/fpht/ Harpoon Project edition

Remember the harpoon project?

Good times


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Tess is a mess,
Makes me stressed,
To see such a waste,
To see such a mess,
Just die Tess!

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All the shopped fotos are actually really hot, if only they put a bit of effort and self respect into it they'll all be 8+/10

>they'll all be 8+/10
They're using makeup, you need to remove 3-4 points of whatever you think they look to get a more realistic number

oh I have this from some threads ago

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Someone post the mexican restaurant fatty song


>it's wrong to accept being obese as okay
How does anybody disagree with this?

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Holly fuck

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>imagine all the soaps you can make with that fat

Is this even real/possible? Please tell me this is a edit or one those "realistic sculpture"

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How did she not die of a heart attack from all that cardio?


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This might be how we beat coronavirus

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Poor horse gonna get a slipped disc

Poor horse

The whale who wrote that article

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Would stick my dick in her mouth/10

You wouldn’t get it back.

It's real and it's possible.
To terrify you even more, in a gunt like that, the very intestines themselves are likely spilling into the whole thing, possibly even engorged. So it literally could never be just cut off in best case, unless they want to lose some/all intestine.

>If only you knew how bad things really are.


That must be God’s punishment for being such scum

it's a shame seeing all these women that could actually be very attractive if they'd just stop smashing cake

>that pic that turns that one girl in the mirror into two


kek this webm always gets me

>Boogie dies of corona complications because he's a fat fuck
>Yas Forums has monkey pawn'd the whole planet
Was it worth it, you fuckheads?

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Overburden is a form of animal abuse.

Fuck humanity and fuck YOU.

Boogie dies. That's all that matters.
Gamers rise up.

How does something like that happen? What is it called?

So it's like a massive hernia?

dubs and boogie rots in hell at the end of 2020

He'll be in heaven

Literally hot as fuck


Oh man, good times. I made a lot of those edits together with some french user and other anons. The project was even on tv at some point, many keks were had.

Do you have pics?

Sadly not on this pc. You can probably find all the pics we used on the subreddit anons made when the project got banned here. Forgot the name of it tho, and not sure if it's still there but if it is its definitely all there

>when the project got banned here
what, really? i figured it just died down; since when have mods cared about that shit?

it's tragic to know how a lot of these fat girls would actually look pretty fuckin hot if they got in shape, like they have great faces and probably great titties. not tragic because i wanna fap to them but tragic because looks determine a lot in life and looks give you financial and social power. i'm not missing out, she is

yeah roasties got a little bit too toasty and the mods were ordered to shut down every thread. guess it had to do with some women threatening to sue or something. gotta remember too this was around the time moot stepped down and they were changing ownership, and also the whole gamergate thing was still going on i think and that brought other fears as well.


shoop still has a moon face

she has a bigger ass than the horse

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damn I didn’t even know about this op. Thanks

Post a pic you want harpooned I’ll do my best to learn and deliver


Praise nurgle, motherfucker

>and probably great titties
Being fat almost always gives you saggy grandma titties that need a heavy duty bra to make them look decent.

God I miss project harpoon. Anyone else fancy starting a sequel?

it's called coronachan. fatties who can't breath properly aren't gonna make it.