Why do women only do meme exercises at the gym?

Why do women only do meme exercises at the gym?

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is white claw seltzer good?

Nice... this is perfect for my (((women))) folder.

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Whats with the buttplug?


God fucking damn it I hate bartenders.


fucking based


Why are women so retarded? There was girl who said she loved me yet she had boyfriend. When i refused her she got buttmad.

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Fight guys in the school lunchroom?
I've never heard of this

>100cal and 0 carbs
yeah it is better than beer, but alcohol still kills gains

they're pretty decent. grapefruit is the best in my opinion. they're refreshing.

desu this doesn't even look like that bad a woman to have for a short term relationship with a chance at long term if she changes for the better at a subtle pace. you'd be surprised how many chicks like this will break down on your and do everything to keep someone who lays pipe like a champion and actually just smiles at them and doesn't cause them too much stress.

positive re-enforcement boys. if you ever fuck a troublemaker make sure you're not the faggots she normally deals with and she'll be so taken aback by it that she'll think you're unattainable and try twice as hard


You have no idea how wrong you really are.

user I fuckin love this. Got me

She's probably eaten miles of cock with her cooter already, why would you even bother?

Yes, but it will make you look like a fruitcake

10/10 b8, m8

Michelob Ultra is like 95 with 2.5.
Amstel and Heineken also make some very low count options.

I don't get the point of Whiteclaw, why not just buy decent vodka and La Croix or the like?

Not a fan but biased. I dislike seltzer style drinks

>do everything to keep someone who lays pipe like a champion

It’s not my fault you can’t do this part

Are women really like that starterpack? Absolute degenerates?

That's not the point, it's about whether or not you want someone like that in your life. I personally wouldn't and I'd like to hear other people's rationale on the matter, stop making it so personal.

You are fucking delusional. You had better be under 21, because otherwise it is shameful just how wrong you are.

t. coping roastie

the costco brand is better, in my humble opinion

Seething roastie lmao

"wrestle"/play fight

user they like stress, it gives them tingles and something to do, you really dont understand women, especially that type

400? in tips? women need to be exterminated NOW

Although for what it is, white claw seltzer isn't bad at all

Fuck off you cringy "muh deadacashion" fuckwit

Tastes good but all seltzers are overpriced

Absolutely not.

Its ok but I wouldn't buy it. Mostly idiot sheep buy it. Anyway I drank too many of these and blacked out at my girlfriend's law school prom. Would not recommend

That gym in the bottom left has the same dumbbells, seated bench, and preacher curl rack, all of which have to be older than I am, that my gym has.

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you only have this mentality because you internally believe you are not worthy of better

This meme is perhaps the most accurate thing I have ever seen.

>Sleeve tattoo done in rebellion of their parents in an effort to look tough.
>Whiteclaw because bartender but doesn't actually enjoy drinking cocktails (thus bartending job in dive bar)
>xanax or prozac or whatever for overmedicated depression stemming from parents placing blame on their daughter rather than themselves and trying to solve it with drugs.
>If you have taken cocaine you would understand why it's on here but everyone here is a nerd so whatever
>buttplugs to please overprotective boyfriend in bed despite not liking anal. Trying to make anal feel pretty. Maybe runs an onlyfans or chaturbate for money on the side, stemming from lack of self respect and general poverty
>Dog purchased because of all the dog memes that she now despises taking care of but takes facebook photos of for attention.
>Disney+ for faux irony of watching children's shows but really it's all her poorly educated brain can easily tolerate while numbed with weed and social media
>Has planet fitness membership in vain effort to get fit that will ultimately fail because she lacks the discipline and drive to actually accomplish a serious workout.
>The quote thing is maybe a chaturbate thing. If it's a bartender thing that's a pretty good night for tips. Maybe she's not thankful?
>Taco Bell... I can't argue against it.

Either way... saved. thank you sir. Pic unrelated.

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>trying to fix a broken dish washer
>not just buying a brand new one

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>she'll think you're unattainable and try twice as hard


Not all of them, some just take obscene amounts of steroids.

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>Has planet fitness membership
That's clearly not a Planet Fitness because it doesn't look like a Lakers' jersey threw up all over it.

yeah rly good, also it makes u look like a fag whole u drink it, which is a plus

>second day at new gym
>doing lateral raises in free weights area
>yoga pants + sports bra thot sets up next to me
>she "benches" 8kg dumbbells with full powerlifter autism back arch

Why are they like this?

Unironically post more of this

She just wants your attention, not your heart

I'm sorry you don't know how to speak to women without making them feel uncomfortable user

>he's worried other people will judge him for putting fruit in his alcohol
do you feel like a sissy little faggot when you eat pineapples, too?

it's a white trash thing, probably a minority thing also since they're mostly trash as well. bad label for the shitty meme honestly because the kind of girls who would literally fight guys at school were always the big fat loudmouthed trailer trash girls. the meme in OP should actually be "the 'I was molested when I was 10' starter pack"


This is unreasonable accurate. My ex was a bartender and her and her friends were pretty much this post to a fuckin t. I even have a few of her friends on Snapchat and they do that same pose on insta. I’d throw in some plastic surgery and maybe a wedding with a giant red X through it

they prefer the promise of a quick fix > hard work

I wish I had any contact with females. Im so fucking lonely guys. Can get dates off Tinder but im too autistic to capitalize and they usually ghost after 1st date

Please post your folder, bro.
>without making them feel uncomfortable user
I want sex
>um hello?
>cunt now please
pretty simple

Because it’s super accessible and girls don’t like beer now. I hate white claw but I like it more than the shitty vodka cocktails girls always drink


Weak analogy.
A dishwasher is more valuable than a woman, and actually fixable.

It's meh. Mostly hype and marketing, like kids that have to wear $100+ outdoor brand jackets and footwear, even though the most time they ever spend outside in inclement weather is going to their car or having a smoke.

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>Non virgin women

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