Anyone else have hobbies that benefit from/require you to be Yas Forums? pic related...

anyone else have hobbies that benefit from/require you to be Yas Forums? pic related, lifting has given me infinitely more stamina while drumming

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idk if that's you in the pic, but it looks fucking badass

When I was a kid I used to trap squirrels , I feel down so much I almost cracked open my skull once climbing up a pine. Now my grip has improved I can trap twice as more.

I think that's Zach Hill from Death Grips

Checked and based

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Fellow drumfag here, playing percussion's my main job and not being DYEL makes it infinitely easier. I would hate myself if I had to carry half the shit that I do to/from gigs with a skeleton body

With mountain biking it helps climbing, the more technical/explosive motions required downhill, and you can just throw even the bars around like they're nothing.

judo, it makes cardio fun. randori is the shit.

nah its zach hill, definitely still badass
how did you manage to make it playing drums? i would be set for life if i could even just play with randos and gig around the city

How long did it take you to git gud?


What did they mean by this?

Extreme metal drummer here. Blast beats and double bass made my calves and forearms bulletproof.

Do you get hurt/injured a lot? I used to get so beat up grappling that it was really hard to focus at work. Age?

i have only been doing judo for 11 months dude, but i feel a lot more comfortable now than 11 months ago.
i have yet to get injured, as long as you fall properly you shouldn't get injured according to my teacher.

I run and cycle so obviously. My posture has gotten better. Thats great in any situation
How do you do it?

idk man what do you think i meant?


im a 10x better drummer than you

Went to undergrad school for music, was actually good, wasn't a shit person, and then between my actual ability and networking/nepotism things have been rolling since then. This whole quarantine mess sucks though because literally everything is canceled

Watching anime has made my cardio breddy good since I only watch anime doing cardio. I guess beat saber and rock climbing are my hobbies too but I only do them like once a year lol

If you think it's badass then I def recommend watching the movie "whiplash"

Pic related is nice cardio

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Your technique could probably be more efficient if you feel drumming requires a significant amount of stamina.

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I'm a blacksmith, which means I get to hit hot metal with a big hammer. Best hobby ever.

depends on what you play. i have a background in marching percussion and there is absolutely an element of stamina to some of the shit we play.

I play bass, keyboard, and high gauge guitar.

Lifting has given me insane grip strength that makes playing the bass/guitar incredibly easy. Especially with my pinky.
Keyboard has allowed me to keep my dexterity too a much higher degree than average.

I can now one hand hammer on entire songs on the bass while playing keyboard with my right hand.

Super comfy.

there is but there's also awful form with just full fisting the drumsticks so their not bouncing back on the rebound.

That's mainly about maintaining consistent attack, isn't it? Not quite so much O2 uptake.

I read.

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At certain points, performers at the DCI level reach heartbeat rates on par with professional athletes.

Doesn't it also involve some level of choreography?

Usually to an extent, but it's more about the pace at which they're moving, the distance they have to cover and the dexterity needed to actually play, all of which has to be done with 100% precision.

I'm not the guy that posted that, responding to you anyways.
Yes to march and play a drum requires quite a bit of athleticism ( but even the act of drumming alone requires stamina, for example this piece:
I performed this piece for a competition years ago and the hardest part about it was stamina.

I do boxing, so being fit helps.

Okay, but for a non-marching percussionist, I don't really think muscular stamina is that big of a deal if technique is ok. Even someone that looks like he'd have trouble walking down the street like Tyshawn Sorey is able to play very energetic and dense music for 40+ minutes.

Zach hill? Based af drummer

my hobby is going to the gym so being Yas Forums definitely helps

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Started playing ice hockey at the age of 25. Didnt even know how to skate. Was lifting for years prior to that. Greatest experience of my life. Having strong quads allows me to try up and down the ice faster than anybody, even if I cant do crossovers or can barely stop

Yeah, Zach Hill

Based af. Describe your forge? And how much was the anvil and tools?

>have yet to get injured, as long as you fall properly you shouldn't get injured according to my teacher.
kek that's bullshit

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>Best drummer ever?
Gotta give it to Bonzo, followed closely by Peart, Ginger, and Moon.
Ward and Watts are underrated.
>As a whole; fuck jazz drummers. Mechanical precision pieces of shit that could be served by a robot.

I enjoy paintballing. you need to have good cardio while sprinting between bunkers otherwise you'll get way too winded

i think you spelled "death metal drummers" wrong boyo
idunno but Purdies fun

I do a lot of cooking and baking in my spare time. Try whipping up egg whites and sugar to make a pavlova by hand.

So right now you don't have a hobby fir potentially months?

You just listed the most plebeian drummer ranking.

>jazz drummers are mechanical pieces of shit

Just because something is beyond your comprehension doesn’t mean it’s bad. Bill ward is a jazz drummer. Ginger baker is a jazz drummer, you fucking retard.

>Harvey mason
>Lenny white
>dude from mastodon
>Stuart Copeland
>Steve gadd

This is coming from somebody who has a tough time deciding whether zep or sabbath is his favorite band, too.


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zach is god

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As a long time drummer from drumcorps to jazz kit to metal, how the fuck do you cut your hand and bleed like that? Like what a retard does he know about playing zones to not rip his skin?

I bet you can’t even play in time in an ensemble setting


ive scored a near perfect score at NYSSMA three years in a row. i could fuck your mom in an ensemble setting in time

Maybe a cut from choking a broken cymbal or something

where did you march? I marched cavaliers for 1 season in 201X

As a drummer my posture got better from exercising and there 's no more back pain for sitting for hours. Kind of mandatory for me i guess.

Dancing benefits from cardio and functional strength

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I do so much reloading for my 8mm and 7.7 Jap I've grown a coomer arm from the press

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im a black metal/punk drummer. while you're right that my technique probably needs work, i doubt this fat motherfucker could play blast beats for 45 minutes