Why are boomers getting away with closing our gyms?

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The false flag coronavirus attack against the US is in full swing folks.
That whole "WE ARENT GOING TO INSTITUTE MARTIAL LAW" thing the other day was a lie.
They are going to do it slowly, taking things away from us a bit at a time, shutting down this state and that after "OH NOES CORONA VIRUS WAS FOUND IN THIS PLACE AND THAT PERSON WAS CLAIMED TO HAVE DIED FROM CARONA!!" they'll shut down something.

It's a calculated effort to handwaive the massive economic downturn across the globe and wipe out a certain portion of humanity.
Oh and the men and women who get carona will see their ability to reproduce lowered with men seeing their ability to produce testosterone lowered as well.
It's been designed by billy boy gates foundation and he has a patent on this very virus that has been released on pourpose.

What are the chinks and russkies and indians are going to do when the reality of what's going on hits.

Take your meds schizo



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Do you see the reaction to that post?
Call me a schizo then try to subtly enforce the idea that the pharma industry that's caused more damage then any disease you can name can help people.

Good tactic for dismissal of ideas isn't it.
I think I'll probably be killed soon for saying this. Espescially on a forum controlled by the alphabet agencies.

But if my guess is correct, the alphabet agencies are fully aware of what's going on and there is a bit of a war going on behind the scenes.

Or not. Who knows.

Traffic accidents kill a thousand people? No one bats an eye. Some flu kills a dozen and suddenly they shut down everything fun.

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The government is the biggest gains goblin. Fatties get food stamps that they spend on nothing but junk food. And now they are trying to keep Yas Forums from making it.

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nice pasta m8

Imagine living in shithole Florida kek

look at who's in charge. Old fucks

>Fatties get food stamps that they spend on nothing but junk food

Yet look what the president buys with your tax dollars lol. You might be retarded m8

Does anybody actually know anybody who died of covid-19?

there isn’t anything more disgusting than cold mcdonalds

>orders gyms to be closed
>orders the beaches to stay open

What did he mean by this?

Not him but you’re def a schizophrenic

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The CCP/Jews/Illuminati want us to lose our gains so it will be that much easier to round us up and steal our boipussy.
Think about it, it all makes perfect sense.

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No. I'd like know the stats vs flu last year at this point. It looks like a simulation to me.

Might get sick, gubermint advice stay indoors away from the sun and don't go to gym. This was an opportunity to get everyone to make an effort to eat right and lift, an opportunity missed.

stop smoking PCP


>Call me a schizo
>I think I'll probably be killed soon for saying this

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Memes are truly the most complex and advanced form of communication ever created

How can it be a false flag if there is nobody claiming they Did it?

This is a high quality meme

Since my gym closed I started paying my neighbor $5 a month to use his garage gym, thank god he's a power lifter so his gym is awesome.
Stay strong bros.

Should have just let it ride with zero shutdown. Couple million people will die and the other 328 million will be fine and barely notice after a week.

the shutdowns are so the healthcare system can deal with all the patients

Except the shutdown came too late and in tiny incremental steps instead of hard closing everything. First gyms, then bars, then restaurants, then beaches. Just do all of it at the same time. It's too late to be effective because they did it in steps. We would have been better off with everyone getting it at the same time and just letting 3% die.

Leave him alone, he's bulking.

Yeah because driving is useful where as this virus is not.

lmao falseflag. We're being run by incompetence. none if it's calculated. All reactionary.

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This will cause thousands of small business to go into bankruptcy. I care about that more than a relatively small amount of people dying.


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Driving doesn't fill our hospitals like this. the equivalent would be if some new kind of driving device was made and suddenly started to kill/injure at rate that we cannot cope with. It's all about flattening the curve so we don't get overrun.

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Less post makey, more med takey

me a few days ago

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10 years ago the boomers ruined my future to save their precious pension pots.

Now they're back to for the last tendrils of my existence to save their own lives.

For the dumbass NPC's in the thread trying to downplay how serious this is, let me make it simple for everyone:

COVID-19 isn't that traditionally different from how a flu-virus spreads, about 2.5 people infected per one infectee. Very easy to pass it as well. The flu also has a similar mortality rate in older folks and isn't a joke for kids. Hell, anyone who gets the flu knows it's terrible, even if you're perfectly healthy.

The difference is our bodies have no protection from this new strain of the virus. Like a viking raid on a village, your immune system is going to get raped. And while you might recover just fine, you're going to need to stay in a hospital. Now imagine if everyone who got the flu needed a hospital bed: the building fills up pretty fucking quick. Now imagine someone gets stabbed, or breaks their head open, or gets into a car crash, or needs their stomach pumped, or anything that might need a hospital bed: 90% of the beds are filled with infectious patients. Someone is going to die, and it could be you.

It's just gonna be for a few months at most, more likely 1-2 months. Just chill the fuck out, do some workouts at home, build the home gym that's better than a regular gym anyways, or just jerk off and enjoy life. Your great grandparents got through the great depression and you can figure this out.

I'd rather have some shitty calisthenics workout than get the regular flu anyways.

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B-b-b-but the Boomer-in-Chief has assured us that this is just a Democrat HOAX!

While I agree with you, I can't accept the state slowly and very surely taking away basic living fucking human rights away from me, when I don't even want to be part of this fucking decaying dead society anyway.
>go live in a cave
Literally did and the police forced them out because "reasons"

Now my country, with only about 300 infected cases (oh no the HORROR of 300 terminally ill 89 years olds dying) are literally banning going outside as of today. What will they take next? Your right to breathe? You already aren't allowed to touch things and one cough can bring the fucking swat on your ass.

This is becoming a veritable witch hunt and it will only get worse as the media keeps pushing the paranoia and mass hysteria agenda down the NPCs throats.

>I'd rather have some shitty calisthenics workout than get the regular flu anyways.
Yes, like I said I agree with all you said. But I'd rather take my chances with death than have my fucking freedom taken away from me. Just wait until they come with the microchips and barcode tattoos to "prove" that you're vaccinated, and refusal to get chipped and tattooed will leave you unable to get a job, buy things. Which is fine by me, really, I'm ok with this shit. I want off this fucking train anyway, but the problem is they don't even let you get off. You're forced on this shitty ride.
>ok then, go live in a cave
Read above.

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> taking away basic living fucking human rights away

the gym was never a human right

> But I'd rather take my chances with death than have my fucking freedom taken away from me.

>Just wait until they come with the microchips and barcode tattoos to "prove" that you're vaccinated
are you seriously one of those anti-vax retards

If vaccines work then what's wrong with him being anti-vax?

>If vaccines work then what's wrong with him being anti-vax?

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You don't have to be anti-vax to find the concept of being microchipped disturbing.

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What the difference between a microchip and your phone?

But he just brought microchipping out of nowhere. That has nothing to do with vaccines.

I still don't care. We've been talking about needing a plague to control population for decades yet when it finally appears you suddenly care about losing a small percentage of old and compromised people.

joking. people were joking about that

I don't want a microchip inside me.
Bill Gates did some Reddit Q&A a few days ago where he specifically mentioned how we'll be microchipping people and utilizing "digital tattoos" in the near future to track a person's vaccinations. He's an investor or some shit in one of these companies, the site is called id2020.com. I would get vaccinated personally, but I'm completely against making others do it against their will and even more against putting those creepy ass chips inside someone.

Second reply was meant for this post.

it's crazy how the retarded USA meme is not a meme. Restaurants & gyms were closed in my shitty eastern european country when we had 10 cases. Now 10 days later cases are 160.
How the fuck is the richest country in the world so bad at handling this.

Good luck ameribros

how is a chip any different than a permanent record or police file? It's not like they're gps's, think of it like an NFC tag.

Idk how many times I have to say it. I don't want it in my body.

Okay fine, but your paranoia about microchips have nothing to do with not spreading a completely preventable disease.

I'm personally fine with getting vaccinated. But I don't want anybody being forced into being vaccinated against their will and I don't want microchips to end up being the way that vaccinations are tracked, that you might be denied something just on the basis of not being microchipped.

Okay fine, but your paranoia about microchips have nothing to do with not spreading a completely preventable disease.

Absolute glownigger

Okay fine, but your paranoia about microchips have nothing to do with not spreading a completely preventable disease.

The fucking COVID-19 disease, not vaccinations dumbass.

Nah, the chip, combined with the 5G network, will develop into a very interesting device. Not only will it hold your ID which is then connected to everything, like your passport, bank account, driverslicence and any other licenses, it will also be track-able within the 5G network. Not only that, it will register when you sleep and are awake, body temperature, your social credit (check china and social credit), call in sick? your boss will just request an update from your chip and see if it will confirm that you are sick, and this chip is able to track various hormones. Which means they know when you do certain things, like when you get aggressive, or when you have sex or are masturbating.
Imagine this;
You walk down the street and when you enter into a coffee shop, there is this advertising board congratulating you with your pregnant girlfriend, have this free coffee when you opt in to buy this [X] baby related item at 25% discount.
Once you realise what's going on, you remember you didn't have sex with your partner for the last 2 months.
Now, maybe you don't have a partner, however you won't be able to log onto the internet without your "secure ID".
Remove it? You stop existing, you're not able to buy or sell.
Revelations 13, have a look.

> I don't want microchips to end up being the way that vaccinations are tracked, that you might be denied something just on the basis of not being microchipped.

What I read here is "I want to be unvaccinated and be allowed shit that is only for vaccinated people"

Can you even track a chip without any direct power? GPS's require battery and to send and receive signals. A microchip that would actually get placed in people would be too small to receive or send any sort of biometric or electronic signal. It'd be at-best like a small SD card with a couple hundred kilobytes of info at-best.

>Revelations 13, have a look.

Oh look, a christfag

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