How often do you use?
What do you use?
Do they effect your gains?
Yas Forums drugs
Lsd makes me motivated and helps cut out unproductive habits.
weed makes me motivated and helps cut out unproductive habits.
I sip Lean and smoke hash every weekend
Looking to switch it up a bit though so might try trammadol soon
Afterglow of a post heroic dose lsd trip gave me a temporary increased ability in shooting free throws
What’s a heroic? The amount that makes you feel like you’ve died?
Bagging hot pussy nonstop keeps me on an ego high...
I smoke hashish, not several spliffs a day but you know sometimes I buy a five gram, maybe makes me put a little less effort into training, I still go, smoking after that running pass is nice.
I take diazepam, it has very good effect on me only affects training negativley first day, after that i only go harder and have more motivation.
Maybe once a month or every other months I take shrooms. Very beneficial for psychological gains.
I'm jacked and tan and strong and I smoke weed all day everyday
I take kratom once or twice a week, I drink most days, and i smoke weed occasionally
I took molly at a schools homecoming, was great, I was super happy and sociable, even the air smellt cleaner and music was great. Also people kept telling me to expect a massive come down but I didn’t really notice it. I’ve only done it once and that’s the first “real” drug I’ve done.
A hero dose is a catch all term for large dosing, he could have taken 5 hits or 10
Complicated relationship with drugs. In college, I would try everything once (LSD/shrooms/oxy/amphetamines/weed/salvia/what have you), and really enjoyed different experiences. Was only weekend stuff, fun and easy to control.
After college, became depressed, became an addict. Hydros/poppy seed tea/ lean/ whatever pharma shit I could get during the day, half a handle of booze a night. Pretty rough.
Quit it all after putting myself in a better headspace. Started working out, sleeping well, getting my life on track. Kratom was my lifesaver for opiods, and now I take like 3-6g a day in the evening, not even just to stave off addiction, but recreationally. Alcohol is strictly once every couple of weeks, a weekend night or two. Alcohol was expensive during my addiction, and now I basically only buy expensive bottles and drink for taste, and still end up spending less than before (Tequila is my favorite; Pasote repesado and Forteleza cask strength blanco are my current digs, amazing). I actually hate getting drunk now, dealing with hangovers is worse than most drug comedowns I've been on, so I drink to get buzzed and thats it.
Coffee once a day.
Shrooms are my favorite by far. I pick a day once every 4 months, get an Airbnb in the woods if possible, go no-contact (or bring a small group of friends, even as an inner journey you connect in a strange way to people), eat and sleep well, fast the morning of, and make shroom tea and just have the experience. Feels like is dusts the back corners of my brain and rearranges things and cleans up forgotten nooks to make me feel "right".
Kratom nor shrooms seem to affect my gains. Alcohol doesn't either since I keep it limited. Weed blows up my anxiety now so I can't smoke anymore sadly.
Not that user, but basically- massive does that ensures ego death (different people suggest different doses, but for me 500ug + is heroic)
I experiment with Osta(not on myself haha) every day. Havent seen any results yet i think, but ive only been at it for 2 weeks.
I do a few hits of the pipe to get my heart in the cardio zone whilst playing smash bros. Literally a lifehack I feel bad about sharing.
Do you know any drug forums on the internet? Also, did lean seem to effect your gains in anyway? I chug a bottle but only on a saturday.
no source talk
kys faggot
>source talk
What kind of jannie faggot are you?
drugs are degenerate
i just hate watching little fags like you being spoonfed
Im sorry your mother didn't breastfeed you retard. I recommend necking yourself.
>1-2x Self rolled joint, inside-out only to smoke less paper.
>After returning from germany from work OR after exercise
Usage weekend
>social, with 4+ people
>Hash (shop grade, 40+)
>Weed (self grown, ~25-28%)
Dont have the time and effort to make my own hash
Effect on gains?
What is drugs?
lmao ok retard
Used some x and ket on friday last week followed by some coke on saturday
It was alright
I'm prescribed medical marijuana and I use that once per day but I don't do anything else. No nicotine and no caffeine either.
That's cheating
I smoked blunts last weekend and did cocaine the week before. Used to be an every day cocaine user using at least 2 grams a day and smoked a shit ton of weed but now it’s just an occasional thing.
>2 grams a day
How do you even afford that?
I use exactly two kinds of drugs: weed and Chinese bathtub chemicals. For obvious reasons my gains have never been better.
Looking back it was such a waste of money. I played middleman a lot too and always kept a little money. Sometimes I’d be going to the dealers house 4 times a day.
i used to smoke meth but i don't think i can handle that anymore. i only do heroin/oxys a couple times a year. also i'm on tren rn.
fuck natties and fuck weed smokers.
Erowid. Unless you meant a place to buy drugs. Erowid is nice for learning about them and reading anecdotal experiences.
The only drugs I've ever done are LSD and shrooms. My only plug is a lazy fuck though and he never has any of either, so I'm out of luck.
Shroomery. There's also dreaddit and darknet avengers.
i wish i could get some LSD without having to darknet shit, but i'm too much of a pussy to bother with it
Post body
No thanks, I enjoy my full mental capacity
LSD once in a while. Cut out weed almost 100% a year ago, but have smoked since; wasn't very fun tbqh. LSD,though, is great for stepping back and observing my life's circumstances objectively and identifying what specifically I need to work on whenever I choose to do it. I do it roughly once every 1-2 months.
I don't use them because I'm not an addicted degenerate
Where the hell do you buy from? It's like a desert out here. Ever since I left high school I have no connections whatsoever.
LSD>Shrooms>Weed edibles>Salvia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.smoking weed, i've never felt anything from smoking it.
Don't think I'll ever get the chance with DMT unless I go to Peru. Only once every few months have I been doing anything lately.
I only use hallucinogens. LSD, 2C-B, shrooms, ayahuasca, and shit like that.
You people are subhuman and anything you say is loser cope. Imagining tarnishing your own human experience with fake experiences, altering the chemicals in your brain to change your mood. The lowest of the lowest of scum, bottom of the barrel trash. Be ashamed
I hope you don't drink alcohol.
at least i'm white
Even drinking water alters your consciousness. But you're kinda right, meditation is the only thing needed to experience all of this.
Nice bait.
Too bad I'm not fucking retarded
I have found that if you ingest enough ethanol through your mouth you can sprint forever.
i burn mj at night or after workouts
can't afford to anymore though
Does anyone have any experience vaping dry bud? Which vape do you recommend, I’m currently trying to decide between the pax 3 and the Zeus arc.
i took molly and on the comedown I thought about killing myself and dropped out of highschool
weed is for niggers and if you are over 20 and still smoke weed you are braindead and need to consider suicide as an option
in my experience drugs of all kinds (though enjoyable) are generally awful for gains
the more you do it, the more intrusive the comedown becomes (depends on the person too of course).
sucks. ex druggies always seem to have lost a part of themselves, and some if not all of their intelligence. i feel for you
Used all kinds of drugs from 15 years to 20 years.
>At 15 I smoked weed first time
>From 16 to 17 I smoked weed weekly
>Then jumped to MDMA and Speed (snorting) from 17 to 20
>At 18 I did some shrooms and started using coke
>Stopped all of those at 20
>and of course drinking almost every week
I was the most unhappy person while doing drugs. Of course, doing them, at the moment, it feel good. But I was thinking all the time, I need to get drugs. I was feeling really empty inside. Then at 20 I started lifting. Did an liver MRI and did checks my cardiovascular system. Luckly no damage was done. Anyways, now I'm hitting the gym 6 days a week and did coke last time in octomber. Also, I drink something like once every 2-3 months.
I'm 22 and steroids are way better then drugs. Deca + Test got me really nice gains.
Stay safe brothers, be moderate about drug use, or don't use at all. Steroids are way better.
t. never got invited to the smoke circle or made a fool of himself in one
had a m8 go through some "ego death" or some Shit. which makes no fucking sense to me.
basically he was smoking blunts in his car and drove off in to the rural side of town, gave his wallet to a bum and was found passed out in some orchard.
i didnt have the nerve to call him a dumbass since he had enough going on with his woman problems who he just had a child with, so i just let him speak and i tried real hard to understand his justification and his mental gymnastics he's been playing with on himself.
i scroll back in our messages and his replies started making less more sense the later it got that night. i just didnt get it and im glad im not that weak minded so that that my life isnt consumed by this Shit.
what about mental health? did you got any issues with that?
No. I can say I got "street smart" because I meet a lot of peoples in the drug scene. Everyone was a bit different. So I got to learn how to be talk.