/PLG/ Powerlifting General

>Sacrifice three of kin to open the gym edition

>The official pastebin

Read the pastebin if you're looking for programs and instructional videos

Attached: gym access .png (684x550, 223.33K)

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we still rocks or nah?

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/plg/ always gave me tripfag vibes
are half of you miscers?

bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.

nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".

bench. press. is. king.

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(not for a long time but there was some crossover for a while)


Some kind of supinated curl, preacher hammer curl, rotary calf raise, seated leg curl, leg extension.
Shitty boring session, but whatever.
Training with the gf today, so at least I won't kill her with squats or something, I guess.
Mom is making fish soup tonight.
I'm tired, hopefully quiet.
Looking forward to seeing the gf. Hoping to get a lot done, but also wishing I could just do nothing today.

That place completely died after 2014 with the incel invasion, and for some reason mods went hard on banning everyone including older posters and it was just endless rep trading and mod/fem miscer fellating

Squat and OHP mainly
Whatever I can find in my house
The Offspring
Feeling some awesome depression coming on thanks to being stuck inside for a week. I'm dreading two more weeks of this.

Meadows and Nippard discuss people needing to stop being a bunch of lazy, excuse-ridden faggots and train.

I've been doing SS for 3 months next week, should i take a deload week, or just keep going?

my gym is staying open through the crisis

The deload protocol is only for stalls. If you're progressing just fine keep going.

i've only stalled on ohp, i deloaded and brought it back up 2kg at a time instead of 2.5kg

how much should i deload by?

i deloaded my ohp by 80% and realized later it was a mistake to go down that far, 85 or 90%?

Attached: strange.png (931x1155, 305.09K)

>deload from empty bar to pvc pipe

deloaded my OHP from 50kg to 40kg and increased the weight by 2kg instead of 2.5kg

It's deload by 10%

Got a baby on the way soon boys, reckon it would be more prudent to start something a bit less powerlifting specific like 531 or AtS and just focus on general strength with whatever hypertrophy I can manage?

The biggest gains goblin

all I have is a bench press and an area to do deadlifts in my home gym. what excercise could I do to replace the squat?

You can do zercher squats. God I'm fucking jealous living in a flat only have dumbbells that reach up to 20kg (bought when first started 4 years ago) and gym is closed. Fuck corona mang.

Nut up and do zerchers. Get ready to learn how to brace your core for real.

Congrats lad I have a 7 month old first one. Expect the first 3 months to be absolute shit. The best thing that I did was switched to Sheiko for over 80kgs and just kept doing the first 2 prep periods and now that his sleeping pattern is becoming more normal i've actually put on some strength.
On the bright side thinking about doing a lift for the little guy is stronger motivation than any shitty metal playing in the background.

just clean the bar and push press it up and back to your shoulders then lunge. Your OHP should be roughly half your squat which should be perfect for lunges.

For those of you on statewide lockdown, what are your specific restrictions? I have a key to my gym so if my state goes full quarantine, what consequences would there be for me to keep going there?

Doubt anything can happen unless your gym owner is a cunt and takes you to court. Worst case scenario you would be told off by the guy if caught.

nah, the owner specifically told me he's all for us coming in on our own. I'm worried about cops driving by.

Work out in full darkness and sell your gains in the black market

I actually prefer lifting in the dark anyway so maybe this is the perfect opportunity.

I just fixed my deadlift form and my weights were FLYING up a week ago


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Jesus Christ
I just did my first successful set of presses with bands, it's really damn hard
I've got just 38kg on the bar and the band, but the lockout is crazy difficult, for obvious reasons
I'm not sure if this will help me maintain my press though, but it's the best shot I got

Also I forgot to mention I'm stepping on the band, so it's stretched like crazy at the top but pretty okay at the bottom
I actually think this imbalance might fuck me up

the lower portion of my press is the weak spot. From what you're describing I don't think that's going to help. You don't have anything around 100-200 lbs you can press? A rock? A big ladder? Sandbags? A backpack full of books?

Nope, nothing at all.
I have just 53kg total weight and the band, but I press in the 80kg range.
It's still better than nothing or bodyweight crap by a long shot though.

load the weight into a backpack and press it one-handed like a kettlebell.

Why would I do that?
Do you think that'd be better than doing regular presses? Sure, the weight is lower, but they're definitely tough to do.
I just did another with just 5kg added and I gave up after the 8th or 9th rep.

If only the lockout is challenging because the band tension is much lower at the bottom then you won't be training the bottom of the lift at all. You'll hit triceps but not delts. If you do one-handed with weight and no band you'll get more delt activation.

Well I'm not saying it's piss easy.
It's just much easier in comparison, only the lockout really tires me out.
You just gave me an idea though, I think I'm gonna do both from now on. 3-5 sets of this at ~48, then 2-3 AMRAPs with about 30kg bag per arm. Thank ye

Also I just figured out how to do band deadlifts
By folding the band in half and taking a snatch grip it's actually a little hard to do them with my baby weights, feels good

Galaxy brain press yourself

What mango are the image from?

This corona shit is really frustrating, fuck you spaghetti niggers

You can blame (((the usual suspects))) for that:
>first they sold factories in northern Italy to chinks (which brought along tons of chink workers, and direct flights to China and Wuhan) so that they could make clothes for cheap but still brand them as made in Italy (this is a big deal for peabrains)
>of course this was a good thing, think of all the ethnic food! Think of the diversity!
>politicians and journalists (not even joking here) went totally batshit about nooooo not the chinkerinos you can't just stay away from them and their communities!!!
>The commie mayor of Florence literally said you should go out and hug chinks to show them support and that you're not rayciss. Leftists did this plenty
>crisis grossly mishandled, restrictions and lockdowns came way too late and weren't enforced right at first
>the media leaked that lockdown would happen a day before, and 100k morons that were working or studying in the north rushed back to their families in the south to infect their aging parents and grandparents

I know it's the chinks' fault through and through, but I'm really pissed regardless
I never thought being stuck to doing meme shit with bands would be so frustrating, but here I am trying to maintain my lifts
If I was a richfag I'd have spent 500€ on some plates and a proper barbell long ago

>I know it's the chinks' fault through and through
You can't blame animals
It's the fault of politicians and journalists
As always
Wouldn't be surprised if we found out bankers are somehow involved too

My father says I can't put a rack in the basement because there's no space, but if this bullshit keeps going longer than a few months I'm throwing away the heap of trash we have down there (shit like empty boxes we've had for 20 years but you can't throw them away because they might come in handy one day) and buying rack bar and plates.
He always says he wants to come to the gym with me, now the gym comes to him so he has no excuse.

Are you willing to pay this much money?
A home gym is insanely expensive, especially compared to the price of a commercial gym (for reference, I pay 15€ a month at my gym with a proper power rack, goodish barbells and equipment in general)

Sprints, jumps and plyo push-ups

Eggs and ground beef for protein but I'm running out of eggs

Dissatisfied that my training is going out the window but coping decently well with meme exercises

God I want to kill all chinks and boomers

This is fucking ridiculous
An actual fucking scam
Imagine having to pay 50+€ for a single fucking 20kg plate

>found a guy selling a barbell and four 20kg plates for $200
>can't drive to pick them up anyway because of the quarantine

Home gyms aren't THAT expensive. Most expensive part is the barbell because it's not something you should cheap out on. You don't need to invest in a rogue rack to have a home gym, although if you can find something with Westside hole spacing in general it's very worth it. Used plates shouldn't be more than 0.50-0.65 cents a lb. Horse stall mats are cheap as hell to deadlift on, and then that's it.

Are you not allowed to leave the house?

>Used plates
No such thing where I live
See above

i'm not allowed to leave the state by the government, and not allowed to leave the house by my mother

That sucks
Can't you get the guy to ship them for an additional fee?
It's a lot of weight so it'd cost you, but $200 for a good barbell and 4 plates is a great damn offer

it's incredibly expensive to ship that amount of weight, i wouldn't be surprised if i have to pay another $200 just for shipping. i don't think the guy has a good barbell either

i might buy the weights after the quarantine is over but i'll have to drive 14 hours to pick them up

It's got to be around 1k dollars which is a bit of an investment but it'll be worth it and it'll last a long time.

I've actually found plates on alibaba and the prices are pretty much as low as they can be.
Not sure if I should purchase from chinks though.

shipping will be the bulk of your cost. Virus will die in transit.

I figured as much, I can work the shipping costs out with them, obviously. The only problem is I'm not sure if they will accept shipping a single barbell and only a few plates, it looks like they mostly ship to gyms etc.
Also concerned about the virus thing, as expected