyfat->fat imo, and getting lean once you're fat is a lot harder than bulking slowly as a skelly. End result is the same either way but the important part is to pick one and commit to it.

6'3" 196lbs

Lean as ever

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What a stupid fucking tattoo

See? That's the Yas Forums I remember.

I actually really like it. Your pic in the other thread shows it a lot better, it’s pretty aesthetic, and I know a lot of people with tattoos that I don’t think look good

Thanks bro. I don't give a shit if other anons like it. I'm used to the hate by now. But you. You keep lifting other anons up instead of putting them down. Making it is an attitude, and you, you're gonna fucking make it.