The most based home coronachan Yas Forums shit

>implying thats not thr door pull up bar

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>tfw I rent and am worried that this will fuck up the door

>got mine like a decade ago
>first time using it this week

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>tfw door jambs are flush with the wall
just fuck my shit up

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It wont, it has pads that protects the sides of the door and no one cares about the top of the door to check for any scratches

>teleports behind you

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Are you homosexual ?

>tfw you didn't buy a pullup bar soon enough now they're all sold out

Have one lying around, think I used it like 3 times max. Supposedly skipping's pretty based, so maybe now's the time to whip it out

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somehow I ended up with parallel bars for dips but no pullup bar. I'm getting one on tuesday, sucks we don't have shipping on sunday in my country

yes but I'm not dyel

wrong, that would be the power rack
too bad i'm african and i could never afford something like that haha

take those goofy crossfit resistance bands, I have one of the thick green one I'll be ordering a couple of more to see if it's actually feasible to squat with three bands providing tension to my body

>tfw i hang my rings from the pullup bar
It doesn't leave me with room to do certain movements (i.e. back levers) but it gets the job done

Will the bar ruin your doors frame or your walls?

It'll fuck your door up. Mine left huge black marks on top and bottom.

This, but you can fix it if you aren’t a woman

What model is that?

I have mine bolted to a board above the door. The bar is flimsy as fuck though and I guess not an option if you're renting. I bought a good bar ages ago, but it's fuckhuge and I can't figure out where to put it

>tfw rent and wooden door frame with like 0,5 cm space on top.

Hell yeah man! I put bags of groceries on both sides of this bar and do squats with them. It honestly feels like doing squats with that safety bar, its awesome

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I've used the same model for a week now. It leaves marks on the doorframe, but only from above so it's not visible.


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all pull up bars leave some kind of damage but it's still worth it

Fucking cringe faggot

Based. Best $15 I ever spent.

Where did you buy this?

Hey hey hey my model are out of stock on amazon. Now they only have the overpriced shitty one

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Nigga I literally ripped the door frame out of the wall using one of these when I was an 18yo twink, they're not a good idea for anything more then one or two LI Cali exercises.

Bro do you not have one installed outside? Do you not have straps for inverted rows? Surely you hit some band pull-aparts for rear delt hypertrophy??

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Weirdly enough I found it at bed bath and beyond like 4 years ago


> he doesn't have a pull up tower


I've been using tree branches

you were never going to get more than 50% of your deposit back in the first place user

pulled and pushed a car with my friends then did pull ups and dips and other bodyweight ish at the park. pretty ebic desu.


Same. Be careful user, mine is one of those you have to screw into the side wall panels and the last time i used it (ten years ago) it came loose and i nearly killed myself.

>mine is one of those you have to screw into the side wall panels
Throw it out and get the kind that goes over the door jamb

are you me from several months back? buy some toilet paper, dude.

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Just spackle the holes


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You'd be surprised how easy it is to fix a door frame.

I bet you'd shake like a leaf just trying to hold yourself up on rings.

I’ve had that problem with the Iron gym before. It blackened the sides of the frame and caused minor dents that were still noticeable, and I wasn’t even more than 180.
I posted it in another thread but I bought those clamp ones that clamp onto the frame. I’m somewhat worried about it fucking up the frame, but so far I haven’t seen any reviews that have mentioned that being an issue.

No, I have an iron gym 1 and there are no marks. It does depend on the door frame and paint though



Put small wash cloths between contact points to provide cushioning

Bad idea

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Look stagied

if you do twisting motions in the direction that fasten the bar its safe, if you unscrew instead this happens. you also have to chose the side you stand on depending on underhand/overhand grip, because both will put a torque on the bar but in opposite direction.
t. used one of those for years, but now got a proper one bolted to the wall


Gymnastics rings are the only sensible choice

one thousand hours in paint illustration

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He did the little jump move at the top

happened to me last year. refuse to use these again.

Posting my corona cope gym again

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based to the bone

>tfw i live in a house where the doors are made of wood and is 60+years old

well its over... we dont even have a playground here too

Weakling, for the pullup bar only comes loose if you cheat and jump at the top of your pull up. A pull up is a controlled motion from hanging loose to full pullup and down again. Like those who half-rep a squat, you bring shame on yourself by pretending that you can do more pullups than you actually can. Most people like to "show off" by doing these shitty, terrible form pullups. Most people can't do half as many actual, controlled pullups. The bar is a teacher, and punishes you for bad form. Don't be upset when it shows you that you don't know how to do a proper, controlled pullup.

Want to build a small homegym bros, but I don't have room in my house nor the money. I don't have room in the house for equipment, but I have a shit-ton of space outside (nothing covered though). Anyone have an outdoor workout area? Any equipment recommendations that don't cost $500?

same setups but I also use a backpack that I fill with dumbbells for dips
I also got a sturdy bag that I fill with dumbbells for rows and heavy lateral raises
desu it's pretty based, only thing that sucks is leg work

>only thing that sucks is leg work

I figured that I'll do some hill sprints when the snow melts. Until then it's probably bulgarian split squats, SLDL's and lunges for sets of 30.

I do pistol squats & shrimp squats for sets of 12, they're tiring but the workout is still not great. Maybe I'll add a lot of lunges like you at the end of the leg workout. Also I'm Bulgarian so I have character specializations in split squats.
We'll probably be in full lockdown in a day or two so sprints won't happen.