Why do women love memeshit exercises so much?

Why do women love memeshit exercises so much?

Attached: 1580863208050.webm (640x800, 2.72M)

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thats cool as fuck
Tf you on about dawg?

Shit tier bait. KYS

Be honest, could you do this if you tried?

Attached: gym hero.webm (640x640, 1.46M)


What cycles do you think she's run?

These are just show off exercises for Instagram, these girls are incredibly fit however and these are decent representations of their abilities

>Women on anavar

why the fuck would i need to do that

and zero muscle was built on that day, fucking instagrammers

Someone's envious. Haha, faggot.

OP has never EVER showed him doing this shit in all those years of this weak bait

Her ass is joocy af though

Sour grapes

Well what she exactly did you wouldn't however the abilities she has just shown are practical in a lot of various scenarios

> Women are overweight
omg why don't women look after themselves
> Women do meme exercises
omg why do women love this shit
> Women do squats
omg why are these thots trying to get this attention

I'm seeing core, back, shoulders arms and legs being worked here. Could you do what she just did?


I think I could do all that except for the split. I've done everything else separately. It would take a few tries but I could do most of that.

You made this exact thread once or twice. Get the fuck out, faggot

There's men that do meme exercises and there's women that don't, I don't know what to tell you dude.

Women doing meme excercises are the best out of the 3 you stated. A lot of girls at my gym do squats and cardio every time they go to the gym ( I know this because I go 6 days a week.) At least meme exercises gives them full body worked

>dexfags think this is cool

Attached: mfw.png (764x253, 333.47K)

another incel thread

The creator of this meme became a dexfag himself you know.

>i cant do this and that makes it a meme

Attached: giphy.gif (480x321, 493.93K)

As a fighter/cleric weilding Ashideena, I agree with you

Are you mad because she's done more muscle ups in this video than you can do normal pullups? lol

Attached: 1538922661156.jpg (958x960, 44.09K)

Nothing of this is impressive to be honest, unlike OP

Is it supposed to be like a crossfit routine like in ballet?

This thread again....

w*men are pathetic

Attached: 1565342308422.webm (640x800, 2.77M)

With the exception of the front split, yes.


will never understand the hate pegboard gets here. Its from OG gymnastics training right along with the rope climb, pull up, etc....

90% of Yas Forums can barely do a pullup let alone this

Why is this so hot, Bros?

everything after the pistol squat is pointless and doing nothing for you


Spotted Sasquatch in the background at the end. And you MFers said he wasn't real.

Attached: 1530965643857.jpg (466x550, 19K)

>umm hello?
>my name is user
>I'd like you to teach me the ins and outs of pegging


You didn't join the Official Fitness Server on Dis cord (FitCord) yet??
Advice on routine and posture advice, motivate each other, awesome stories, feels, food pics recipes and diet checks, fasting, etc.
Self improvement, nofap, powerlifting, fraud (steroids), martial arts, current body thread, injury prevention, etc.
We also have some fun channels like memes.
For those who want more adventure, we have a contest: post a pic in begin of the month, and one at the end. Then users vote and the winner gets prize money!

We accept people from all fitness levels: fat, average or athletic. As long as you are encouraging and motivating you are most welcome!

the vast majority of people here can't do it and they are bitter about it, that's why

>w-why would I n-need to
>builds no muscle
>J-just showing off
Lol at the sheer, unadulterated COPE in this thread, u mad a instagram whore is more athletic than you

This isn't an exercise. It's a display of strength and skill.

meme-tier yes, but at least they aren't fat


It's not just women.
I've seen men doing squats and deadlifts in gyms.

Fucking meme exercises.

You're right my dear gentleman. The only true display of strength is The Press.

she couldn't even do one push up right, she lays down /uses her knee

Women like these excercises because they are useless! Thats why they partake in such useless excercises like push ups while us men do the heavy lifting like squats. Once again women prove they are useless to society

because women go to the gym for attention rather than getting fit

But she's fitter than you. So is

This. So many unironic incels ITT

Christ she's gorgeous

That's not an exercise.

But in general, women do meme exercises because it means minimum effort.
>u mad a instagram whore is more athletic than you
I would destroy these girls in literally ANY team sport. If I laid ONE hockey hit on them they would not get up from the ice.

I think this is just a gymnastics routine.

Get rid of the split and back flip and yes

are you training for some meme olympics medal?
yeah that's what i thought
meme useless training

since when is being able to lift yourself a meme? you must be fat.

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yes op is just being retarded

For self-defense