Is cardio good for you?

is cardio good for you?

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Other urls found in this thread: up bar stand

yes, it is coffee toilet poster

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Yes I'm drinking a cup of coffee right now.

Literal worse thing you can do for you're body

Humans were made for cardio, calisthenics and combat sports

Humans were not made to be big bloatlords who want to lift cars.

maybe you weren't

If I had super powers, I would have the ability to transform into her bicycle seat so I could literally take in the olfactory experience that is her puss and brapper during cycling


speak for yourself, twerp

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where can I get those goggles?

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What is the best road bike for like $200.

And is it acceptable to bike shirtless? Dont think I've ever seen it. Used to run shirtless.

>combat sports
False. We weren’t made to fight hand to hand at all. Our hands and digits are brittle, skulls are too thick, and we aren’t made to sustain a lot of head trauma without extreme consequences later down the road.

no you stupid dyel ngmi tranny

for 200 you'll need to find something used so try craigslist

Was gonna make a thread but this one is new enough.
What kind of Cardio is good to do at home if you hate running and don't have a bike? I go swimming on weekends but the fucking gyms are closed so I gotta find an alternative. I'm fucking sad bros, I want to stay active.

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Jump rope is the best cardio

jump rope
>(higher quality pic)

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Grappling sports are still combat sports and are arguably the main way humans fight hand to hand effectively when things come to that. Our strong point in the grand scheme of things is definitely using weapons though.

Holy fuck I literally have a jump rope that I never use because I already swim. Totally forgot about it! Thanks m8.

Based calisthenics bro. Gymcels are seething from these shutdowns

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You're so stupid.

I imagine a bike store

they’ll just never understand how unnatural and gross they look big their big, unproportional figure

yeah man, thanks

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I got some rings and started a calisthenics workout program and Im fucking destroyed for days afterwords from it. Parts of me that have no business being sore, are sore.

Imagine shes naked and instead of a bike seat she sits back on a BBC stretching that tight pussy

t. 140 pound twink

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where do you hang your rings?

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Maybe these gym closures are finally going to make more of you take the calisthenics pill

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They hang just fine on my pullup bar. Eventually Id like to get a proper stand though, the cramped space and height does limit the full range of the different exercises I can do, but it's still more than good enough for a beginner to rings&calisthenics.

Oh please, until you can do this, a normal pullup bar is all the height you need

You will be lucky to find something decent on Craigslist for that. It will be mid tier but old (12years +) or it will last maybe 5 years if ridden with vigor and moderately maintained.
Expect to put $50-$100 into a tune up unless you get really lucky.
Make sure you get a properly sized frame.

If you can save up more try Bikesdirect. Scour FB groups, LetGo and the like.
Stop into your local shop and ask, they may have some trade ins or clearance entry models.

Fuck yes she was made for Black dick

How much do you think one of those stands goes for?

Goal body

M8 unless your doorway is 12ft high, you're not going to be able to do that exercise on a pullup bar with rings.

Save more and buy a single speed. The workout is comparable. If your deadset on a roadbike get a specialized allez or sirrus.

Re-read my post, acknowledge that you're retarded, and leave up bar stand

I acknowledge that I misread your post but I will not acknowledge that I'm retarded because it would hurt my ego

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>it would hurt my ego
then at least acknowledge you're mentally weak

Take dmt.

>drugs enlighten you
kill yourself retard

Brock is literally a Germanic Wolfenstein mutant
This guy is NOT human, imagine what Himmler would say about him

That's your ego talking.

I think cardio with COFFEE is even better

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if you consider just walking at a normal pace and only sprinting if you need to go after an animal to be cardio then yeah
>combat sports
if you consider using sticks and stones as weapons as 'combat sports' then yeah

Take LSD, dissolves your ego.

3 years since I started calisthenics, never going back to weight lifting, even though I have mad respect for the big 4 and a bunch of other weighted exercises.

Calisthenics got me interested in flexibility training as well which is dope as hell.

this exercise is for show. Its more effective to break down front lever and back lever as separate skills.

Honestly who the fuck doesnt want to be able to lift a car? Seriously, name ONE person who wouldnt want to be able to given the opportunity.

everybody who wants to be ottermode

Otterfags are just prioritizing their looks over their strength. Ask any of them if they would want to be able to lift a car while looking the same, and they'll answer yes.

do you have any progress pics?

Humans have been ingesting substances since our time as primates. Plants create psychoactive chemicals for a reason you know.

Yeah now ask them if they would like to be capable of lifting a car but looking like a fucking fatty

>if you consider just walking at a normal pace and only sprinting if you need to go after an animal to be cardio then yeah
>he doesn't know

We're not sprint machines dumbass

Oh fuck this chick makes me INSTA DIAMONDS.

Puck Moonen

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why is he wearing a belt?

Probably headed to the gymnasium.

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