Im going to start a relationship with this brap hog slampig zoomer in the future. Have I made it Yas Forums?

Im going to start a relationship with this brap hog slampig zoomer in the future. Have I made it Yas Forums?

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Fuck her and dump her, But fuck her real good.

i would rather be dead in a gutter than be in a relationship with her, but each to their own

She's really nice and plays video games too. She's a keeper. Sex will most likely be INCREDIBLE. Meeting her next week so we can cuddle and play games and maybe fuck.

if you have no standards than yes you made it.

you didnt even secure it yet, why are you wasting time posting this on the internet?

Dude she's not thick, she's fucking obese. It's disgusting. She will only get even more out of control when you settle for her.

She looks like she's got some pretty big tits.
Im proud of you OP I'd definitely smash.

I wish i was a 6' chad with 8 inch cock i could slam these fucking fat disgusting cute faced slampigs hard so they would squirt their pussy juices after I banged them. I would do cardio so i could fuck them for hours just hard clapping their fat out of shaped asses as they are screaming in pain and pleasure as i ram them harder and harder. Id shove my thick fucking cock down their throat and blow my gigantic load ive been keeping in my balls for weeks. Then id slap her stupid face and tell her to leave because she smells like sweat and shit.

Absolutely not. You could (and should) have done that without lifting a weight in your life lmao

Have fun after 10 years and 2 kids. Can't wait to see you on my 1200lb life feeding her immobile lard ass.

>It's a Tinder meetup
If it's not at her house, you're not smashing, m8

>Have I made it Yas Forums?
Only if you can lift her

>Sex will most likely be INCREDIBLE.
The "fatties are better at sex" meme is the cope to end all copes. If she's too lazy and disgusting to get up a flight of stairs without running out of breath, how the fuck is sex going to be good?

some people like that desu

Honestly I'd hit it. But I definitely would not date her, that's embarrassing

no one gonna point out how fucking round those milkers are, have fun OP she seems great.

You just crushed him mentally !

Got lots to play with. Thats why I like girls on the chubbier side. I don't think she is obese. She has fat in all the right places. She actually has a cute face without makeup too and wasnt afraid to show me unlikw other girls who would tell me oh im ugly blah blah blah. She is my type.


4/10 erotica, I only came twice to it.

best of luck user, i really do hope it works out.

>I don't think she is obese
Nigger she weighs easily 250 pounds. Obesity is not a matter of opinion.

>i dont think she's obese
as a guy who likes bigger girls, she is obese my dude. it's all in the right places, sure, but she sure as shit would count as obese.

based, i agree desu
even if i get swole as fuck i'll always have an average sized dick, feels bad man

Curious what kind of guy settles for a disgusting lazy pile of lard this this thing. Fuck you must have zero self esteem. Imagine being seen with it in public? Imagine being so mentally ill you're proud of being in a relationship with it? Also, imagine the smell. 100% guaranteed to smell like two week old sour cream pussy within an hour of taking a shower. Disgusting. Sad.

Post body.

I'm casually seeing this chubby blonde I met on hinge right now and she has no interest in physical activity. I don't think I'll date her long term because of it but holy shit she fucks like a god

these people settling on fatasses obviously have never had sex with a normal sized woman before

yes because everyone shares your same prefernces and mindset, look past your autism retard. just because you dont find her attractive and wouldnt want to be seen with her doesnt mean other people wouldnt. Also the fact that you think shed smell just makes me know youre a turbo virgin. Have sex please

or they have a preference for bigger women you fucking melon, you obviously have never had sex with any women.

>Brap Hog
>Pic is not related, doesn't show the actual braper
KYS and ngmi

My girlfriend is 4' 11" and weighs 108lbs. The fact that you think this hambeasts pussy doesn't habitually smell like blue cheese makes you the fucking virgin. it's thighs sweat just from the short walk from the couch to the fridge and back.

Congrats on scoring this top tier land whale for your first relationship. Sad part is she's probably dating down lmfao kys.

who hurt you growing up?

its called having a mental illness. there are probably people out there who prefer to eat a gristle filled asshole cut of steak over some lean tenderloin too

Preference = zero self esteem with mental illness.

If you are attracted to the disgusting blob in the photo, you have a mental illness. Seek help.

Have you ever had sex with a woman who is actually in good enough shape to run a mile? Does your idea of great sex involve just taking turns sitting on the bottom while the other half-assedly thrusts and finishing in three minutes? A whale would be physically incapable of doing anything I wanted her to do.
Fat people smell like garbage. All of them, male or female. Op's pic is big enough to have a shitload of skin folds and to be unable to reach half of her body with her arms to clean herself.

if youre not shitposting im seriously concerned for your sanity.

how fucking brain dead can you be, literally not how preferences work at all. i didnt think there was this many genuine autists on this board

yeah lol, she's not my girlfriend or anything, I'm still dating regular girls too. She's just super generous and kinky in bed, and loves to get slammed full blast for a long time. It's not as fuck as fucking a fit surfer chick or something but it's still super fun sex and there's zero commitment or expectations

He is right.

She will have major health issues down the road ignoring that alone and going after a relationship means you aren't thinking clearly.

Everyone knows fatties smell, man
They sweat more, eat greasier shit, and can't clean themselves properly

I'm 6'2 white dude in decent shape and I'm having a blast slamming cute faced tinder fatties while looking for someone legit on the side lmao

not OP btw and id only shag her

have you ever even met a fat woman before? how do you know that they all cant clean themselves properly, the incel Freudian slips here are amazing

thats how I know you grew up slapping whack pussy

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I'm American, I see lardasses every single day. They all smell.
>how do you know
Can you read, nigger? They have greasy, sweaty fat folds.

that they can clean fucktard, ive actually been with fat girls and none have smelt bad

would love to see her get BLACKED RAW

sex with fatties is terrible. I've done it once and I will never do it again. fatties are subhuman

I do not believe you.

May as well just end it.


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why would i lie

habeeb it

probably the most reasonable post itt


Just the opposite

Hell no. Don't do it bro, anything but slampigs

Just use her and keep her around for fun. They stay, trust me. Unless you're a fat neckbeard as well.

So are you a black man or a blue collar white man?



Lol you fucking fag. The only person I cuddle with is my mother. Only cucks cuddle with gfs

>she plays videogames
hahahaha she’s just like your bros haha does she wanna be a cop too and fuck women after fixing your car, jfc bro get it together, you never want a girl who likes man shit, because they’re fucked up in the head, probably only does that shit for attention anyways