Is it just me, or is fitness just one big placebo...

Is it just me, or is fitness just one big placebo? There are plenty of people who have succeeded in life and have never touched a weight their whole lives. Lifting feels like one big cope, where you trick yourself into thinking you achieved something instead of actually facing whatever problems you had face on.

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Being in shape only helps with disease and conditions. It doesn't make you more than human. everyone is susceptible

If you don't want to lift then don't. And stop making shitty threads with your shitty opinion

she's a smoker and she's not even on a ventilator. i've had flu where I couldn't even talk.

"Fitness" is a scam on gullible naturals to sell "health" products and supplements

Yeah some 39 y/o died from covid shit is getting real

Just because you haven't left humanity behind, don't chain the rest of us, babe.

>he's afraid of death


>She said he flew to Orlando from Los Angeles on March 2 for a business trip but extended it by two days to visit Disneyworld and Universal Studios. She said he was healthy when he left for Orlando.

>At 8:58 a.m. Thursday, March 19, Lauren Ghazarian posted Jeff Ghazarian had died. He had had asthma and battled testicular cancer.

if you have respiratory conditions you're gonna get fucked by coronachan

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still no young HEALTHY people died, the fearmongering is real. the fat & old had it coming

Imagine going to a hospital because of a cold.

She smokes ciggerates, really good for pneumonia. How dare they call her healthy

I saw another obnoxious asian dude, 44 yr old triathlete, posting about getting put into ICU

he was going on aobut how "it can happen to anyone"

then revealed he has EXERCISE INDUCED ASTHMA

fuckign annoying asthmatic people complaining about this bullshit, happens to people with gay breathing conditions, not the healthy and vibrant

You're a retard. Empty and worthless
You've never tried an ounce of self improvement and you sit from the sidelines thinking there's no point. I was like you, until I started trying. Let me tell you, it's a lot more fun

It's almost like theres a nonzero chance that it can kill anyone just like a fucking cold, you god damn moron

>hehe ackuallty not healthy cause [insert slight problem]
>like omg she not healthy cause uhhh one time she didn't wash her hands LOL

ok retard so no one is healthy by your asinine terms

The thing is that asthma is some sort of allergy and there's way too many people with alergies.
Even an allergic rhinitis could give you a weakness against coronavirus and we don't even know.

If you can muster the resolve and self-discipline to forge the greatest reasonably achievable version of yourself, then you will have an easier time learning how to utilize that same self-discipline and drive in pursuit of your other goals that don't have anything to do with physical fitness.

There are people who have never lifted a weight their whole lives and changed the course of history, and there are likely those with the bodies of demigods whose names will never be remembered. Some people already have the ambition to reach out towards what they seek - they don't need to lift weights in order to learn how to be that kind of person. But if you have it within yourself to pursue your goals outside of fitness as well as physical fitness, well why shouldn't you?

The worlds richest person wants to look fit. Let that sink in. Even the most successful envy those who can do primal things like lift weights.

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I'm probably gonna end it before all this china virus shit is over bros. I can't handle the stress. I was borderline before any of this

she says in the video shes a smoker also

>There are plenty of people who have succeeded in life and have never touched a weight their whole lives
So? There are people who never get cancer, do you think they've never had to worry about their health?

You don't have to lift to be successful, but most successful people have fitness routines, you stupid propagandist nigger

true, she even mentioned smoking, FUCK news media, they are the true plague

dude, you're going to succeed or not succeed no matter if you lift or not. whether in spite of it or because of it doesn't matter because it doesn't have any bearing on anything other than your body. either lift or don't fucking lift faggot, just don't come on here to whine and cope to us

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why would you end it user? explain

based and truthpilled

attention whore

she faked it

a non-attention whoring person wouldnt be documenting and vlogging while in intensive care, kick her out of there

take chill pill mate. Find something else to lift. Lift sofa. lift fridge. LIFT

person 1 doesn't live just lives there life doing normal stuff

person 2 lifts, follows a healthy lifestyle and diet because it's important to them

person 1 gets the virus and is unlucky enough to have the genetic mutation that makes them more prone to cytokine storm

person 2 gets the virus and also has the genetic mutation that makes them more prone to developing cytokine storm

both people die

so whats your point? people lift and train because they want to or because it is important to them for whatever reason if it isn't important to you don't lift, don't train the on thing you should take away from this is no matter what you do or don't do you might die so stop shitting on people for their interests just because you are scared and projecting

*person 1 doesn't lift i meant

Media is the reason people are panicking and hoarding food. Why aren't they being held responsible?

Imagine raping this bitch and kissing all her orifices and then escaping the facility
After that you become a biólogo weapon and fuck as many jews and grannies as you can
Just imagine bros

Try going a year without regular physical activity and see how you feel.

this post is like saying golfing is a massive cope because there are people who are successful and have never touched a golf club. i agree with the second part and also don’t care because it’s just a hobby that i think is fun, if you don’t then fuck off

I want Daddy’s arms to hold me tight.

Pic related got sick bc she is a woman sooooo

Some 21-year-old died in Italy, retard.
>inb4 he had a cough 2 years ago he was clearly not healthy

>pictured with a drink in her hand (party slut)
the amount of STDs and meds this slut has acquired should count as preexisting conditions

Now he gets it,
if you dont plan to lift and exercise for the rest of your life its pointless. If you dont plan to commit you are doing it for what... Looks? The whole idea of bodybuilding and fitness is superficial.
Men were once admired for their work and with it came a chiseled godlike apperance which was to surve a greater purpose than just banging whores.

Gymlets are insecure faggots with semidirectional viewpoint of life.

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>if you dont plan to lift and exercise for the rest of your life its pointless.
Why wouldn't you?


Me too
because life as we know it is over

My job was all I had and the only thing in this world I loved, now my livelihood is going to be extinct if you believe the forecasts. All because some retarded insect had to sell the bats he was injecting with SARS to the local bushmeat market.

>Sister "has" it because somebody she knows at work was confirmed and she feels ill
>She is vegetarian
If she dies and I can't say "I told you so" I might be bummed.

> If you dont plan to commit you are doing it for what... Looks?

I commit to look good.
What other reason is there to lift?

>asthma and scrotum cancer
He probably welcomed it.

>tfw darwin was right

>It doesn't make you more than human
Bruh... attractive people in proper shape are so looked up to by fat sacks that they become actively jealous and seethe over their inadequacies.
Being in top tier shape DOES make you more human than anyone else. Don't let retards tell you otherwise.

What this guy said. My life was an empty piece of shit before all this and the last thing I need is mass chaos. It's just not worth dealing with

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>yea guys life sucks better make a blogpost because im definitely gonna do it
if you ever lost someone close you wouldn't have this mindset

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>sell the bats he was injecting with SARS to the local bushmeat market

Idk what you fuckers are on about, my life was an empty piece of shit before and the only thing that will turn it around and make it worth living is mass chaos.

I've been thinking about it everyday m8. Only reason I haven't is because of my dad.He's all I have left and he's an old boomer who doesn't believe in it. He's retarded but I still care about him. Once he gets killed by it, game over.
Fuck that. I'm too pussy for that shit

Speaking of Italy

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>Italy deaths pie chart

> There are plenty of people who have succeeded in life and have never touched a weight their whole lives.

There are plenty of people who have one the lottery.

Why don't you dump your paycheck into lotto tickets?

This is how dumb you sound

>skipping T-cell day

>everyone in here talking about chance of death from coronavirus instead of the global economic instability that will leave your retirement buttfucked and you without a job and all your favorite small-business will be bought out by wal-amazon-google-apple-mart

Based. The recesion is going to kill more people than corona. Increase in suicide, crime, drug overdoses... West is commiting economic suicide to save few old and unhealthy people that would die in next 5 years anyway.

>more people than corona
I wouldn't bet on that.
It's not just the old and unhealthy.

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You fucking idiot