Is bench pressing the best chest exercise

Is bench pressing the best chest exercise

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Other urls found in this thread: push ups push ups

No, I would say the single best is incline db bench

No, I would say the single best is dips

Some people's morphology don't allow them to do dips, so no it isn't

Why do you think so

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I got a 6.8 on hot or not. Makes me nearly godlike, imo

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Bench Press is the best for gaining pure mass and strength in a fast and consistent manner. However, they will fuck your shoulders in the long run.

Honestly, and it took me years to figure this out, push ups are the best for your chest. You can actually gain crazy amounts of mass and strength with push ups, and you won't wreck your shoulders. In fact, you'll keep them healthy (provided you use proper form).

The trick is to not be a retard. Once you can do 30 push ups, start progressing to more advanced variations. There's weighted push ups, weighted archer push ups, one-arm push ups (although I'm not a huge fan of those, too easy to cheat and/or have inconsistent form). Oh and rings. Also planches and planche push ups.

Don't say push ups can't build mass until you can do 10 strait planche push ups and 10 archer push ups (on each arm) on rings with 40kg in a backpack. Oh and if you feel like tearing your pecs in half, try weighted archer planche push-ups on rings (in all seriousness, I don't even know if this can be done).

Just look up all those calisthenics fags on youtube. Yeah their legs suck and all that but their chest (and arms) are almost always really solid. Why? Tons of push ups and dips, and all their advanced variations. And being lean too, of course.

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It has a greater ranger of motion and will be safer/healthy than flat bench

>not having the same gf since childhood
There's no point to keep going

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I filled a backpack with 50 pounds of rocks and have been doing pushups, insane chest and anterior delt activation

Teenage GFs are a lot of work, ngl

If you you spend your childhood as a fatass, you can start your journey with the mindset of a 30 year old.

>prom is a sad time
>valentines is a sad time
>you remember bad feels more than you do good ones

Doesn't matter how much you weight you lose, or how many compliments you get, you never stop being that sad young fat kid. The iron helps you forget, but only briefly.

This is true, but only to a point. Being a fat kid your entire life, especially when growing up, definitely leaves you with that "fat kid mentality". Even if you get fit, it still lingers.

But not forever.

I started working out in 2013, and by 2015 I was slightly built ottermode (or ripped by normal societal standards). Suddenly I was being treated like "a hot guy". It was weird at first, in fact it was weird for several years. But for these last two-three years it's been slowly fading away, and I now no longer mentally identify myself with being a fat person. Whenever I'm thinking back at my fat former self, it feels like I'm thinking about a different person.

It'll take time to mentally adjust being fit if you've been fat most your life. But you'll get there. For me, the moment I shed the last part of myself that was still clinging onto my fat former self, was when a girl I didn't even know (but apparently she knew me) referred to me as "the hot guy" and the group of girls I was talking to all agreed.

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It's not so much about the now, it's dwelling on the past (which in and of itself is a pointless endeavor, but the mind wanders when it wants). No matter how many accolades, accomplishments, or mires I get, it doesn't fix that I got a fundamentally broken childhood. Considering how your childhood tends to be the foundation for what you turn into as an adult, I feel like an impressive house built on really shitty soil. It's not like it keeps me up at night or anything, but it's not hard to find reminders that I missed out on a lot of normal experiences that everyone else gets. Some good will come of it though, my kids won't be able to claim that they had the same childhood I did.


feel this way too sometime, but I always found it super motivating to see the progress I've made and how I've been able to change. Makes me feel like I can actually do better in my life even when its hard.

The only two lifts that you need for chest development are the bench press and some type of incline movement (incline bench press, incline dumbbell press, landmine press, etc.)

sad cunt lol

Just a shoutout to people, I can say OP image isn't true.

I can also say that having sex and a lover will make your life better, but no, of fucking course it won't fix it, if you pay attention to the Internet outside of Yas Forums you would know everyone is fucking miserable.

Lol so good

>I'm 30+2

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Stop making these fucking threads

idk but it sure is the most fun

Why is everyone miserable?

It's one of my favorite exercises too love it way more compared to squats and deadlifts

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Based women, they make natural selection go forward until all men are Chads.

That doesn't work if most women are ugly and they are when you remove their makeup which is where the genetics part work


Why Americans are incapable of using the metric system?

>"Pssst. Buddy. yeah, you. C'mere. I have a secret for ya'. It'll blow your fucking mind. They don't teach this in school and they don't want you to know whis. 'What they'? you know, them. They want this kept secret, but after a lot of study and research... Well, I don't like to brag, but I figured this out on my own."
>"What do I call it? I call it 'the blackpill'. It is a truth so profound, so incredible, so unexpected, so secret that learning it is to see the world with new eyes. The blackpill makes you a giant, a savant one of the select few."
>"You're lucky I met you, kid, because you are about to enter a new realm of genius. You ready? You sure? OK? Here it is."
>The profound secret of the blackpill is - women prefer handsome, masculine men."
>"Whaddaya mean 'no shit'? It took me years of research to... hey! where ya' goin'?!

Just bc you got cucked by frogs doesn't mean everyone else has to be


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Fucking your mom gives me a good chest pump to be honest
Give it a shot

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I think you nisunderstood the point of this data. Women think almost no men are attractive, compared to men, where it is pretty much a gauss bell

Women arent attracted to mens bodies and faces. Only their wealth and status

No, we didn't, this data works on dating sites where there are way wayyy wayyyyy more dudes than girls 85-15 guys to girls ratio on tinder bumble and alldat shit

Real life is much much different, just go to a party and see what kind of dudes get laid, it's not only the attractive ones.

one dimensional retard

yikes, tfw approaching the 30 and the closest thing i got to a real relationship were a few fwb's

Maybe the worst

>strait planche push ups and archer push ups
Are you just making things up?

>proceeds to date a 6'2" lanklett junkie who dies of an OD 5 months later.
Imagine believing in womens ability to make good decisions.

I’ve considered this approach recently. The activation I get in my chest is always very very powerful when I rip some pushups, the pump is crazy. I never really get that big of a pump from benching.

The image you posted reveals your deep seated insecurity. Because you were never loved by women you no longer seek love from women. They are like pieces of meat to you. Normal people who grow up reasonably attractive and successful with the opposite sex just get into relationships, get married, and live happily.
People like you who were constantly rejected will never truly “make it” because you are no longer even capable of love and partnership and only pursue the opposite sex as validation to make up for the history of rejection. You’ll fuck plenty of women but unfortunately never find love and will always be alone even with a dozen different women in your bed each month.

I’m not miserable.


why are you so dramatic, mate. The other guy will be just fine

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I do flat bb bench, incline db bench, and incline narrow grip bb bench. All in the same workout.

I lost access to a barbell for the next two months, so instead of dumbbell bench press I should just do dips and incline dumbbell flys? I don't have access to those other machines.

is that asuka and shinji on the left?

Imagine writing a paragraph like this to shit on someone you’ve never even met. You must be a miserable human being. Go project your misery somewhere else.


Ion think I'm in a better boat desu, lots of relationships, just entered my 20s, but because of sexual anxiety , was never able to have full blown sexual intercourse.

Issa sad life

lmao if you actually think that women can love anything other than themselves

user, i...

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I'm the guy you responded to. I could see this happening to a good proportion of people, but luckily I don't feel that way.

I suggest you download google if you haven't already, it would answer your question. If you click the two links below, you'll see how it works, and I've taken the liberty of googling planche push ups and archer push ups for you. In the future, you should really check out google, because it can answer these kinds of questions for you. it's pretty neat! push ups push ups

I'm gonna lose all my fuckin gains, god damn those fucking chinks

>yeah bro just do some bodyweight meme shit
I'd understand if you were saying this in regards to lack of equipment etc., but why in this context?

Both of you fat pussies would knock yourself out by smashing your face into the floor if you even attempted a planche push up on parallel bars, let alone on rings.

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Whatever helps you sleep at night