How to stop the ego

>only think about upcoming events in the future, daydream about certain scenarios. a better me, a better life
>only think about the past, what did i do wrong, regrets, what if i did x different, maybe i would be in y spot now
>live in my head walking or jogging or lifting for hours on end
>switch from depressive and maniac episodes
>zero awareness of my surroundings, ignore the present
>even when i achieve certain materialistic goals or nut in a 9/10, its actually never as good as i thought it would be. the imagination of doing it is nicer than actually living it
>slowly going crazy because of this
im 24 years old now and i cant cope living like this anymore. what books should i read to fix this

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Your brain is being damaged by ejaculating too often without letting your body recuperate.

turn 30

mmm... titties

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Go to a shrink, dumbass.

Unironically, do a large dose of psilocybin mushrooms. I watched a video in my abnormal psych class about how when administered in the right set and setting, psilocybin is a long-term antidepressant and helps guide you and motivate you, even after just one dose. Your ancestors did it, why shouldn't you?

Well you recognize the problem don't you? Fix it. It's pretty simple.

>everyone to ever come before you was some kind of junkie

Man, loser cope is the worst.

Listen to Eckhart Tolle fren.
For years I was in the same place like you and he seriously turned my life around 180°
Well, in the end it was myself.

There is literally nothing wrong with occasionally doing drugs/alcohol in moderation.

>nothing wrong with occasionally doing drugs/alcohol in moderation.

This is a demon user. He's plotting on your down fall. DO. NOT. FALL. FOR. IT.

I'm not even religious just relaying from the other side of addiction. "Never let evil take root", "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Just don't start and you won't have to struggle to stop.

a smart man can learn from anything, user.

Unironically search for purpose in life. Figure out what you value and make small shifts in that direction. Learn to value the present and look towards what brings other satisfied people happiness. You'll be alright user

The last thing you want to do after 6 hours of hardcore, ego dissolving introspection is trip again.

man i wish i could meet you and talk to you in real life man i resonate so hard with your post that im actually getting teary-eyed...Everything you just wrote is exactly my life, I CANT SHUT MY MIND OFF AND LIVE IN THE PRESENT MAKE IT STOP

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Post a pic of an alleged 9/10 you fucked
I need a good laugh

Loser cope
People like you are subhuman and empty. I can tell you look at the world with vacant and meaningless eyes, you are gone and nothing will fill your void, not even lifting

Have sex incel

Meditations by marcus aurelius
Fountainhead by Ayn rand, but if you read it with the thought of economics you've heavily fucked up imo. But I think it's great for personal character and ones work. I think Ayn Rand literally made herself a Howard Roark. Many people say she's terrible, awful, and brainless. She wrote the public to say that about Roark, and she wrote Roark not to care about it because it was unnecessary energy. For Roark, caring about what other people think takes away from the meaning of his art and life. His feelings about his work are more important than praise from others. being hated and displaying no modesty despite this.

not him but please do tell me what meaning you see the world that is lost to me?

Cause I've tried reading philosophy (political and postmodern) and physics and history, and the thing that has caused me to make the most positive changes in my life is still LSD

>live in my head walking or jogging or lifting for hours on end
Fuck, I'm the same.

Not the other guy, but I have no issue with occasionally taking a small dose of LSD and using it as a tool to facilitate personal growth. I can easily do it once and not bother for a while until it feels right. I'm talking like at most once a month, but usually once every 3-4 months

delet your Yas Forums account.

Have you ever thought of not just thinking about and saying you'll do shit and just doing it.
Like, instead of
> I'll do XYZ
Just make a plan to achieve it and start doing it irl instead of being a pussy

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Make it a daily practice. Don't worry so much about getting 'good' at it. Just do it. Don't worry about it.
Gradually you can move out of your head a little bit and start to inhabit your body a little more in the present moment.
You'll learn how to breathe it all in... Appreciate your surroundings.

We live in a highly stimulated age. If you're not careful you can spend every waking moment distracted or engaged by something... Even your own thoughts.
Meditating can help you get back to a clearer headspace and help you enjoy things a bit more.

You need to stash that mental load in a journal.

Wow. She is perfect

i could count the number of pixels in this image using one hand

I'm a loser of high levels of magnitude so I'm not comfortable in giving advice but i do believe in this shit and it's not that radical so take it or not it's all good.

I suck at meditating but even a few months of sucking at it stopped the inner monologue for good, as well as made me realize that i can control the "volume" of them so even if they appear i make them mute. That being said the beliefs will still be there, it's an interesting realization when you begin to notice how parts of you "flare up" due to different stimuli.

Sit with your emotions. Just like you can't cling to "good times" no matter how much you try same with bad times if you actually allow yourself to experience them, humans generally try to avoid pain/sorrow and as a result it's always lingering in the background. Just sitting and trying to experience as much of some triggered emotion as you can can do wonders.

Journal. Not in a "dear diary, today i ate cereal" kind of way but rather take your beliefs and thoughts and expand upon them and take them to all kinds of extremes. Also good opportunities to feel your emotion as, judging from your post, you will probably feel all kinds of sorrow and grief by taking your past/future to unwanted narrative places. Try to cry, write and cry, it's cathartic and feels good, your goal is to integrate all these feelings and thoughts, this stuff comes up because you don't have an answer that integrates into the narrative of your life.

Treat "negative emotions" as ring-bells that tell you it's time to improve both by being with it and writing about what you feel. It honestly becomes fun to get triggered because it's really hard to analyze yourself when you feel fine but know there are problems underneath.

Sounds like you have general anxiety disorder. Go seek a psychiatrist.

It increases plasticity and thus can be useful in correcting PTSD as long as stressors are removed.

I used to be just like you before reality beat the shit out of me. Literally turn your brain off. Ape the idiot chads you see around you and act instinctually like a dumbass. Your life will get much, much better. Literally fake it til you make it but with social skills and just functioning like a human being.

I agree about Ayn Rand. Atlas Shrugged isn't bad either but for me The Fountainhead had a bigger influence than any other book.

OP I found turning off my phone and reducing time on it overall helped a lot with this. Give it a try for a day or two and see if it helps you

Here king

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Kindly delete this

asian insects are disgusting

Only intimacy makes you happy, wether it is from intimacy with a spouse, or kin, or friends, or work, or a hobby. Building a skill is all that will ever be rewarding in life.



Seriously, what is Yas Forums anymore, nice file name bitch here is the most beautiful Asian woman on the planet but lets never know who she is so I can masturbate to her...okay

can you just stick to one board please you insufferable faggot?

smart post

they're likely plastic titties

>Crying onto my journal entries
Yeah no thanks


Try the Bible

LSD only works as an ego breaker when you are working with large doses
When I use small (sub 600ug) dosages all I want to do is listen to music and smoke anything I have to smoke until there's nothing more of it

Silent Darkness Five Grams

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and desu that just sounds like you are a very atypical responder to LSD. I had a life changing experience at ~160 ug.


Are you really confused why acheiving temporary highs are not giving you long lasting happiness?

You need some hobbies and life goals that you can incrementally work towards and make consistent progress on. Stop fantasizing about petty things.

Based, also I'm on the same boat as you. I've been doing these for past four months, haven't achieved the same amount of control over my thoughts as you, but it's gotten better. As for emotions, I try to stop and fully experience them. Even though they're uncomfortable sometimes, they do bring me to important actions.

I've also achieved a shit ton of goals and a constant energy level by waking up every day at the same hour and following a rather unchanging daily routine. There are important time slots between my routine things that I use to do wildly different things, however.

I wouldn't go back to how I used to be. No matter how much I re-evaluate my life, meditation, self-reflection via journals and waking up at 6:30AM remains a constant as things I should do. I've come to believe that I'll be reaffirming these until I'm old and dead.

trips of truth

Plastic titties on a plastic Korean.
Legit, don't think about fucking least of all breeding one of these bugwomen unless you want your kids to get loads of plastic surgery at age 18 or 21 as a graduation present.

Fuck you too dude

I’m like this because I spent elementary, middle and high school completely alone. Fuck off

you have some symptoms of Maladaptive Day-Dreaming which can become a problem if it gets out of control and stops you from doing the things you need to. it needs to be diagnosed by a proper professional, not via greentext or some internet questionnaire, but if you feel like it is a problem visit your GP and discuss it.
if you feel like you are day-dreaming because it is the only place you can feel positive emotions you should talk to someone about it. the best way to counter it is when you realise you are day-dreaming, you need to refocus on your physical self, recenter, scratch your leg or rub your face or focus on taking something out of your pocket, say what you see around you. basically, something physical to "snap out" of your day dream.

He's probably not talking about opiates, meth, etc..
Psychedelics are the shit and allow one to see the devils they've gotten comfortable with.

Psychs are definitely not for everyone. Especially, using them in an unwelcoming environment will not be a positive experience
>inb4 pussy